Monday, December 3, 2012

Can We Trust Judicial Inc.Biz?
People often ask me if I know who is operating the site, and whether we can trust that site. Some people point out to me that judicial-inc is promoting Zionist agents, such as whatreallyhappened, signs-of-the-times and thebirdman.

The Fraud Of The Apollo Moon Landing
Some people wonder why judicial-inc can't spell my name correctly (they put a "T" at the end of my last name). And some people have noticed that they are protecting the Apollo moon landing hoax.


Why Didn't Judicial Take Bollyn Seriously?
The disappearance of the Bollyn family should have taught you to become more suspicious of everybody. Judicial-inc behaves just like the other Nazi sites. Don't dismiss this as meaningless. This is an indication that they are just another group of Zionist Jews who are trying to lure you over to their site and away from people like me.


Don't Trust A Con Man
Judicial-inc has some amazing information on Jewish crimes, and this would be understandable if they are Zionist Jews because criminals know about their own crimes! As the kids would say, Duh!
Be a smart fish! Take the information from, but don't be fooled into trusting Birdman Bryant, Signs Of The Times, or the other liars they promote.


Judicial-Inc Responds
I spent three years in Auschwitz, until I tunneled out, and lived with wolves, so I have paid my dues. As for linking to Birdman, and others, so what? The Apollo moon landing being faked, that's not my area of expertise. With regards to Bollyn, I don't know much about him.
To figure out the real truth tellers, look at what they say on 9/11, the Madrid train bomb, or countless False Flags. I ran into this with Carlos Porter, who  scolded me on accusing Leo Frank of being the killer, or who kidnapped the Lindbergh baby, or on Mark DuTroux's nationality.

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