Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The "Terrorism" Business Did anyone catch this from the Mike Moore/Wolf Blitzer interview? "MOORE: ... But why don't you tell the truth to the American people? I mean, I wish that CNN and the other mainstream media would just for once tell the truth about what's going on in this country, whether it's with healthcare -- I don't care what it is. I mean, you guys have such a poor track record.... You fudged the facts to the American people now for I don't know how long about this issue, about the war. And I'm just curious when are you going to just stand there and apologize to the American people for not bringing the truth to them that isn't sponsored by some major corporation? I mean, I'll sit here for as long as it takes, if you can do that for me. BLITZER: Just in fairness, we had a lot of commercials for "Sicko" that we've been running on CNN as well. So we have commercials. This is a business, obviously." [Oh, so it's a BUSINESS, huh, Wolf? That means you are SELLING a PRODUCT not REPORTING FACTS, huh, Wolf? Yup, selling "Al-CIA-Duh terror!" Didn't C(IA)NN just admit that the "terrorist dry runs" were ALL BULLS***? "Also, you should remember all that talk earlier this week about the terrorist dry runs at airports here in the U.S. Well, just kidding. It turns out it was all one big false alarm. We'll explain." -- CNN anchor T.J. Holmes, at the top of Saturday morning newscast (via Nexis)." I guess that's why Brian Williams says he's in the "terrorism business," huh, reader? Funny that NBC is a Nightly News leader in "TERROR" scares. I know, reader, because monitoring these liars has been my mission for years now, even though I just started blogging in the last year. In fact, I've given up my life for it because NOTHING is MORE IMPORTANT than STOPPING and EXPOSING these Neo-Con fascist madmen! The world must know that not all Americans approved of this CRIMINAL, MASS-MURDERING GOVERNMENT! And I, for one, CONDEMN IT!!! Posted by Rocker at 5:52 PM Labels: MSM, Prop Links to this post MSM Monitor: CIA Sees Window in Yemen MSM Monitor: Occupation Iraq: Bordering on Staying Sunday Globe Special: bin Laden's Bunker Beating a Dead bin Laden A Kiss is Just a Kiss They Don't Want Your Blood Money Rumblings Around Russia Yemen Protesters Are Terrorists No Yelling About Yemen Pakistan Releases "Al-CIA-Duh" Man India's Islamic Extremists MSM Monitor: Kerry's Crap Missile Strike Math Pakistan's Social Scene Cryptic Attack on Coptic Church Occupation Iraq: "Al-CIA-Duh" Canceled Christmas Sri Lankan Second Slow Saturday Special: They Hate Us For Our Freedoms Taliban TV DC Metro And Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.... Obama and the Volcano Obama in India Occupation Iraq: Kill All the Christians! Pakistan Assassination Plot Iran Interfering in Afghanistan Occupation Iraq: Iran Controls Iraq Occupation Iraq: Blackwater Contractor Gets Away With Murder Occupation Iraq: Deadbeat Dads Occupation Iraq: Insurgents Awakening in Iraq Occupation Iraq: Criminal Reporting Occupation Iraq: Baking Up Bulls*** Terror Alert Based on Torture Afghanistan After Ten Years of AmeriKan Occupation No Longer Digging Up Dead Men Picking Through Pakistan Where Do You Get Intelligence in Afghanistan? 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