The Last Thing You Need Is
Obama Or McCain

You Are On The Verge Of A Planned
Economic Implosion
Zionists have dreamed for 2000 years of ruling the world, and this is
their end game. Like any con, they need a fall guy, and today it is the
Arab world. There will be some sort of False Flag terror attack, and we
will be at war in Iran, and the point will be to grab the Middle East's
oil supplies. Everyone can sit back and yell "conspiracy", but ask
yourself why we are in Iraq? The economics will be another 1929, but
this time, it will be worldwide and on a larger scale.
- Real estate collapses.
- Stocks disintegrate.
- Unemployment hits 25%.
- The Black-Mexican-White race war explodes.
In a few years, the Zionists will propose a one-world government, with a
commodity-backed currency, mostly based on gold. You will be eventually
be like a Palestinian in Gaza. What you see in today's housing fall, is
minor as to the future.
All you need to do is look at the death tolls and misery from the 1917
Bolshevik revolution, the 1929 depression, and World War Two. These
creatures are soul-less vampires, who wreck nations, whether it's
devastating Iraq, or binging in 50 million illegal Mexicans to America
You need some sort of organization that puts forth a write-in
candidate who will put America first.
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