Our New Guiding Light
I have updated my listing of ways that the Jewish
supremacists are wrecking America. This list provides a good
introduction to those neophytes just immersing themselves in the
world of the anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish supremacist movement, and
shows them the countless ways Jewish extremism negatively affects
our country. It’s a quick and handy primer to enlighten and educate
our people (European-Americans), preparing them for this noble
struggle for survival they must choose to fight if they are truly
desirous of having a future life upon this planet for their children
and grandchildren. Supremacist Jewry is killing us; it is killing
our soul, killing our spirit, killing our will, killing our pride
and killing our nation. Its policies are killing our people. We must
make this clear and present the ugly reality and the unpleasant
truth in an easy-to-understand format. I believe this list is a good
step in that direction.
Erasing Our History
They have destroyed our pride in our history, and a nation that
loses its sense of history soon ceases to be a nation.
They have labeled our beloved Founding Fathers as “racists” and
“white slavers”, ignoring the great representative republic that
these men constructed.
Dividing Society Through Multiculturalism
They have promoted multiculturalism, celebrating every culture–no
matter how backward and barbaric–except for Western white European
culture. As Jewish Marxist intellectual thug Susan Sontag stated in
a poisonous rant “The white race is the cancer of humanity.”
Communists Hate Christianity
They have driven our Christian faith and heritage from the public
square by utilizing their countless criminal cadres of ADL and ACLU
Communist lawyers. Our children will soon grow up in a society wiped
clean of any vestiges of the Bible, Christ or the cross. However,
the menorah is still allowed in the White House for Hannukah
celebrations. In fact, the Jewish religion is the only faith that
can’t be mocked openly in Hollywood entertainment.
Turning America Into A Third World
They have torn our borders open, permitting, indeed cheering, the
Third World dregs who will soon replace us as the majority. The
Javitzes, the Lautenbergs and Cellers meticulously designed the
legislation (Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965) that will
genocide us. They have done all this while simultaneously–and with
no sense of irony–supporting Israel’s “Jews-only” immigration
The Zionist Controlled Porn Industry
They have created, pushed and profited from pornography and
perverse entertainment. The “Chosen” make up 90% of all American
pornographers. The Hollywood they run has mainstreamed
wife-swapping, common law marriages, pedophilia, scatology,
licentious sex, drug and alcohol abuse and self-indulgence.
Bestiality will be next on the list. In fact, they are already
releasing a documentary portraying men who have sex with horses.
Using Gay
Rights To Create Fissures In Society
They have brought homosexuality out of the closet and into our
faces. Sodomy is shown in their media and movies as normal, healthy,
enjoyable and something to celebrate openly in as brazen a fashion
as possible. They have founded, funded and fronted every homosexual
advocacy group in America. To oppose the flaunting of buggery is now
considered “old-fashioned” and “reactionary.”
Controlling The Universities
They have brainwashed our children. With their control of the
institutes of “higher” learning, they have filled the minds of the
young with Marxism, Deconstructionism, relativism, anti-white
self-hatred and lies about “diversity” and non-judgmentalism. These
sundry “isms” are the pernicious lies that have jettisoned the
positive “isms” that once bloomed in our society: patriotism,
altruism, individualism, nationalism, etc. Jewish academics like
Noel Ignatiev now fearlessly call for the “death of whiteness” with
nary a squeak of protest.
Brainwashing Through The Media
They have subverted our government. With Zionist control of
media, both print and television, the two major political parties
and the highest echelons of government, our foreign and domestic
policy has been steered away from the interests of the
European-American majority, rendering us incapable of
self-preservation. The war in Iraq, the 9/11 attacks and a possible
clash with Iran in the near future, are all results of the Zionist
subjugation of the most powerful nation on earth, and the
prioritizing of Israel’s concerns over those of the United States.
Our taxpayers now fork over nearly six billion dollars a year in
money and weaponry to this rogue state, with little to show for it
except the hatred of the entire planet and the punishment of higher
oil prices from the Arab world.
Splintering Society Through The Feminists Movement
They have force-fed the propaganda of radical feminism to
American women and girls. Thanks to the steady diet of anti-male,
anti-marriage and anti-family books, lectures and college courses
from the likes of the Steinems, the Friedans and the Abzugs, many
women now see the prospect of marriage and child-rearing as an
impediment to their liberation. This has resulted in a sharply
decreased white birthrate.
Their Abortion Racket
They have made abortion into a sacrament. Planned Parenthood, the
National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and every other
leftist pro-abortion promoter and provider in America is run from
top to bottom by “the Chosen”. Unlimited and unregulated abortion on
demand is lauded and touted in the controlled media as a positive
social good for the United States. Thirty-four years after Roe v.
