Oil and Water… MIX
The chart below includes Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel. The 11 Western States have been overlayed on the Arabian ROCK, extended to coincide with visible land formations. Once again, the SACRAMENTO AND SAN JUAQUIN VALLEYS are inundated with water. The area around SEATTLE is likewise flooded as the Gulf of OMAR (Oh MARY) and the Persian Gulf (PURGE SIN GULF = PURYE SUN FLUY = PURGING FLOOD) reach across Washington State and Idaho and positioning exactly over the GREAT SALT LAKE in UTAH. This is the location of the Holy of Holies on the FOUNDATION STONE, the place where the SACRIFICE was offered up to god in Solomon’s Temple.The Persian Gulf is the world’s busiest, and most dangerous OIL TRANSPORTATION ROUTE in the world. OIL and WATER work hand in glove, as this valuable cargo makes its way to the rest of the world. Notice that the Strait of Hormuz coincides exactly in location and direction as that of HELL’S CANYON that borders on Oregon and Idaho. The Strait of Hormuz is created as the United Arab Emirates extends out into the Persian Gulf, creating this narrow passageway. It was in this Strait, that just this week, (March 20, 2009), an American ship collided with another American nuclear submarine. This is a very treacherous waterway, befitting of a CANYON into HELL. The hypnotic suggestion established by transporting OIL through the Persian Gulf implants the notion of PURGING SIN, or CLEANSING the earth, as the ENERGY needed to drive the ECONOMIES of the world becomes synonymous with existence in the 3D plane.
All around this Arabian ROCK are bodies of water that yet again, coincide in a very interesting way, with the other charts and future North American maps showing the visible land mass after the luciferian desired deluge. From a subliminal perspective, all of the information distributed throughout the world in regards to OIL, ENERGY, and the GLOBAL WARMING CLIMATE CHANGE and the RISING FLOOD WATERS supposedly caused by GREENHOUSE GASES being emitted from fossil fuel burning machines, are all suggesting the same thing, … that the flood is coming.
water and oil are both symbols of IONS, or electrified atoms
(When used as a suffix in the English language, ION means an act or state – as in the word CONFUSION, or INDUCTION).
LION is KING = LINCOLN = NORTH and SOUTH WAR (North and South TOWERS / WATERS) to PRESERVE EAST and WEST UNION (New World Order suggestion)
FROM.. http://illuminatimatrix.wordpress.com/39-saudi-rock-and-rose-saudi-arabia-saw-die-and-bury-diesseidsaidsaud-eye-its-all-about-the-oil-lion-king-lincoln-holy-water-oily-water-flags-fall-la-palms-pay-alms-la-lambs/
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