Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mysterious crash of a British SAS Hercules

False Flags pointing to Iran

A  British Hercules was on a special mission from Baghdad to the US base Balad, when it suffered a catastrophic explosion.
It is a 40 mile trip ,the plane flew at  15,000'  and was carrying SAS members. .

The government story changes
Now the plane was at 4,000 feet and an insurgent shot it down, with a $ 500 Strella-7 SAM missile.


Insurgents rush to send Al Jezeera a video
Al Jazeera is a satellite news station that was started in Qatar in 1996 as a disinformation unit of the Mossad/CIA. Qatar is 5 minutes from the US base of the Fifth Fleet. It is always the main source for anything from Bin Laden's edicts to beheading videos.
A few hrs after attack they release the C-130 video 
I am sure under those robes are quite a few Israelis.

The problems with the story
The mission was at dusk, the most dangerous time of day and over a hot area, so the  4000 feet is nonsense. There was no mayday call which points to a bomb-like explosion.
C-130's have numerous anti missile systems making the $ 500 missile story nonsense
Al Jazeera video
The video showed a remote launch with the plane coming down in one piece  and exploding into a fire ball. The area was a swamp and it was dusk. The tape was a patch together version of footage the rebels couldn't have. They never shot down a large plane before, so where did they get the footage ?

Iran suddenly becomes involved
Al Jazeera  says a mysterious Iranian group claimed responsibility because SAS had been scouting Iran.
Seymour Hersh said US marines were on covert Iran missions targeting nuclear facilities for a US invasion. Other analysts predict an Iranian invasion.
Bush says: --- " Iran is part of the Axis of Evil and God told me to invade so they don't use WMD against Israel "

What really happened
The Mossad planted a bomb and wants to blame Iran. Israel agents are all over Iraq with total access to all facilities and intelligence. They knew the flight and SAS personnel. It was a bomb because of the cover-up - the silly Al Jazeera tape - and no mayday.

  This was identical to the MO of the Fallujah ambush ( 4 mercs sent out by Israeli Co. ) and the marine mess tent at Mosul where a contractor ,who traces back to Jewish run catering service, planted a bomb in false serving tray.  


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