DAP Vernakular:Chinese First,Malaysian Second!
Filed Under ( DAP ) by pisau on 20.5.11

Kerana tidak fasih berbahasa kebangsaan,DAP menuduh sistem pembelajaran di negara ini tidak bagus. Inilah satu lagi sikap rasis ultra kiasu chauvanist DAP yang asyik menyalahkan orang lain walhal kelemahan ada didalam diri mereka.
Sekolah kebangsaan terbukti berjaya melahirkan ramai pelajar kaum tionghua yang bukan saja mahir bertutur dan menulis malah ada sesetengah daripada murid keputusan peperiksaan didalam subjek Bahasa Melayu jauh lebih baik daripada pelajar Melayu.
Haprak DAP begitu mahukan Malaysian Malaysia,tetapi dalam masa yang sama mahukan sekolah vernakular diteruskan. Apa sebenarnya yang mereka mahukan?
Tidak ada mana mana pelajar kaum Tionghua yang belajar di Sekolah Kebangsaan hilang identiti bangsa dan kecinaan mereka. Apa perluanya sekolah vernakular sedangkan sekolah kerajaan jauh lebih bagus.Kerajaan mahukan agar murid murid disekolah bercampur gaul berbilang kaum dan agama agar dididik menghormati antara satu sama lain.
DAP says vernacular schools not reason for poor Bahasa skills
KUALA LUMPUR, May 15 — A few Chinese DAP leaders have defended members of their community who are unable to converse well in the national language, claiming this was likely the fault of the present education system. The leaders also brushed aside talk that an individual’s inability to speak Bahasa Malaysia could hamper the process of national integration or that the existence of Chinese vernacular schools should be blamed.
DAP Socialist Youth chief Anthony Loke (picture) admitted that BM proficiency among the Chinese was unsatisfactory but pointed out that the government had failed to give enough emphasis to assisting those who were weak in the language to boost their skills in national schools.
“I think that probably this is because the learning of the language is not really enhanced in both the primary and secondary levels. -MI
Mereka tidak mementingkan bahasa kebangsaan kerana beranggapan tidak perlu diambil berat,semua orang tahu begitu ramai kalangan mereka ini walaupun setelah lebih 50 tahun negara merdeka masih ramai yang tidak tahu berbahasa kebangsaan dengan betul.Malah ada yang tidak tahu menyanyi lagu kebangsaan.

The Rasah MP was asked to respond to a survey conducted by The Malaysian Insider to gauge the proficiency level of the Chinese community in their daily use of the national language.
In the survey, 107 Chinese adults were polled and only 75 were deemed able to converse or understand BM.Of the 75 polled, 21 per cent said the use of Mandarin or other Chinese dialects were more important than BM.In a separate national study by a well-known teachers’ association recently, it was shown that one in every three Chinese primary school pupil cannot understand BM or English when they prepare to enter national secondary school.The school survey by the National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) also found that one in every four Chinese child who enters national secondary school will drop out.
This has led to claims that the dropout rate and the low level of BM proficiency have created a group of Chinese adults who only interact with other Chinese, creating a barrier for greater inter-ethnic integration in plural Malaysia.
Bolehkah kita percaya DAP mahukan secara ikhlas perpaduan sesama kaum? Sifat mereka yang semua orang tahu bermuka muka dan hipokrit terutamanya Kit Siang dan Lim Guan Eng.
DAP mempertahankan sekolah vernakular kerana tidak mahu kaum tionghua bercampur dengan semua kaum .Sekolah vernakular adalah tempat DAP menyemai benih ultra kiasu,chauvanist dan rasis.Mana mungkin gudang benih DAP ditutup?
Chinese First Or Malaysian First? Inilah soalan yang harus ditanya kepada Lim Kit Siang bapak kepada segala rasis ultra kiasu. Mereka mempertahankan sekolah vernakular tetapi menentang sekolah wawasan yang cuba dibuat oleh Tun Mahathir.
Menentang sekolah wawasan kononnya takut kehilangan identiti bangsa cina , realitinya mereka lebih memilih identiti CHINA daripada MALAYSIAN! Itulah DAP!
Lim Kit Siang dan DAP harus buktikan Malaysian First,Chinese Second!
Pisau kata " I am a Muslim first, Malay second and Malaysian third, and that does not make me any less Malaysian. Does any idiot have a problem with that?"
Read more: http://www.pisau.net/2011/05/dap-vernakularchinese-firstmalaysian.html#ixzz20BYkcVT4
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