Friday, December 23, 2011
Killed by US NATO airstrike
Afghanistan villagers bring their dead children killed by NATO US airstrike to the governor's office shouting: 'See they aren't Taliban.' Image Internet
Afghanistan villagers bring their dead children killed by NATO US airstrike to the governor's office shouting:
'See they are children'
Killed by US NATO airstrike
Afghanistan villagers bring their dead children killed by NATO US airstrike to the governor's office shouting: 'See they are children.' Image Internet
Illuminati — US UK war games<
Kill team photos of children
Kill team photos of Afghanistan children. According to one soldier, members of 3rd Platoon also talked about a scenario in which they “would throw candy out in front and in the rear of the Stryker; the Stryker would then run the children over.” Image rollingstone.com
According to one soldier, members of 3rd Platoon also talked about a scenario in which they “would throw candy out in front and in the rear of the Stryker; the Stryker would then run the children over”
'The photos published by Rolling Stone are disturbing and in striking contrast to the standards and values of the US Army,' US Army statement.
You mean the standards of disclosing US military killings!
Right on that! The US Army indeed would prefer not to have photos of its mass war crime killings spread around!
You can see many photos of US military killings of children and their parents as you scroll down the page!
These are however a miniscule number of images of actual US military killings and injuries!
Phoros below are those that have managed to escape traps and money pockets the US military have set to prevent release of such images!
US war crimes have now reached such a monstrous level in Afghanistan that on the various dimensions involved it needs vast tomes to record!
Kill team photo of Gibbs US Staff Sgt. Gibbs in the back of a Stryker vehicle, a pair of scissors visible in the top pocket of his uniform. Gibbs is said to have used a pair of medic shears to cut the finger off at least two Afghan civilians murdered by members of his platoon. Image rollingstone.com
US Staff Sgt. Gibbs in the back of a Stryker vehicle, a pair of scissors visible in the top pocket of his uniform.
Dead fingers are tossed around within the company.
Gibbs is said to have used a pair of medic shears to cut the finger off at least two Afghan civilians murdered by members of his platoon.
Reading below one might attempt to separate the evil of a few men from the evil of the many — Obama, the US military, the occupation of a foreign country by God knows how many nations, the politicians in all of these nations!
It cannot be done!
Evil thrives within evil
Gibbs turned to his men. "You guys want to wax this guy or what?" he asked. Morlock and Winfield agreed that the man seemed perfect.
Gibbs walked the Afghan to a nearby ditch and forced him to his knees, ordering him to stay that way.
Then he positioned Morlock and Winfield in a prone position behind a small berm no more than 10 feet away.
"To be honest," Morlock later told investigators, "me and Winfield thought we were going to frag ourselves, 'cause we were so fucking close."
With everyone in position, Gibbs took cover behind a low wall and chucked a grenade toward the Afghan.
"All right, dude, wax this guy!" he shouted. "Kill this guy, kill this guy!"
As the grenade went off, Morlock and Winfield opened fire.
Morlock got off several rounds with his M4. Winfield, who was armed with the more powerful SAW machine gun, squeezed off a burst that lasted for three to five seconds.
Gibbs shouted for Morlock to proceed with the next stage of the plan. "Get up there and plant that fucking grenade!"
The man lay where he had fallen. One of his feet had been blown off by the blast; his other leg was missing below the knee.
Morlock ran up and dropped the Russian pineapple grenade near the dead man's hand.
Gibbs walked up to the body, stood directly over it, and fired twice into the man's head, shattering the jaw.
Later, when the scene had calmed down — after soldiers had pushed away the dead man's wife and children, who were screaming, hysterical with grief...
