Wednesday, October 26, 2011
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The Day The Zombies Realize America Has Neither A President Nor Any Presidential Candidates
Posted on October 25, 2011 by horse237
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the last President to say NO to the bankers, the drug cartels, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers and the Zionists. It was just 25 years later that George H W Bush who was a former director of both the CIA and the Trilateral Commission was elected President. Every President since has been a CIA asset and has become exponentially worse than his predecessor.
America has been reduced to a Teleprompter Reader who has failed to do anything to prove he is a real man by arresting the men who admit to stealing more than 100 million dollars a day from pensioners through two separate bank scams, High Frequency Trading at Goldman Sachs and transaction price clipping at NY Mellon bank. Other banks are doing the same with less publicity.
Before you tell me Ron Paul proved he is a real Presidential candidate by saying he would cut off all aid to Israel, I would ask you to answer this question: Has he been on any of those debates longer than it takes the average person to run to the bathroom and then to the refrigerator to get anything to eat? I confess I have avoided TV news but I have seen clips from the media in which the moderators tell us Ron Paul is not a Real candidate because he will never be elected. Translation from Media Speak: Hey suckers, we count the votes and we never ever count votes for Ron Paul or anyone else who wants to audit the Federal Reserve and end aid to Israel. We own you and your government. You are not allowed to vote for anyone not on our approved list.
You do understand that the term ‘Real’ refers to Approved By TV News. Anything not on TV is not Real and either does not exist or is a Conspiracy Theory.
On the Republican side Michelle Bachmann has been eliminated from the race not because she is a rabid Zionist who would blow up the world to defend Bibi Netanyahu’s divine right to kill his neighbors. She was relegated to the outer darkness when she dared to question Rick Perry on Gardasil. It is forbidden to criticize any American pharmaceutical corporation under any circumstances. If a vaccine that cannot benefit a 12 year-old girl who is not sexually active paralyzes or kills her, then you as a Real candidate must ignore the facts.
The guiding principle of modern politics is this: Any issue that would actually help real people, must be ignored or ridiculed to prove you are a Real candidate.
Rick Perry is a Real candidate. He has attended Bilderberg Society meetings. I previously mentioned that he has given thousands of dollars in ‘tips’ to strippers and that no reporter has asked him where he got that cash. That proves he is a Real candidate.
Mitt Romney proved he was a Real candidate when he endorsed Global Warming under which we pay taxes for emitting carbon dioxide to a Rothschild owned bank.
On the Democratic side Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the only Real candidates though Bill Clinton’s wife has taken herself off of the list of Real candidates by gaining fifty pounds.
But there is a fly in the ointment. Or in the case of the 2012 elections about 3 billion flies.
Yesterday Wayne Madsen broke the news that Muammar Gaddafi had negotiated a surrender and was allowed to leave Sirte in broad daylight under a white flag of truce. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had flown to Tripoli to accept his surrender. When he got out of Sirte, Gaddafi was hit by NATO planes and US drones. This act of treachery violated the rules of was which real life and blood men have honored for thousands of years even including the Battle of the Bulge during World War II. Of course Israel violated this international law during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza when they shot unarmed Palestinian parents and their children at point blank range who were waving white flags. But they are Israelis and any criticism of them is anti-Semitic.
David Petraeus as CIA director and the former commander of the US Central Command also participated in this disgraceful violation of the rules of warfare. I previously said General Petraeus would be drafted for the presidency at the Republican convention in 2012. I have changed my mind.
I have decided the 2012 elections are irrelevant because what happens after the elections is far more important than another staged election.
My definition of Reality is that whatever appears on TV is Real. I have concluded that America will no longer be able to pay the electric bill so the TV Reality will cease to function. This means that mind numbed Zombies who had been doped into a stupor watching CNN-NBC-BBC-CBS, which are all propaganda outlets for the criminal enterprise known as the CIA-MOSSAD-MI6, will be cruelly thrust into the land of the living.
I said there will be at least 3 billion flies in the ointment by election day of 2012. I expect the Misery Index to be above 50% by election day. The Misery Index as my regular readers know is currently 36%. It is calculated by going to Shadow Stats and adding up the unemployment and inflation rates. The annualized rate of growth for the US M2 Money Supply is 29%. This means inflation will soon soar past 30%.
I am convinced that we will have an international conference next year, if not this, at which the dollar, the pound and the euro will be sharply devalued. I expect prices in dollars to double as a result of the present inflation and the looming currency devaluation. This conference that devalues our currencies and cuts our wages in half will be the game changing event of 2012 not the sham electoral process.
Nothing apart from the TV News means anything yet to people whose sole reality is given them by their televisions. These are the Zombies who boost Obama’s ratings in the polls every time he kills a foreign leader.
Look at what will happen to a typical budget for a Zombie family of four with a slightly above average income. The US Census says the median American family income is a little over $50,000 a year. Let’s round that way up to $60,000 a year and see what happens when inflation rips through the world and cuts everyone’s standard of living by half before Christmas day of 2012. Within 30 days of the dollar devaluation Mr and Mrs Zombie will be forced to make do on $30,000 a year before taxes and health care costs. And this assumes both Zombie parents are still working after the dollar drops like a rock off a cliff. I expect a 30% or higher unemployment rate before this is all over if there is no bank reform.
The people who own the government have been squeezing every last penny they can from us. Obama has had the EPA shut down electric generating power stations in America that are environmentally clean while exempting General Electric power plants. This should double electric rates by the end of 2012 over what they were when Obama took office. This is a major miscalculation on the part of the Bilderberg crowd. Let me explain why.
We are racing towards the day when Zombies all over the world will not be able to pay their cable TV bills. And at least 3 billion people will not have enough money to buy food and pay their electric bills.
People who suddenly quit watching TV News will soon see that all their presidential candidates are not real people. And they will fully comprehend that those men and women from the Left and the Right on TV News were lying to them so the banks could steal their money and reduce them to debt peonage.
The majority of people will not have enough money to buy food for their families and gas for their cars to get to work.
We will need a program to help Zombies to recover and lead normal lives after they have withdrawn for three days from TV News.
Whoever is there to help the recovering Zombies understand who betrayed them and destroyed their country should point them towards the nearest Federal Reserve bank.
Whoever does that noble deed will lead America and the world to renewal and rebirth.
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