Wade and with over 40 million abortions under their belts, these
same groups still cheer and applaud for more. And with most abortion
rights organizations top-heavy with Jews and a large percentage of
abortion doctors also being Jewish, they have definitely made a
killing out of killing.
The Myth Of Jewish Superiority
They have sold us the packaged and deliberate lies of
egalitarianism. All races are equal in intelligence, morality,
accomplishments and potential, except of course, for one. The Jewish
“race”, as their own leaders refer to their people, is declared by
Jewish anthropologists to be “superior.” The lies of Montagu, Gould
and Franz Boas have infected and displaced true science. According
to these charlatans, Jews are uniquely intelligent, uniquely moral
and a group that stands above all other groups in its supremacy.
They truly believe they have a God-given right to rule over us. To
criticize their pernicious power is the most egregious societal
taboo. It will result in the loss of reputation and livelihood and
remove any individual–no matter how acclaimed they once were–from
the realm of “respectable” society.
Zionists Were Behind The Civil Rights Movement
They have propelled forward and profited from the social
experiment called “racial integration”, a failed experiment that is
killing European-Americans. With Jews at the helm of the black civil
rights movement, “headed” by their pawn, Martin Luther King, Jr., a
charlatan plagiarizer and philandering minister whose speeches and
writings were the product of his handler, Jewish Communist attorney
Stanley Levinson, the rights of white Americans were steamrolled.
This was done with the help of a pliant and gushing Jewish media
bound and determined to decrease the power of Euro-Americans
forever. Jews founded the NAACP and headed it until the 1970s, not
out of any benevolence toward blacks, but only to use them as a
“proletariat” to finally seal Jewish hegemony over the institutions
of the United States in the long run, thus guaranteeing the
weakening and dumbing-down of white education and increased
violence, rape and murder of the white majority. The 60% of violent
crime committed in this country by “African-Americans” is then
covered up or buried by the mainstream media, now firmly in Jewish
hands. This, in essence, is an attempt to hide from the livid eyes
of whites the abject failure and devastation of “integration.”
Neo Nazis Aren't The only Racists
They have seized our language and steered it to the purposes of
propaganda, with a little help from the Jew tube idiot box. A
“racist” is now someone who is appalled by black crime and the
brutalizing of our white women and children by violent rape and
murder. It is anyone who doesn’t want white people to be wiped off
the face of the earth forever. An “anti-Semite” is no longer someone
who hates Jews, but someone the Jews hate. Any soul who dares to
mention aloud any aspect or plank of their sick and ghoulish
anti-European death creed now leveled against us is likened to a
Nazi goose-stepper sans the arm band and brown shirt. This would
include a sizeable cross-section of the population who are now
awakened and becoming hyper-aware of the reality of Jewish perfidy.
The Federal Reserve And Engineered Depressions
They have controlled our currency with the counterfeiting scheme
that is the Federal Reserve, its umbilical cord of sustenance
interfaced with the Jewish Rothschild banking cartel run from the
financial nerve center of world Jewry located in London, England.
Since 1913, and intermittently on and off again throughout US
history, Jews have sunk their vampire fangs into the currency of our
nation. This nexus of dominance, more than any other, must be
broken, smashed, its reins handed back to the people and the
government of our country, rather than a private corporation
operated top to bottom by power-hungry greed-head Jewish extremist
money-men and international bankers who are in all truth, globalists
and internationalists, intent on robbing the American people of
their livelihood and their birthright, just as our Founding Fathers
warned us they would. Until we get this banking power off of our
backs, we will never be free of Jewish tyranny. We will instead be
bankrupt and subservient to their evil power agenda.
And on and on it goes. Everything on this list can be easily verified.
Jews, mostly Zionist in nature, have spearheaded every movement or cause
that now threatens our destruction and brings us to the edge of
extinction and annihilation. And now the leviathan of Zionism and
Talmudic Judaism extends its tentacles into every facet of our country
and indeed into almost every other nation and culture residing upon the
earth. With its expansion comes the debauching and sundering of all
peoples, all heritages and all traditions. What will we do to stop it?
Will we fear and quake before the strawmen buzzwords of “anti-Semite”
and “hater”, or will we stand and battle for the survival of
civilization? It is up to all of us, Christians of both the right and
the left, moderate Muslims who eschew violence, anti-Zionist Jews of
conscience and indeed people of no particular religious persuasion. We
must rage against the dying of the light, but that is not enough. All of
us must kick at the evil and the darkness of Zionism and Jewish
supremacism until it bleeds daylight.
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