Sunday, December 2, 2012

$400 Million Dollar Swindle

From A Deli Clerk To A Wall Street Millionaire

Nicholas Cosmos Was A Loan Broker

Caught As he Was Fleeing To Israel

Arrested Before He Could Get To The Airport

Just A Small Rented Office

Another Tel Aviv Wizard Falls from Grace

What Did He Do?
Nicholas Cosmo (nee Nicky Cohen) acted as a loan broker between banks and individuals. He created fictitious applicants, and the banks advanced the money. 6
In 1997, he was sentenced by Judge Goldstein  for embezzlement and spent 21 months in a prison medical facility  to undergo “extensive gambling therapy”.


How Much is Missing?
The FBI says Mickey scammed $400 million. 9

His Office Staff
This thief has only been around for three years. His staff is part time boiler room workers. In 2008 he had a total of 35 workers.  4

What About The Bankers?
You just don't lend a Delicatessen clerk $400 million, and not be in on the scam?.

The Zionist Lie
The media claims he took scammed small investors out of an average of $20,000. That works out to 18,000 investors, but only 15 showed up complaining.

Watch The Payout
As with all these Madoff types the government comes to the rescue, and suddenly there are thousands of Zionists receiving up to $500k in taxpayer bailouts.

What A Joke
This delicatessen clerk turned 'Financial wizard' didn't steal $400 million from small Jewish families. This guy went to Chase Manhattan and borrowed on fictitious bridge loans, so the ones really hurt are the American taxpayers.
If Nicky Cohen doesn't skip to Israel, he will have a yr long trial, get probation, and the money will never be found.


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