Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Occupation Iraq: U.S. Guns Down Entire Family I'm not buying the "suicider vest" scitte, folks! "11 Iraqis die in raid, suicide bombing; US operation at Mosul house sought militant" by Jeffrey Fleishman, Los Angeles Times | October 6, 2008 BAGHDAD - Eleven Iraqis, including six women and children, were killed yesterday when a suicide bomber set off explosives during a raid by US forces on a house in Mosul, the US military said. A military statement said the bomb detonated as US forces exchanged gunfire with suspected insurgents and stormed a building in search of a wanted man. The military said it was unclear whether those who died, all believed to have been from one family, were killed by the explosion, gunfire, or a combination. Two children, a 3-month-old and a 5-year-old, survived. And now THEIR LIVES have been TOTALLY SHATTERED due to BUSH'S OCCUPATION!!!!!! God damn you, AmeriKa!!!!! Gunmen killed five mourners and injured seven others yesterday at a funeral in Mosul's Zinjili neighborhood. In separate attacks in the city, gunmen killed a butcher in his shop and a government customs worker. The Iraqi army in the Mosul region also arrested a suspected Al Qaeda operative, seizing documents, 13 bombs, and telecommunications equipment, according to spokesman Brigadier General Khalid Abdul Sattar. Gunmen, huh? "Al-CIA-Duh" documents, 'eh? Occupation Iraq: Israelis Killing U.S. Troops Occupation Iraq: Israeli-Trained Death Squads Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business Prop 102: Iraq and Government Lies Al-CIA-Duh Who Invented "Al-CIA-Duh?" "Al-CIA-Duhs" Catch-and-Release Program Asymmetrical Warfare Group Operation Gladio Operation Northwoods Occupation Iraq: British Bombers Occupation Iraq: America's Roadside Bombs Salvador Option Special Police Commandos Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group Prop 201 tutorial FRU Islam's 9/11 How much more evidence do you need? Case closed on AmeriKa's MSM and its PROPAGANDA SHOVELING, folks! Final fart bleat: New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation With poot: Operation Mockingbird Oh, about that sectarianism: Memory Hole: The Dream Vacation Memory Hole: Sistani's Reach Memory Hole: The Uniters of Islam Occupation Iraq: Sectarian Saviors The Real Muqtada al-Sadr The SCALE of MSM LYING is ALMOST BEYOND BELIEF, readers. And if THIS is BULLSHIT, then WHY WOULDN'T ALL of the agenda-pushing garbage be? Why wouldn't it be ALL LIES, readers? When have they EVER TOLD the TRUTH -- or at least, REPEATED IT like the LIES? Case closed, readers. In Baaj, about 80 miles southwest of Mosul, security forces arrested a Syrian suspected of making bombs, according to a police official. The man was allegedly carrying $70,000, a pistol and three GPS devices. --more--" The fucking ZIONIST AGENDA-PUSHING NEVER ENDS for the SHIT BAGS of the AmeriKan MSM, does it? FYI, readers: The number of Iraqis killed by the surge has been around 300 per day, 10,000 per month -- with 1.2 million Iraqis dead since the invasion (probably 2 million by now). Also see: Story Iraq: MSM Lied About Death Tolls Memory Hole: 600,000 DEAD! Occupation Iraq: One Million Dead Iraqis You clear now about those "unappreciative Iraqis," readers? Posted by Rocker at 10:14 AM Labels: Iraq Links to this post Create a Link

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