Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This is the world of fear and loathing you Republicans allowed to flourish under George Bush and his terror regime...the same fear you're backing by giving so much credence to abject idiots like Palin and Bachmann and Santorum and Glenn Beck. You broke it, you bought it.
We should all apologize to our grandfathers and great grandfathers for allowing the jew lawyers ruin a great country that our forefathers gave their lives to create and defend. What will ever prompt the majority to become active in politics once again? Our voting system, our checks and balance system, our judicial system, and our media system have all become nemisis to the citizens of this great country because we have allowed a small corrupt group to manipulate and now control a great amount of the world because of our uninvolvement.

ReplyThe war was never about getting the oil. It was about getting the Iraqi oil off the world market. Iraq had a pipeline going through Turkey selling oil in euros. Iran had a pipeline going through Afghanistan selling oil in Yuans. Guess what! Both pipelines were destroyed, oil went to $240 per barrel, and the Saudis made trillions because Europe and China had to buy oil from other sources.

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