Monday, December 31, 2012

  1. 195 Killed On Madrid Train

Text Book Mossad Operation


Atocha Train Station In Madrid

The Station After The Bombs

This Horror Is Real

Bombs Set Off By Mobile Phones, A Mossad Technique


Textbook Mossad operation

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Identical to these Iraqi Mosques bombings

Inside Information
The trains were 'First service' meaning they came straight out of rail service depot. This area is strictly controlled with heavy security. Al Queda or ETA could never have gained access.
Only Mossad, with it's network of sayanims, could have the accessed the depots, and had the necessary sophistication needed to make these bombs.

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Some background on Madrid Madrid's  a population of 2,881,506 in 1998.  Madrid has long been the center of Spanish government and culture. As a result, it has drawn its population from all over the country. Castilian, usually referred to as Spanish, is spoken with several regional accents. 


Basque Party
The Basques are a Christian group in the mountainous region that straddles the border between modern-day Spain and France and they want an independent state. The train bomb is way beyond anything they are capable of.
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Suddenly the blame shifts from Basque to Al Queda
Al Queada suspected
Spanish officials initially blamed the Basque separatist group ETA for the stunningly well-coordinated series of 10 explosions but later shifted their focus to Al Queda.

Muslims claim responsibility
The Arabic newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi said it had received a claim of responsibility issued in the name of al-Qaida - It said the brigade's "death squad" had penetrated "one of the pillars of the crusade alliance, Spain."

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Spain back the USA in their attacks on AL Queda
"This is part of settling old accounts with Spain, the crusader, and America's ally in its war against Islam,"


Detonators and Koran conveniently found in nearby Van
But the discovery of seven detonators and an Arabic tape in a van parked near Madrid, plus a purported al Qaeda letter claiming responsibility...
The bombs were set off by mobile phone and contained copper detonators, which are not generally used by armed Basque separatist group ETA.
Arab bomber also spotted ---- "He wore three layers of underwear and was closely shaven, which is common for Arab suicide commandos who because of their faith usually do this before immolating themselves."

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Muslims threaten " Winds of death " on entire world Straight out of a Hollywood movie
"We have succeeded in infiltrating the heart of crusader Europe," the letter said, calling the bombings at three Madrid railway stations "Operation Death Trains."
"We bring the good news to Muslims of the world that the expected 'Winds of Black Death' strike against America is now in its final stage," it added.
U.S. intelligence agencies say Muslims will  attack countries such as Spain that supported the U.S.-led war in Iraq Fears that Al-Qaeda was behind the Madrid blasts grew after a video was found Saturday in which a man speaking Arabic claimed the attacks in the name of the Islamic fundamentalist network.

Video tape found at Mosque
"We declare our responsibility for what happened in Madrid exactly 2 1/2 years after the attacks on New York and Washington. It is a response to your collaboration with the criminals Bush and his allies. "
"You love life and we love death, which gives an example of what the Prophet Muhammad said. If you don't stop your injustices, more and more blood will flow and these attacks will seem very small compared to what can occur in what you call terrorism. "
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Meir Dagan - The Head of Mossad
He would deny all knowledge of bombings. Would consider Israel participation in the Bali Bomb, the three Iraq Mosque bombs, or any others to be absurd speculation. Oddly Israel sends three pathologists will assist the Spanish government in identifying bodies from the terrorist bombings in Madrid.
Military career
1970s:-- Under Sharon's command Dagan led a special anti-terrorist unit the " Rimon undercover unit," which killed Palestinian militants 
1982: --As a commander in southern Lebanon during the Israeli invasion where 30,000 civilians were slaughtered. He helped establish the pro-Israel South Lebanese Army.
1987-1993:-- He establishment of undercover units operating in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
1995: ---After retiring from the army, Dagan joined Israel's secret service as deputy director.
1997:--- In charge of counter-terrorism. A long time opponent of the Oslo peace accords, Dagan finally resigned after Barak appointed a more moderate retired major general to run his new security-diplomatic team.
Dagan's Positions on Camp David talks and the current Intifada:
Temple Mount:  ---- He feels it's Israel's property but will let Arabs worship.
Israel's assassination policy: ----- Says it's a justifiable tool

Spain's Leader
Spain's new socialist Prime Minister José Zapatero ( Jewish ) has made it plain that the government's position is that the tragedy that killed 192 that those responsible were international Islamic terrorists. He rejected any possibility that Eta Basque separatists might have been involved. "Responsibility for preparing and carrying out the blasts rests exclusively with international terrorism of a radical Islamist type,"

A Cover-Up
Jose Maria Aznar's team: destroyed all computer records dealing with the March 11 Madrid bombings before leaving office
Mr Zapatero told a parliamentary commission of inquiry into

Who benefits and who loses
Winner: ---- Israel
Loser: ------ Islam

Stunning poll results
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