Hamas Militant Hits Jeep With
This Thing Uses A Shape Charge
And Can Stop A Tank
This Is One Odd Story
The only RPGs in Gaza are in propaganda photographs, because if Hamas
really had them, then Israelis wouldn't drive around in jeeps shooting
The Israeli Story
A jeep loaded with Jewish IDF was driving along when a Hamas
terrorist shot a RPG and destroyed the jeep.
Army Is Shaken
An army spokeswoman confirmed an air strike and said that ground
forces identified hitting several militants who struck an Israeli
armoured vehicle with an anti-tank rocket.
How Did They Survive?
G-d was watching from the heavens. When he saw an Arab strike out
against his chosen people, he sent an angel to protect the Jews.
So What Did Happen
Some soldier died of an overdose, friendly fire, or some accident,
and his body was put to good use. A jeep load of Israeli just don't
survive after an RPG hits.
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