Jerome warns us of the evil Mullahs
and their plans to nuke us
As Israel attempts to have the USA fight another one of its wars of
conquest, this time against Iran, the propaganda has become laughable.
This site attempts to explain some of the nonsense and tactics, that
Zionists use to brainwash the American public into fighting wars for
them, while they steal the oil and land of their Arab neighbors.
When a site, as ludicrous as,, gets
passed off as legitimate by a known Zionist poodle op, like
World Net
Daily, then we are all in real trouble.
Look to Hollywood to see what
Israel has in store for us
Mad Arabs attack the Super Bowl with a blimp carrying a bomb.
Israel always goes for the dramatic. There would be plenty of cameras
to catch the action. No need for Israelis to be filming and get arrested
like the five in New York.
How Many Evil Arabs has Chuck killed?
In the President's man, evil Arabs kidnap the President's wife. Chuck
is called in and they will soon learn not to mess with America. Will these
soul-less Muslims/Israelis ever learn?
If Chuck doesn't stop them, then Denzel and Bruce Willis will!
Arabs/Israelis Hire AssassinsMaybe a British Royal or a New
Zealand prime minister?
Thank God For Israel and it's Mossad
Travolta As Rogue Mossad Agent "Swordfish"
If it wasn't for Hollywood, how would we know that the Israelis are the
good guys, protecting us?
Without Hollywood, I would never know of the Iranian Mullahs' plots to
take over Van Nuys, California, and force California surfer babes to wear
Why should we die for Israel?
While Zionists' children attend Harvard on government grants, the
Smiths, Jacksons, Martins, and Williams, are dying in Israeli-created
8000 year-old artifacts from the Baghdad museum wind up in New
York, and we pay billions to re-build the Mosul-Haifa pipeline.
Israel got us into Iraq, and all we got is over 12,000 maimed
soldiers, over 1,500 dead, and an economy that is imploding from the
debt of this war.
If Israel wants to invade Iran, then let them do it, but without our
$55 mil F-15's, and other military equipment that Dov Zakheim
fraudulently classified as surplus and gave to them. Let Sharon take
some Israeli kids, and they can die in Iran.
I am sure that the American Zionists, that always sit out wars in
Harvard and Yale, would love to join the fight for their homeland of "Eretz
American marines dying for Israel
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