Special Units That Followed
Concentration Camp Liberators
Special Units of the 'War Crime
Division' consisted mainly of Jewish investigators
After Liberators Took A Camp, The
War Crimes Units Showed Up
Typical War Crimes Investigators
Roosevelt And Churchill
Were Behind These Units
Col. Mickey Marcus And Lt. Col.
Murray Bernays Formulated Everything
A Pole and Lithuanian immigrant picked the investigators, and the staff, for the
Nuremberg Trails
Benjamin Ferencz's Ran The Investigators
And Prosecutors
War Crimes Tribunal
International Jewry, under Henry Morgenthau,
formulated a plan to hold 'War Crime' trials, so they sent a team of
investigators into all the concentration camps to document, enhance, and fabricate
various horrors. A
26 yr old Harvard graduate named Benjamin Ferencz,
organized and lead the team.
Jackson and his crew of 'Mutts' were on a vendetta. The trials, witnesses,
and evidence were sheer fantasy and fabrication. Jewry had declared war on
Germany in 1933, and their machinations ended in 1946, with Nuremberg and
Dachau trials.
German War Heros
Some of Germany's most elite soldiers wind up at Nuremberg, being tried by
Ivy League draft dodgers, that were brought in to serve as "Holocaust Fabricators"
Benjamin Ferencz
Benjamin Ferencz - Chief Of The War Crimes
Ben attended Harvard University,
graduating in late 1943. He claims:~ "I was a war hero and fought at every
major battle from Italy, Normandy, the Battle of The Bulge, etc". Ben was
charged with establishing the war crimes investigation branch of the
U.S. Army. The group gathered
evidence and apprehended alleged Nazi war criminals. He
ultimately became chief U.S. prosecutor in The
Einsatzgruppen Case of
the Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings.
Mauthausen Camp
Benjamin entered Mauthausen as a 'War Crimes
Investigator. If the commandant wouldn't confess we
would used Special Tactics to get a confession.
His other main source of evidence: ~ "A lot of Jewish prisoners had secret records".
Arnold Weiss - A Typical Investigator
Weiss sat out the war in Milwaukee until
1945, when suddenly he arrives in Munich. He joined a group of Jewish
CIC investigators
ravaged what was left of Germany, and it's people.
Morris Rosen - A Typical
A Polish Jew who was in the camps on criminal charges. He was used
at the Dachau trials, where SS where
beaten till they confessed.
Another Jewish war hero turned 'War Crimes
Investigator' and prosecutor. He claims to have been in the 101st Airborne division,
and was a "pathfinder" for the
Normandy invasion. Pathfinders were elite troops that went in before
and guiding the landing of other parachutists.
Describes how
he captured Julius Streicher |
Robert M W Kempner
- Prosecutor
Kempner was a
Jewish lawyer who
fled from Germany to the US in 1933, under questionable circumstances. He
returned in 1945, in a US Army uniform.
Cooked Evidence
He presented a
Wilder movie of MP's unloading bloody gold teeth from Reichsbank branch.
The manager testified that army personal put the gold teeth in the bank
safes the day before. He also
found/cooked the
Wannsee Protocol, a
critical historical document verifying the Holocaust.
Nuremberg Prosecutor Deson
A Look At The Witnesses and Evidence
Most witnesses were Jewish partisans, criminals,
and communists, that the prosecutors pulled out of jails, and DP camps,
and their stories were absurd. Jews told of man eating dogs, giant frying
pans that cooked Jews, ray guns, atomic vaporizers, killed by showers in
cold weather, being fed to bears, man eating eagles, and on and on.
The prosecution introduced various films, two
Billy Wilder classics were: ~ 'Death Mills' was
about the camps, and 'Reichsbank
This witness describes a
'Death Injection', used on children brought into Berlin doctor's
Elitist Prosecutors
Thought They Were In Long Island
You didn't want to
hang around in the camps. There was diarrhea. There was dysentery. There
were rumors of typhus in the camps. So, it was not a place to stay. You
got in. You did your job, moved on.
Nuremberg's Staff Stayed Here
Prosecutors, Judges, Researchers,
etc stayed at Nuremberg Grand Hotel. It was understood that if you
wanted a job (Germany was in ruins) with the occupation, then you
be spending your nights at the Grand Hotel.
Nuremberg Was A
Social Setting
Life at
Nuremberg consisted of grand-standing lawyers,
persecuted Germans, and staffs loaded with young German
girls. It was considered a 'Career booster' for these smarmy New
The Irony Of The 1933 Nuremberg Laws
In the late 1920's Germany suffered the Weimar
collapse, Jews took full advantage of everyone's desperation, and this
behavior brought about the Nuremberg Laws. 60% of Berlin's professionals
were Jewish. Berlin was a den of depravity thanks to Jewish criminals that
were protected by Jewish politicians and police.
The Nuremberg law's key components revolved
around sexual harassment, and their infiltration of the government. Jews
were forbidden to employ a female domestic under 45 yr old in their
houses, interracial sex was a crime, and they were pulled out of key
government positions.
Sixteen years later the Nuremberg trials brought
revenge, as Germany laid in ruins, and the cycle started all over again.
Staffs were young German girls
Hanging Became Part
Of the Propaganda
'slithering' hucksters saw it as party,
and hanging female Germans, as entertainment. They hung a
19 yr old
farm girl, who was a postal clerk at Belsen.
Some of the evidence presented was
shrunken heads, later determined to
be from a museum.
These Jews Hanged People On This Garbage
Blobel ordered me to have the children executed.
I asked him, "By whom
should the shooting be carried out?" He answered, "By the Waffen-SS." I
raised an objection and said, "They are all young men. How are we going to
answer them if we make them
shoot small children?" To this he said, "Then
use your men." I then said, "How can they do that? They have small
children as we" This tug-of-war lasted about ten minutes....I suggested
that the Ukrainian militia of the Feldkommandant should shoot the children. There were no
objections from either side to the suggestion....
I went to the woods alone. The Wehrmacht had already dug a grave. The
children were brought along in a tractor.
The children were taken down from the tractor.
They were lined up along the top of the grave and shot so that they fell
into it. The Ukrainians did not aim at any
particular part of the body. They fell into the grave.
wailing was indescribable.
I shall never forget the scene throughout my life. I find it very hard
to bear. I particularly remember a small
fair-haired girl who took me by the hand. She too was shot later....The
grave was near some woods. It was not near the rifle range.
The execution must have taken place in the afternoon at about 3:30 - 4:00.
It took place the day after the discussions at the Feldkommandanten....Many
children were hit four or five times before they died.
Benjamin Ferencz Today
He was in charge of Germany's
$ 35 billion in
Jewish reparations.Today Ferencz is 84 yrs old. For the last few years he has been an author
and lecturer.
Info on Nuremberg Trials.
Videos of this clown |
German puppets give
Morgantheu's agents Germany's future
# 1
.# 4.
# 6 |
Summary |
War Reparations Agreement
Mr. Niederman,
Mr. Rapp, and
Benjamin Ferencz And His Team At Reunion
What's It All Mean?
When WW-2 was over there were 407,316 Americans dead,
Germany was destroyed, and this was all done so Stalin, and the communists, could walk into
Europe. It was bad enough that we firebombed Dresden and Hamburg, leveled
most of Germany, but then
we sent it some arrogant Jewish kids to fabricate a Holocaust, and hang
military officers like Gen. Keitel and Goering.
Sixty years later, we are in Iraq, fighting and dying in
another battle concocted by International Jewry.
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