Mendel Beilis
A fiend that stalked children
in 1912 Kiev
Beilis Was A Supervisor At This
Brick Factory Outside Kiev
Andrei Yustschinsky
Young Boy Murdered For A Purim
The Marks OF Purim Blood
They Saw Who Did It
1911 Kiev
In 1912 Kiev Had A Population
Of 452,000
The 1912 Trial Of Ritual Murder
International Jewry Was In
Total Panic Over This Case
A Brutal Ritual Murder
In March of 1911 a boy was brutally murdered by Beilis the Jew. Russia
exploded, and the case went as far as to the Czar. There was intense Jewish pressure
used to block investigators, and the courts. At the time of the murder, Beilis
had a Hassidic,
Faivel Schneerson, whose family had a
of Purim murders, staying with him. All of
International Jewry came out to prevent a trial.
The case
of Beilis
kept Russia
in turmoil for almost three years, and stirred up the whole civilized
world. Jews had gotten away with these Purim sacrifices for years, but
this was 1912, and the
world was focused on this one trial.
What Happened
This Kiev Jew had been stalking the child for months, and finally made his
move on 20 March, 1911. The one surviving witness, another child, said
there were other accomplices with Bielis. A member of
family was with him.
The Child Was Butchered Here
The investigators concluded that the child was brought to a
shed/chamber, and
tortured to death. He was stripped
naked, tortured and drained of all his blood, in a
ritual manner. There were 36 puncture
wounds, most on the head, and the blood letting occurred at the
carotid artery.
Body Is Moved
Andrei Yustschinsky was found in a semi rural area of Kiev in a
clay pit. The body had rigor mortis, it was in half-sitting position,
the hands were tied together behind the back.
The body was dressed merely with a shirt, underpants, and a single
stocking. His face was dark blue and covered with blood. Medical
examiners determined he was alive, and naked, while he was tortured.
Russia's Jewish Newspapers Panicked
International Jewry realized there were sitting on a
time bomb. The implications
of Purim's 'Blood libel' was on all their minds. The Kiev Jewish paper
Kievskaya Mysl immediately wrote articles implicating the child's
A newspaper editor, Borchevsky, bribed police chief Mischtschuk, who then arrested the boy's mother. She wasn't allowed
out of jail for the burial of her child!
Next they accused the step father, and the police chief brought all
the relatives in for questioning.
Jewish newspapers were advocating violence and the governor had to
arrest some editors, and close down papers.
Jews organized
street riots.
The Ministry appointed Mishchuk
who arrested the mother and step father. For two months he took the case
nowhere. He was charged with
accepting bribes and imprisoned.
Inspector Krasovsky
He took over from Mishchuk, and tried to blame one of the witness's
He was relieved, but there was enough
evidence to charge him with accepting money. This is now four months after
the murder.
Police Chief Is replaced By Commissar Kunzevitch;
The police were replaced by Kunzevitch, who preferred to stay in the
Grand hotel of Kiev and to place his name merely among press reports.
The people of Kiev said he was bought off. Next was the "secret
policeman" Krazovski", an extremely confident man, who had a sudden
change of heart. The investigation went nowhere, but Krazovski became
His reports always conformed to the Jewish newspaper accounts.
Gypsies Are Accused
Solomon Breitmann, the publisher of the Jewish paper Poslyednich
novostyey, accused a band of
traveling gypsies who passed nearby.
Golub The Investigator
The Jewish press had pretty much buried the story, and the police were
paid off to drop it.
Golub starting piecing the crime
together, gathering witnesses, and took it to regular policemen, who finally
had Beilis arrested.
The Lamp Lighter
lamplighter testified that on March 12,
the day Yushchinsky disappeared, he had seen him playing with two other
boys on the premises of the brick factory. He alleged that a Jew had
suddenly appeared and kidnapped Yushchinsky, pulling him toward the brick
Witnesses Come Forward
Four months after the murder, an investigator has three children
confirm they were playing with the victim. They had been
threatened with
death if they talked.
Children Are Poisoned
After one week the little ones fell critically ill with symptoms of
poisoning, after the "secret Jew commissar" Krasovski had "visited" them
and brought them "pies"! Two children,
Zhenya and Valya, died in quick
succession, while Ludmilla slowly recovered only after many weeks. The
Jewish newspapers reported the children died of "dysentery"!
The Witnesses Mother Is Sent To Kharkov
mother is sent to Kharkov, where she is put in the finest hotel of
the city. She was told her other daughter would be killed, and the
Jew Margolin, the later defense counsel of
Mendel Beilis offered her the round sum of 40,000
She was asked to confess to the murder of Andrusha.
Beilis is Arrested
On 22 July 1911, Beilis was
finally arrested together with Mrs. Cheberkov. The mother
was soon released. Menahem Beilis spent more than two years in prison awaiting trial.
Because of
Austrian Jews visiting with him, it was thought to
be a ceremony.
Local Vagabond Found Strangled
Tartakovski a part time worker at the brick factory was said to
have knowledge of the murder. He was
found strangled!
Beilis Accomplices
Between 1853 and 1860,
the Schneerson, a family of Hasidics had been convicted of blood libel in
Russia, and were imprisoned in Siberia. The nephew,
Faivel Schneerson,
of this famous family was
staying with Beilis.
Dr Sikorsky On Blood libel
This trial revolved around the Jewish ritual of killing Gentile
children for a Purim sacrifice. Dr Sikorsky was an
expert witness. His
Trial Lasted Twenty Days- Sept 25 through Oct 28, 1913
Not fewer than 219 witnesses, mostly Jews, were available during the 20
days of the trial. There were 44 newspapers there, and
95% were
Jewish controlled.
The high point of these 20 days of testimony, however, was shaped by
testimony of the little ten-year-old
Ludmilla Cheberyakov. The court was loaded with Jews, and she was
for her life.
International Jewry provided
five lawyers, and the Beilis trial is supposed to have cost the Jews
17 million Rubles.
Beilis is acquitted on a jury vote of six guilty, and six innocent.
Theodor Fritsch Comments
I expected anything after watching this trial. A five month
investigation by two police chiefs turned up nothing. Next, two
examining judges were bribed, and charged. When the third one
finally arrested Beilis, remarkable things happened: two chief witnesses
Beilis (both the children of Cheberyakova) died a sudden deaths,
and the day
the judge was to examine the murder shed, it mysteriously burnt
In the trial it has been shown that several witnesses, intimidated by
threats, did not dare to directly testify.
Arnold Leese's summary.
American Consulate
This case was serious enough where the American Consulate kept
Washington informed.
The Bolsheviks Take Revenge On The Judges And Witnesses
When the Bolsheviks
took over in 1917, all the witnesses, expert witnesses, prosecutors,
judges, etc were
put on trial,
and then executed. Anyone that spoke out during the Beilis trial
against Jewry, fell as victims to the Jewish-Bolshevist Terror.
Professor of Psychiatry, J. Sikorski, and the student Golubov
shot, under martial law in Kiev, together with other witnesses. Professor Kossorotov;
murdered by poison. Vera
was shot.
The ones siding with the Jews, like Bechterev, received a
leading scientific administrative posts.
Why The Panic Over A Simple Murder?
This trial was international news from 1911-1913. If this piece of
garbage was convicted of Purim Sacrifice, than all of Jewry would
be under a cloud.
They spent 17 million rubles on this single trial, they killed at
least three witnesses, and bribed countless police, judges, and
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