Massive Car Bomb Kills 43 In
Algeria Sits On Massive Gas
Just Another Sub-Plot In The Zionist's
Master Plan
Algeria sits on vast oil deposits, and Zionists want it. Their
strategy is simple, pit the 'Haves' against the 'Have-Nots'. Over the
last few years Algeria has become the target of a series of
massive terror bombs. In today's
episode the Algerians are told it's an Al Qaeda operation in conjunction
with Army of Liberation.
Israel's game plan is to have the Arabs kill each other off, and
Zionists gain control of the country. This began in 1917 Russia, and
today it exists in Iraq.
Algeria is a country of 32 million, mainly
Berbers, which are Sunni Muslims. They were under French
control until 1960, and now they are a independent country.
Bolsheviks Finance The Army Of Islamics
civil war resulted in more than
100,000 deaths since 1991. Although the security situation in the
country has greatly improved, addressing the underlying issues which
brought about the political turmoil of the 1990s remains the
government's major task.
Algeria Has A Lot Of Oil
Algeria now produces about 1.4
million barrels per day, and the major foreign oil companies in
Algeria include Anadarko Petroleum Corp., BP, Shell, BHP Billiton, ENI,
and Hess Corp. BP plans to nearly quintuple production at
Rhourde El Baguel, Algeria’s second-largest oil field with about 3
billion barrels of proven reserves. Although the field is huge and has
been producing for more than four decades, it has only produced 450
million barrels. By 2010, BP expects to raise output from the current
27,000 bpd to 125,000 bpd.
The Gas industry produces 60% of budget revenues, 30% of GDP, and over 95%
of export earnings.
Algiers Is The Capital
Algiers is an historic beautiful city like Beruit was. It is 99%
Berber and 1% Jewish.
Israel Has Plans
They already have a core of 300,000 Jews in the country in
strategic positions.
Revolutions Are The Life-Blood Of Zionists
They never do the fighting, they just guide the revolutions. In
Algeria they simply formant old tribal rivalries, and promise the poor
they will share in the riches.
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