Monday, October 31, 2011

THE BRUTAL MURDER of Muammar Gaddafi by Zionist-owned Libyan insurgents is an example of what happens to political leaders who defy international Jewish bankers. Gaddafi refused to do the bidding of the Rothschild-centered global banking cartel in 5 areas: • A Gaddafi-Centered African Union With A Common Currency Here & Here • A Gaddafi-Run Central Bank Of Libya Here • A Gaddafi-Holding Of 150 Tons Of Gold Here • A Gaddafi-Run Libyan Oil Industry Here • A Gaddafi-Run ‘Blue-Gold’ Water Reserves Here IN JULY OF 2011, the son and heir apparent of Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, stated that it wasn’t just Libya’s ‘black gold’ (oil) that the Zionist West wants, but Libya’s ‘blue gold’ (water) – the some 500 miles of the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System that lies beneath Libya’s surface. The Nubian Aquifer is the only fresh water source that remains in North Africa and thus is the focus of what has become known as “Water Wars.” Two French water firms, the largest in the world, Veolia and Suez SA,” says al-Islam, want to own the Nubian Aquifer, since they will make countless billions in profit from food grown from the water. Both Veolia and Suez SA, like all multinational corporations, are doubtless funded by Jewish finance capital. And Louis Dreyfus International, a Jewish French firm, would apparently be the food broker. Al-Islam points out that every IMF and World Bank loan, both controlled by Zionist Jewry, is issued on the condition that the victim-nation sells its water supplies to private investors. View Entire Story Here, Here, Here & Here. It appears that Saif al-Islam’s testimony against Zionist Jewry has been silenced forever as he has been reportedly encircled by the Zionist-owned Libyan insurgents on October 20, 2011, the same day his father was captured and mercilessly murdered. Gaddafi’s main threat to International Jewry’s Banking Cartel was his plan for a common African currency—the gold-backed Libyan dinar—which would have replaced the all fiat-issued US dollar, British pound, and French franc as the main currency in Africa. Jewish banking interests were clearly at stake as the US dollar is maintained by the Jewish-run Federal Reserve Bank; the British pound by the Jewish-run Central Bank of England; and the French franc by the Jewish-run Banque de France. Is it any surprise then that the three major invaders of Libya — America, England, and France — whose Zionist-bought leaders: Obama, Cameron, & Sarkozy, are praising the brutal and slow murder of Libyan chief, Muammar Gaddafi? No, it is no surprise at all. View Entire Story Here, Here & Here. ZIONIST BLOOD THIRST CALLING FOR BOOTS on the ground, Jewish president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass, after admitting that the Libyan invasion was to oust Gaddafi via “regime change” — sought a US-led NATO occupation of Tripoli. In a quick follow-up to Haass’ blood thirsty call, Jewish neocon Philip Zelikow, former US State Department Counsellor and 9/11 Commission Head, wrote that “Gaddafi’s fall” would spark a “Democratic Spring” (read Jewish puppet governments) throughout the Arab world. Leading the Zionist fray, it was the same Jewish sleaze balls who brought us the Iraq War through their lies about Saddam’s ‘weapons of mass destruction,’ namely, the “Project for a New American Century,” now reincarnated as, “The Foreign Policy Initiative,” who urged in their June 2011, “Open Letter To House Republicans,” the toppling of Muammar Gaddafi. THE SIGNATORIES to the Letter read like an invitation to a Bar Mitzvah…this time a very bloody one indeed: Elliott Abrams, John Podhoretz, Robert and Fred Kagan, Lawrence Kaplan, Robert Lieber, Michael Makovsky, Eric Edelman, Kenneth Weinstein, Paul Wolfowitz, Randy Scheunemann. View Entire Story Here & Here. And of course, the leader of the Zionist rat pack, Jewish neocon William Kristol, apparently dictates US military policy as evinced in this Fox News interview: “No we cannot leave Gaddafi in power and we won’t leave Gaddafi in power.” Kristol and his fellow blood-thirsty Jews have now seen their dream come true. In violation of both International Law and the Geneva Convention’s prohibition of the mutilation of prisoners of war, Muammar Gaddafi is now among the Zionist-murdered dead. ___________________________________ Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Online donation system by ClickandPledge Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 1242, Frisco CO 80443 E-mail: __________________________________________ For More See: The Jews Behind NATO’s Rape Of Libya Click Here And: The REAL Tribe SEEKING Regime Change In Libya Click Here And: The Zionist Plan For Libya Click Here And: International Bankers Vs Nation-States Click Here A JEWISH POLICE STATE IS COMING By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2008-2010 Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner & Link To Real Jew News (SM) Please Help Support This Site! Online donation system by ClickandPledge Or Send Your Contribution To: Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443 E-mail: THE JEWS WHO RUN the US Department Of Homeland Security now have in their possession police technology imported from the fascist state of Israel. Already, the Talmudic Jew, Michael Chertoff, the head of the DHS, has made a secret deal with Israel disguised as the “Maryland/Israel Homeland Security Partnership” which will be used