Malaysiakini – Dominated By Racists and Bigots
Have you ever read the comments section of Malaysiakini? Then you should know what we mean when we say that Malaysiakini’s hardcore followers are racists, misogynists (that’s people who hate women) and bigots.The kinds of comments they post makes us want to migrate to another country to escape these ugly people with ugly views. They think they are carrying on a discussion but they are just spewing hate and bigotry.
At the height of the NFC issue, they used such foul language on Shahrizat Jalil that we wondered whether Malaysiakini was read by monsters or animals.
We dislike Shahrizat too and we think her husband is a national disgrace and also her two sons. She should also resign and disappear from public instead of hanging around.
But that does not justify Malaysiakini readers/commentors for saying things like she has fondled her tits till cow milk gushed out, that she should open her legs if she wants to survive and other obscene language.
Mahathir is the favourite target of the Malaysiakini racists. They call him mamak kutty, mamak dog and balik India.
Some people tell us that the commentors are not real people in the sense that they are paid cybertroopers, mostly from the DAP, to dominate the discussion and create an impression that all Malaysians hate Umno, MCA and everything connected to the BN.
Unfortunately the greatest impression they have created is that PR supporters are racists, bigots and women haters and that the audience of Malaysiakini are the worst of Malaysian society.
Is it any wonder that Malaysiakini cannot attract enough advertisements to be self sufficient and has to crawl to PR for funding?
Which right-minded company or product would want to be associated with this kind of website, read by people who think and talk like Mat Rempits and Ah Longs?
The only people who should rush to advertise in Malaysiakini would be companies selling red paint and motorcycles that can outrace a police car. Our investigations showed that Malaysiakini gives out free advertisements – without the consent of these companies!
There used to be reasoned and rational people commenting in Malaysiakini. But as the news coverage became more one sided and the spinning became so ridiculous, the intelligent and objective readers have shrunk back from commenting.
Why be associated with this low life crowd, they must be thinking? Congratulations Malaysiakini.
You have become the opposite mirror image of the mainstream media that your supporters love to rubbish. You have reached the pinnacle as a propaganda machine for PR leaders and you are a magnet for rabid racists and bigots.
You must be very proud of that. And all these racists and bigots also happen to be fervent supporters of Pakatan Rakyat. That is scary!!
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