Kill team photo of Gul Mudin, fifteen years old killed by US soldiers. U.S. soldiers in Bravo Company stationed near Kandahar in a war game they were playing took it upon themselves to kill an unarmed Afghanistan boy. The Kill team did this January 15th 2010. Gul Mudin, a young teenager, lived in the village of La Mohammad Kalay, Afghanistan. Sworn statements have two soldiers Corporal Jeremy Morlock and Private First Class Andrew Holmes engaged in staging the killing so that it would appear that the US soldiers had been under attack. The statements read that they ordered the boy to stand still, then they tossed a grenade at him and opened fire with their weapons while they remained behind a mud wall. The dead body of the boy, Gul Mudin is seen here lying by the wall where he was killed. Image rollingstone.com
U.S. soldiers in Bravo Company stationed near Kandahar in a war game they were playing took it upon themselves to kill an unarmed Afghanistan boy.
The Kill team did this January 15th 2010.
Gul Mudin, a young teenager, lived in the village of La Mohammad Kalay, Afghanistan.
Sworn statements have two soldiers Corporal Jeremy Morlock and Private First Class Andrew Holmes engaged in staging the killing so that it would appear that the US soldiers had been under attack.
The statements read that they ordered the boy to stand still, then they tossed a grenade at him and opened fire with their weapons while they remained behind a mud wall.
Holmes's lawyer states that Holmes fired his weapon as ordered but missed, and that the photos in question reveal the victim was likely killed by wounds inflicted by a grenade or other weapons than the kind of automatic weapon Holmes was carrying at the time.
The lawyer said his client only posed with the corpse because he was ordered to do so.
At his original Article 32 hearing in November 2010 Holmes then aged 20 professed his innocence directly to the presiding officer, declaring: "I want to tell you soldier to soldier that I did not commit murder."
The dead body of the boy, Gul Mudin is seen here lying by the wall where he was killed.
US Kill Team victim body of Gul Mudin the son of an Afghanistan farmer killed on Jan. 15, 2010. Member of the kill team US military defendant, Specialist Jeremy N. Morlock of Wasilla, Alaska, grinning as he lifts the dead boy's head by his hair for a trophy image. US Army 'kill team' pose with photos of murdered civilians in Afghanistan 4,000 photos and videos taken! US Army 'kill team' pose with photos of murdered civilians in Afghanistan 4,000 photos and videos taken! Photo: SPIEGEL
'Kill Team' Morlock trophy image — lifting the dead boys head by his hair
More war games
US Army 'kill team' pose with photos of murdered civilians in Afghanistan
4,000 photos and videos taken!
Ah! What a game it all has become!
Even for the lowly ones now!
How they love to follow their masters!
One might ask if the US military has gone completly insane in prosecuting these image takers!
Why would they dredge up such fetishness!
I suppose one answer could be that amid the depths of evil and derangement some in the lower levels of the pyramid still believe ... in what?
'In what?' might — must — truly is the dementation!
US Kill Team victim body of Gul Mudin the son of an Afghanistan farmer killed on Jan. 15, 2010. Member of the kill team US military Private Holmes of Boise Idaho is lifting the boys head by his hair for a trophy image. US Army 'kill team' pose with photos of murdered civilians in Afghanistan 4,000 photos and videos taken! Photo: SPIEGEL
'Kill Team' Holmes trophy image — lifting the dead boys head by his hair
Holmes the youngest of five soldiers charged states that he posed with the corpse because he was ordered to do so.
How U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan murdered innocent civilians and mutilated their corpses
— and how their officers failed to stop them.
Rolling Stone article click here
Image of severed legs passed around among the members of Bravo Company.
Kathy Kelly — March 2011
U.S. people if they do read or hear of it may be shocked at the apparent unconcern of the crews of two U.S. helicopter gunships.
The gunships which among many attacks killed nine children on a mountainside in Afghanistan's Kumar province, shooting them 'one after another' this past Tuesday March 1st 2011.
"The helicopters hovered over us, scanned us and we saw a green flash from the helicopters. Then they flew back high up, and in a second round they hovered over us and started shooting."
Four of the boys were seven years old — three were eight — one was nine and the oldest was twelve.