against Americans who are sick & tired of the Jewish cabal here in America. On March 23 2008, Canada and Israel signed a Declaration To Cooperate On Public Safety (translate: Declaration To Cooperate On A Police State). This Declaration will include collaboration with the US Department of Homeland Security now working with Canada concerning “security issues” with respect to the pending NAFTA Super Highway. Over 20 US States to date have signed formal agreements with Israel to utilize Israeli police technology. Here Are The Jews Of US Homeland Security Who Will Police Americans: Michael Chertoff: This Jew is the Secretary of US Homeland Security. Chertoff is a Talmudic Jew who looks upon Gentiles as sub-humans. A dual citizen of Israel & the US, Chertoff has a primary loyalty to Israel since Jews serve their own interests before those of their host nation. Paul A. Schneider: This Jew is the Deputy Secretary of US Homeland Security. Fred L. Schwien: This Jew is the Secretary of Operations of US Homeland Security. Jay M. Cohen: This Jew is the Secretary for Technology of US Homeland Security. (This Big Brother Jew is the one who will embed a micro-chip into your wrist or forehead). Washington Airport Security Will See Passengers Stark Naked Here FLYING THE FRIENDLY SKYS? UNFRIENDLY JEWS WILL BE WATCHING.. “As Soon As You Walk Into The Airport” reports Computer World “the machines will be watching.” Here’s More: – “The system will size you up at the security checkpoint. An array of sensors — video, audio, laser, infrared — feeds a stream of data about you to a central computer. The system interprets your gestures and facial expressions, analyzes your voice and probes your body to determine your temperature, heart rate, and respiration rate — all in an effort to determine whether you are trying to deceive. Fail the test and you’ll be pulled aside for a more aggressive interrogation. This scenario may sound like science fiction but the US Department of Homeland Security is deadly serous about making it a reality by 2012.” – (Computer World) JEWS WILL IMPRISON CITIZENS VIA THE MILITARY COMMISSIONS ACT IN THE FINAL HOURS before Congress adjourned in 2006, President Bush signed the Military Commissions Act Of 2006. In doing so, the Constitution was violated and the principle of habeas corpus which protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment was thrown to the wind. This Military Commissions Act Of 2006 gives the President absolute power to designate “enemy combatants.” Section 6 of the Military Commissions Act strips those declared an “enemy combatant” of the right to be heard in court to establish his or her innocence as guarded by the Constitutional principle of habeas corpus. This Act violates Article I, Section 9, Of The US Constitution: — “The privilege of the writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion.” — Presently, the suspending of habeas corpus will be applied to “non citizens.” But once one class of people is deprived of their rights it’s only a matter of time before other groups are also deprived. Moreover, the Act’s “enemy combatant” designation applies to both Americans & foreigners. Thus by establishing Military Tribunals for “enemy combatants” - the Military Commissions Act puts the US Military in control of American citizens. This Tyrannical Law Has Been Created To Fight That Ever Present Boogey Man: The So-Called War On Terror And It Is The Anti-Christian Jews Of US Homeland Security Who Will Imprison Christian-Americans Critical Of Their Agenda Unless We Stop Them Now! ______________________A CHRISTmas Hating Jew Is Foiled! A CHRISTmas Hating Jew Is Foiled! A CHRISTmas-HATING JEW IS FOILED! THE UNITED JEWISH FEDERATION’S director Bonnie Meadow of Duchess County NY got a “wake up call” from Hyde Park’s Town Hall last Friday, December 7 2007. After threatening the town that a Nativity Scene on the lawn of the Hyde Park Town Hall “violated federal law,” the Jew Bonnie Meadow had to eat some kosher crow. For the public outcry following Meadow’s request was more than she expected. Thus Bonnie Meadow deemed it would probably be “politically correct” to write a public apology to the Town Hall: — “I never dreamt that my request to remove the Nativity Scene would upset so many people so much. It was never my intent to hurt anyone or to spoil their holidays. In view of the public outcry, I hereby rescind my request.” — See: Manger Scene Stays In Hyde Park CHRIST HATING JEWS are liars. Just look at what Meadow said with her tail hanging between her legs: “It was never my intent to hurt anyone or to spoil their holidays.” Now that’s a lie if I ever saw one! For it was indeed her intent and all the Christ-hating Jews’ intent to destroy Christianity in whatever form it is publicly expressed throughout America. Do we all see here that the only language these Christ-hating Jews understand is the language of force? This is why all of us must be very vocal in telling these Christ-hating Jews: “That’s enough Jews. Your Christ-hating agenda has now come to an end!” Why do I say that the Christ-hating agenda of the Jews “has now come to an end?” Because the Jews simply do not know when to stop their obnoxious, obsessive ways. Have we not all at some point in our lives experienced the pushy Jew? And how did we react? But now all of America is experiencing the pushy Jew! And how is America going to react? I think we all know the answer…

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