Saturday, December 29, 2012


The New Stürmer
Year 1999

Dear Friends!
In the time of the Roman Empire one of the speakers in the Senate always ended his speeches with the following words: "By the way, it is my profound intention that Carthage must be destroyed."
 "Let it be known that my intention is that Judaism must be destroyed," shall be the standing statement from Julius Streiker.
I will also, as of today, have a second standing statement: "Remember it was the Jews who declared war on Germany on March 27, 1933!"
Let this be part of my contribution to our never forgetting who they are and what they can do!

Do we have a Jewish supremacy? Look at how the Jewish historian Max I. Dimont quoted the late Israeli prime minister David Ben Gurion in the book "The Indestructible Jews" page 337: "My concept of the messianic idea is not a metaphysical but a social-culture one..... I believe in our moral and intellectual superiority, in our capacity to serve as a model for the redemption of the human race. ..... The glory of the Divine Presence is within us, in our hearts, and not outside us"
What would have happened if I or anyone else had spoken such words about the Teutons or any other race for that matter? We would have been crucified as anti-semites. But Jews can and do speak like this about their supremacy over us.

In a normal world one would expect that the people of a country governed themselves. Is that not the meaning of the non Teuton/Aryan word democracy. That at least is what I thought it meant. I thought that when I voted for a politician he would stand up for my country, my beliefs and my values. But no! Not in Norway, not in Germany and no where else in this world, does a politician stand up for the people who elected him or her. Who do they stand up for, you ask? The Jews, bloodsucking the nation who gave them shelter and Jews living in other nations.
Why can I say that democracy is a Jewish word or a Jewish way of governing? Because nobody, not one of the politicians/legislators are or can be held responsible for any bad or criminal results that spring from their actions as a "peoples representative". In a true government, like the one in old Prussia, the legislators were held responsible for their actions and failures.
That Prussia was destroyed by the Jews after WWI. Hitler wanted to restore these responsibilities, but never got that far before the Jews once again smashed Germany. Remember Hitler was elected as a representative of the German people. He did not usurp political power in Germany in 1933. In Norway Quisling wanted such a true democracy. He hadn't got close to it before the Jews had him shot.
The world famous (at least to Norwegians he is world famous) Fridtjof Nansen said in 1910: "The parliament is an incubator for dilettantes. This is not said in disrespect of parliament, but it is its source."
Please remember these words and please feel free to use them. By the way, Nansen and Quisling were very good friends. Nansen took Quisling into the Norwegian party Fedrelandslaget, Association of the Home Country. Unfortunately Nansen died before Quisling established the Nasjonal Samling, or National Assembly. Had he not I am sure he would have been a member.

The Norwegian Storting, the Parliament, is governed by the lobby "Israels venner" - Friends of Israel. Every political party has members in this organisation. Some have all their representatives as members, some only a few. The party "Fremskrittspartiet" (Frp- The progress Party) was for a long time a small national party against taxes and duties, which Norwegians pay most of their income to. Frp was also and still is against immigration from third world countries. For a long time Frp was a minority party, with only one or two representatives out of 165. Some years ago the leader of Frp collectively entered all his representatives into Israels venner and now the party is the second largest party in the Storting. They are still against immigration from Third world countries, but they cannot stop that immigration - because they are not in the Government. Frp is, in co-operation with the other parties, looking after the interest of the Jews of Norway. They all voted YES, when the Jews introduced a Stortingsvedtak - Parliamentarian resolution - that they are a minority group in Norway. This means they have rights no ethic Norwegian can ever dream of getting.
In a report from the Government - following the above resolution - the Government stated that the Jews of Norway belong only to their religious organisations and to no other organizations, ie Norwegian Jews do not belong to Bnai Brith or "The World Jewish Congress" or any other devious and deadly Jewish organizations - at least not as far as the Government knows. The Government had to say this because if they said anything else it would have proved to Norwegians that Jews do not look upon themselves as Norwegians.

Germany is governed by one man - Ignatz Bubis. Not by the German President, half Jew, Roman Herzog, or by the socialist Schroeder. No, Germany is ruled by the full Jew Ignatz Bubis. One of Bubis favourite sayings is that he and only he decides how many jews shall be allowed to immigrate to Germany.
What I wonder is: "Why do jews want to live in Germany, the country that, according to the Shoa legend, killed so many of them before and during WWII?" If my people had been killed by a nation, I would never want to be inside that countrys' borders.

  Jew Bobis
Bobis, born in Breslau in Germany in 1927, is a Holocaust-survivor. Yes, he is an other of those "fortunate" Jews who survived. We do not know why he survived, he was not a worker in any of the camps and as such according to the Shoa legend should have been killed. We will never learn why he and over 4.300.000 European Jews survived the Shoa. The Jewish leaders will not tell us. Even Bubis's parents survived. Isn't it remarkable?
Ignatz Bubis, a convicted criminal is leader of Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland, The German Jewish Council. Bubis was convicted of trading in gold and diamonds, a trade which could go on without tax in Germany after the war. But one had to show from whom one bought the precious metals and to whom one sold them. Bubis could tell who the buyers were, but not where the gold came from. Later he claimed it came from Switzerland. (Could it be that the gold Bubis sold was the gold Jews had moved/transported out of Germany during and before the war?)
By the way, before the war it was illegal to remove fine metals and money from Germany without permission. This the Jews have never told us, have they?
Bubis started his racketeering in Dresden in 1945. He even engaged in black marketing.
He was first arrested in 1948, but released. The Soviets liked me, he said later. In 1952 he was sentenced to 12 years hard labour for racketeering and the black marketing of tons of coffee.
So, the leader of the German Jews - the actual leader in Germany - as have many Jews before him, earned his money as a criminal.
Nothing is new under the sun, you say. YES, why should this Jew be different from other Jews?

I think it is impossible to name one single Jew governing the USA. There they live in their own Chosen Land of milk and honey - their Goshen.
Regarding the situation with the Jews of USA and their supremacy over both government and people I will let the attached picture of Hillary Clinton speak for itself. The picture was taken during one of her March/April 1999 holidays in Morocco.

Of all the graves in the graveyard she knelt down and prayed at a Jewish grave. I bet you she even said the right Jewish prayer. None of the other graves got flowers from Mrs Clinton, only the Jewish grave.
She is running for a seat in the Senate next year. Do you think her prayer in Morocco will help her candidacy?
I wish all the women in the USA who have lost a husband, a son or brother in a war, in battle or by accident could see this picture. I would ask those women if they know why Mrs. Clinton knelt by the Jewish grave instead of at a Christian grave? I hope they would answer me: "Because the Jews are the ones who govern the USA and who can help her political career."
This should show you the Jewish supremacy. If you need more proof, look around you. See if you can read anything bad about Jews? No, because they will not allow it.
Heil og sael

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