"The children were gathering wood under a tree in the mountains near a village in the district."
"I myself was involved in the burial. Yesterday we buried them."
The Kill Team photo images passed around among the members of Bravo Company.
An Afghanistan warlord backed by US special forces faces persistent allegations that he launched a two-year spate of violence involving burglary, rape and murder of civilians, the desecration of mosques and the mutilation of corpses. Despite repeated notice about the atrocities Commander Azizullah is alleged to have committed he has remained on the payroll of the US military as an 'Afghan security guard', a select band of mercenaries described by some as 'the most effective fighting formation in Afghanistan'. Photo and article from The Independent March 18, 2011
An Afghanistan warlord backed by US special forces faces persistent allegations that he launched a two-year spate of violence involving burglary, rape and murder of civilians, the desecration of mosques and the mutilation of corpses.
Despite repeated notice about the atrocities Commander Azizullah is alleged to have committed he remains on the payroll of the US military as an 'Afghan security guard', a select band of mercenaries described by some as 'the most effective fighting formation in Afghanistan'.
Photo and article from The Independent March 18, 2011
Remains on payroll of US military
click here
Kathy Kelly — March 2011
In October and again in December of 2010, our small delegation of Voices for Creative Nonviolence activists met with a large family living in a wretched refugee camp.
They had fled their homes in the San Gin district of the Helmand Province after a drone attack killed a mother there and her five children.
The woman's husband showed us photos of his children's bloodied corpses.
His niece Juma Gul age 9 had survived the attack.
She and I huddled next to each other inside a hut made of mud on a chilly December morning.
Juma Gul's father stooped in front of us and gently unzipped her jacket showing me that his daughter's arm had been amputated by shrapnel when the U.S. missile hit their home in San Gin.
Next to Juma Gul was her brother whose leg had been mangled in the attack.
He apparently has no access to adequate medical care and experiences constant pain.
The pilot of the attacking drone perhaps controlling it from as far away as Creech Air Force Base here in the United States knows nothing of this family or of the pain that he or she helped inflict.
Nor do the commanders the people who set up the base the people who pay for it with their taxes and the people who persist in electing candidates intent on indefinitely prolonging the war.
But sometimes — as it was to those helicopter crews — it is up close so there can be no mistake as to what we are doing.
Two men are tied together.
“Those were some innocent farmers that got killed. Their standard operating procedure after killing dudes was to drag them up to the side of the highway.”
Two dead men tied together.
“Those were some innocent farmers that got killed. Their standard operating procedure after killing dudes was to drag them up to the side of the highway.”
Rolling Stone — In the process of suppressing the photographs, the Army may also have been trying to keep secret evidence that the killings of civilians went beyond a few men in 3rd Platoon.
The boy’s right pinky finger appears to have been severed.
US Staff Sargent Calvin Gibbs reportedly used a pair of razor-sharp medic’s shears to cut off the finger which he presented to Holmes as a trophy for killing his first Afghan.
How U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan murdered innocent civilians and mutilated their corpses
— and how their officers failed to stop them.
Rolling Stone article click here
Afghanistan bound NATO
oil tankers set on fire
People walk past Afghanistan-bound NATO oil tankers set on fire by resistance forces at the Pakistani border post of Torkham, along the Afghanistan border, Friday, March 4, 2011. Photo: AP/Qazi Rauf
Afghan protesters hold placard that read 'Occupation equals killing and destruction' at a demonstration, in Kabul on March 6, 2011 About 500 people poured onto the streets of the Afghanistan capital to protest over the deaths of nine children killed in a NATO air raid on a remote rebel stronghold. Captions in the posters read, 'Occupation equals killing and destruction' and 'We demand the withdrawal of all foreign troops' and 'Where are human rights' Photo: AFP/Shah Marai
Boys hold up poster of children killed by US military and Obama, in Kabul on March 6, 2011. An Afghanistan boy holds a placard carrying pictures of Afghans killed in air strikes as they shout anti US slogans during a protest in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, March 6, 2011. Hundreds of people marched through the streets of central Kabul, March 6, 2011, to protest over the deaths of nine children killed in a NATO air raid and all US military killings, demanding the withdrawal of all foreign troops. Captions in the posters read, 'Occupation equals killing and destruction' and 'We demand the withdrawal of all foreign troops' and 'Where are human rights' Photo: AP/Dar Yasin
They keep killing!
