Saturday, December 1, 2012

Another Couple Of Jews Sacrificed For The Greater Good


They Were Sent To Meridian Mississippi To Register Black Voters

Downtown Meridian Mississippi

The Lead Organization Was The Congress on Racial Equality


The Deputy Accused Of Killing Them At Trial

An Old Zionists Tactic
Zionists are the master of psychology. Israel wants to control the mideast's oil, so for thirty years they have their operative Abu Nidal, and his Black Sept unit, hijacking jets. Now 9/11 comes along and everyone swallows it was Muslims.
In the Oklahoma city bombing the Zionists destroyed the militias. In that period in Mississippi the Zionists wanted to destroy the Ku Klux Klan. So they sent a few sacrificial lambs, and the whole world notices how despicable the old south was.

Congress Of Racial Equality
CORE was founded in Chicago in 1942, by a Zionist named Fiescher, who had two blacks name James L. Farmer, Jr., George Houser as front men. In 1964 the Congress on Racial Equality, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and the NAACP organized its Freedom Summer campaign. Volunteers from the three organizations decided to concentrate its efforts in Mississippi. These chumps were set up. They were sent to Mississippi by a Jewish run organization called the Congress of Racial Equality group.


Zionists Were Behind It
The financing, guidance, and legal came put of the American Communist Party, which was based in New York

Communist Party
The Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) played a defining role in the U.S. labor movement from the 1920s through the 1940s. It played a key role in organizing major industrial unions and prominently defended the rights of African-Americans throughout that period. 8

Sam Bowers The Imperial Wizard  Of Mississippi
Bowers authorized "the elimination" of "Goatee," the Klan's name for Mickey Schwerner, the head of the CORE office in Meridian for the last six months. Mickey and Rita Schwerner were sent out of New York.
Bowers had four trials that ended in deadlock, but in 1998 he was convicted and was sentenced to life. 5


June 21, 1964
Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner, went to a fire-bombed  church  and were  going to used the building as a Freedom School.


Sheriff Grabs Them
On the way back to the CORE office in Meridian, the three men were arrested by Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price.

The Road Where They DiedThe Klansman killed the three CORE workers here. Later that evening they were released from the Neshoba jail only to be stopped again on a rural road where a white mob shot them dead and buried them in a earthen dam.


Deliberately Set Up
The murders of the three men occurred in Philadelphia, Mississippi, on June 21, 1964, in Mississippi. The men had just finished a week-long training on the campus of Western College for Women regarding strategies on how to register blacks to vote.

Zionists Got Lots Of Mileage
This was a keystone event in the history of black relations, and the end of the  Ku Klux Klan.

Eliminate The Klan And Fuel A Race War
So how many did the Ku Klux Klan actually lynch? At best you can find 100 photographs. Wikipedia

Dragging 90 Yr Olds To Trial
Morris Dees, and Mark Potok, are still pursuing this nonsense. All it ever was is three kids killed in a Zionist set-up. Over the past four years Israeli snipers have killed 800 children.


Who Is Really Behind The Masks
This has been going on for thousands of years. You read about a Fatah death squad throwing a Hamas leader off a 15 story building, and later discover it was Israel's Shin Beth. A sophisticated bomb in a Baghdad marketplace kills 200 women and children, Zionists shout "It's the Sunnis", but the truth is it is the Mossad.
The all time classic was the Entebbe Raid. Two months ago the British Secret service release documents exposing the hoax, and international Zionists went into hyper drive, and the story never hit the world news outlets.

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