A Holocaust Death March
They Marched 350 Miles Without

A Holocaust Survivor Spins a Tale
Gerda Weissmann Klein, a Holocaust survivor and author tells
a packed auditorium of fellow Jews of her six year ordeal with the
Klein's talk, attracting more than 700 people to the North Shore
Congregation in Chicago. The 84 year-old Klein has written five books including
"One Survivor Remembers," which was made into a movie and won an
Academy Award in 1995.
Klein As A 15 Year-Old
Her story begins when she was 15 years old in 1939 when the Nazis
had taken Poland and sent her parents to Auschwitz.
She Was Sold At A Nazi Slave Auction
Nazis captured Klein, and Sarah Silverman, a childhood friend, and
they were taken from Poland to Germany, where they were sold at
a slave market.
Klein lost her entire family during the Holocaust.
"I feel that the true understanding of the people in the camps has
never been completely illuminated," she told the crowd. "Those who
perished left no children. You are the spiritual heirs and know of the
greatness of the legacy that was left to you. This is why I always
want to tell the story."
Klein Marched 350 Miles
As a prisoner, Klein was part of a 350-mile death march in which
Nazis attempted to avoid the advance of Allied forces. In May, 1945,
it ended in Volary, Czechoslovakia.
Put In A Barn To Be Dynamited
"Our captors locked us into an empty bicycle factory and attached a
time bomb. I remember our hopes and prayers, but also the certainty of
death. Suddenly it started to rain and the torrential rains and mud
prevented the bomb and timer from collecting and it didn't go off,"
she said. "At dawn the door opened and people were calling out 'the
war is over.'"
Rescued By Her Future Husband
"I remember standing in the doorway of the factory, coming down the
gentle hill. It was a white star of the American Army. Two men sat in
the vehicle, one jumped out and came running towards me," she said. "I
looked at him and said: 'We are Jewish,' and he said 'so
am I.'
"This was the greatest moment of my life: To be liberated not only by
an American but by a Jew."
The soldier asked to see the other women and as Klein led him, he held
the door for her. Despite wearing rags, weighing 68 pounds, and no
bathing in three years, "he restored me to humanity again," she said.
His parents were
also gassed at Auschwitz,
She married that soldier, Kurt Klein, three years later in Paris and
they settled in Buffalo, New York.
Another Fleabag With A Ridiculous Story
There were no slave markets where Nazis bought Jews. And as far as a
68 pound Jewess walking 350 miles in the middle of winter, I rather
doubt it. Next she is rescued by Americans in Czechoslovakia, but the
problem is the dates don't add up. And how the parents of her American
GI rescuer, and future husband, get gassed at Auschwitz is a real mystery.
Did a German sub go up the Hudson river shanghai Jews, and bring them to
It's all so frightening!
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