The US butchers keep killing and killing and killing!
Killing children and women and men and women and children and children and women and men and children
and children
and children
and children
and children
and children
and children!
Obama and his butchers keep killing, and killing and killing and killing!
Children killed in home
Afghanistan men inspect the damage after a NATO missile attacked a mud-built home in Nangarhar provinced, in Khogyani district in Nangarhar province on February 21, 2011. Nine children have been killed in a US NATO attack on their home, attacks on homes by US NATO are killing and injuring women men and children. Attacks on homes by US NATO continue daily. Hundreds of people marched through the streets of central Kabul, March 6, 2011, to protest over the deaths of nine children killed in a NATO air raid and all US military killings, demanding the withdrawal of all foreign troops. Captions in the posters read, 'Occupation equals killing and destruction' and 'We demand the withdrawal of all foreign troops' and 'Where are human rights' Photo: AFP/Ahmad Seyar
Baby injured by US Nato. Nine children have been killed in a US NATO attack on their home, attacks on homes by US NATO are killing and injuring women men and children. Attacks on homes by US NATO continue daily. Hundreds of people marched through the streets of central Kabul, March 6, 2011, to protest over the deaths of nine children killed in a NATO air raid and all US military killings, demanding the withdrawal of all foreign troops. Captions in the posters read, 'Occupation equals killing and destruction' and 'We demand the withdrawal of all foreign troops' and 'Where are human rights' Photo: Internet
Child injured by US Nato, Kunar, Afghanistan, February 20, 2011. Nine children have been killed in a US NATO attack on their home, attacks on homes by US NATO are killing and injuring women men and children. Attacks on homes by US NATO continue daily. Hundreds of people marched through the streets of central Kabul, March 6, 2011, to protest over the deaths of nine children killed in a NATO air raid and all US military killings, demanding the withdrawal of all foreign troops. Captions in the posters read, 'Occupation equals killing and destruction' and 'We demand the withdrawal of all foreign troops' and 'Where are human rights' Photo: Internet
Father was an Aghanistan policeman
Father and children killed by US Nato, Khogyani, Afghanistan, February 23, 2011 - the father was an Afghistan policeman. Nine children have been killed in a US NATO attack on their home, attacks on homes by US NATO are killing and injuring women men and children. Attacks on homes by US NATO continue daily. Hundreds of people marched through the streets of central Kabul, March 6, 2011, to protest over the deaths of nine children killed in a NATO air raid and all US military killings, demanding the withdrawal of all foreign troops. Captions in the posters read, 'Occupation equals killing and destruction' and 'We demand the withdrawal of all foreign troops' and 'Where are human rights' Photo: RAWA.org
America world terrorists. People from Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam hold placards reading 'America world terrorists' as they take part in a rally against U.S. drone killing agent Raymond Davis in the Pakistan Afghanistan border town of Chaman February 24, 2011. Nine children have been killed in a US NATO attack on their home, attacks on homes by US NATO are killing and injuring women men and children. Attacks on homes by US NATO continue daily. Hundreds of people marched through the streets of central Kabul, March 6, 2011, to protest over the deaths of nine children killed in a NATO air raid and all US military killings, demanding the withdrawal of all foreign troops. Captions in the posters read, 'Occupation equals killing and destruction' and 'We demand the withdrawal of all foreign troops' and 'Where are human rights' Photo: REUTERS/Saeed Ali Achakzai
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