Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Five Jewish Teenagers Attack Lone Muslim

They used brass knuckles, but claim he was a terrorist

Jewish Teens Arrested And Charged With Hate Crime

These Five Say He Was Handing Out Terror Propaganda Leaflets

They took the law into their own hands to protect Brooklyn

A 2006 Version Of The Magnificent Seven?

It Is Basically Good Versus Evil

A Terrorist Is A Terrorist

Brooklyn Has Nothing To Fear
As with the little village that seven gringos saved in old Mexico, Brooklyn sees these teens as gunslingers turned heroes. The cry goes out for the villagers to stand by their heroes, and fight for their freedom. Talk of a 25 year sentence has everyone hopping.

Lawyers Say The Arab Was A Terrorist
These Pakistanis have nuclear weapons, and their close to Al Qaeda. No way these five are serving 25 years.

Mother Of The Jewish Kids
One mother says that 24 year-old Shahid Amber was a suicide propagandist and that the five Jewish teens are heroes, and deserve a Purple Heart for Brooklyn Urban Warfare. Their mother's have already contacted Tom Poulter.


Brooklyn Community Leaders
No way will this community stand for these five getting railroaded.

Numerous Witnesses
They might have been some shoving, but the Pakistani started it.

A Jewish Judge
Like some Judge from Brooklyn is going to sentence these five kids to 25 years?


Oddly The ADL Is Silent
Abe Foxman hasn't said a word about this extremely vicious hate crime.

What Happens?
The trial gets delayed, some money is 'donated' to a charity, and the victim seems to develop a hazy memory. A Judge give the five Jewish men a stern tongue lashing, but two rabbis, crying mothers, and numerous character witnesses, give the Judge a reason for leniency.
Judge Stein tells the five they must serve 100 hrs community service at a local synagogue, and next time he won't be so lenient.

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