Monday, December 3, 2012

Marcy Forman Holds A $165,000 Federal Job At Immigration

The ADL Demands Hearings
Some Brooklyn hustlers open a slaughterhouse in remote Iowa, they destroy the town, are caught with 900 illegals Mexican employees, a meth lab, etc., and finally get raided. Because it is Kosher the congress opens an investigation.

The Owners Of Agriprocessors
The Rubashkins are family of Brooklyn butchers, who opened a slaughterhouse in Postville Iowa in 1987. They imported 800 Mexicans and wrecked the towns  infrastructure.
The plant has been cited for illegal practices, including the knowing recruitment of illegal immigrants and inducing them to work in often dangerous conditions at illegal wages. 
The Rubashkin family opened a new processing plant in conjunction with the Oglala Lakota native-American tribe of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in Gordon, Nebraska in 2006. The presence of the plant on an Indian reservation provides considerable tax breaks for Rubashkin, while the plant employs some 100 locals. Governor Dave Heineman presented a $505,000 gratuity check to Rubashkin on behalf of the city of Gordon, part of an incentive package that brought the factory to the town.



They Were Raided
The US Marshals found a passport forging operation, a meth lab, and 900 illegals.

Three Hundred Arrested And Detained
Three hundred Mexicans were held at this government detention facilities, and the slaughterhouse says it reminiscent of German detention camps.

Zionist Congressman Outraged
U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren, backed by Speaker Pelosi, convened a hearing in Washington on July 24, 2008 to consider the government's role in the May 12 raid on the Agriprocessors plant.

Witnesses at recent congressional hearings described the federal immigration raid on the country's largest kosher plant as a travesty of justice, a national disgrace and an ambush. 8

The Head Of Immigration
In a hearing room packed with onlookers, it was Forman and a senior Department of Justice official, Deborah Rhodes, in the dock as the government faced the first sustained examination of its policy of bringing criminal charges against illegal immigrants.
“Personally and professionally, I find that quite offensive,” said Marcy Forman, the director of the Office of Investigations at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the lead agency in the raid. “Being of the Jewish faith, I equate concentration camps to the murder of over 6 million individuals.”


Zionist Representative Furious

“We have a schizophrenic country,” said Rep. Dan Lungren (R-Calif.), noting that calls for a temporary worker program would fail unless enforcement was taken seriously.

Lungren said the hearings seemed to focus on the supposed failures of a government agency, but in fact further investigation might find that Immigration and Customs Enforcement did things properly. 6


Rabbi Morris Allen
The Rabbi is concerned with the $11.5 billion dollar Kosher food business being effected.

Compare This To The Texas Mormon Raid
The ATF swooped down on the FDLS because some ADL flunkie made a bogus call about sexual harassment. The Texas Rangers rounded up 436 children, took them from their mothers, and stuck them in a warehouse. Finally, the US Government was forced to give the mothers their children back, but the Zionist media didn't say a word.
Now, take the Kosher slaughterhouse raid in Postville Iowa. They had 900 illegals, no Social Security taxes withheld, underage workers, a meth lab, a witness meets a mysterious death, arson, etc. etc. Basically the slaughterhouse had it's schedule disrupted, and may have to follow legitimate employment practices, so they get fellow Zionist senators to hold hearings.

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