Anti-Jewish Sentiment Makes For A Healthy Being
Anti-Jewish sentiments are a natural and healthy reflex amongst
those peoples who wish to survive. Hence “anti-Semitism� is not only
a necessary attitude, but laudatory, and if pursued heartily,
capable of staving off annihilation, dissolution and moral decay,
decadence and revolution.
Expulsion Can Cleanse A Nation
Should the patient celebrate the expulsion of a virus or a
pathogen from his body? Indeed he would be considered insane not to.
In the same way the non-Jew should celebrate the expulsion of the
parasite of Jewry from his nation, his government and his community.
Only then will some semblance of health return.

Better Safe Than Sorry
Anti-Jewish sentiments are the sign of health
amongst any race or people. Only by the use of subterfuge,
speech, thought and media control can Jewish tribalism and the
hatred of the Jew towards his host (any non-Jewish host) be
concealed from the majority. The Jew is surely aware of this and
thus hides his true nature from the eyes of the populace.
Why Do They Need To Hide?
Why does he so assiduously guard and shroud the truth, the
simple truth that could fit easily on several pieces of notebook
paper, from the public? Because it would explain the disdain
felt for his tribe historically and make the travails and
persecutions of the Self-Chosen seem justified and finally,
trivial and forgettable footnotes. Or worse yet (in the minds of
organized Jewry), these persecutions would actually be
celebrated by those who have fallen victim to the Jews and who
finally managed to free themselves from their parasitic hold. A
simple list of information related to Jewish extremism, as
aforementioned, could be explained succinctly, yet there is not
one university in the United States and not one piece of
curriculum that will reveal these simple facts as part of an
educational corpus. Because of this dearth of truth, our job and
our task is made all the more crucial, for our survival depends
on it.
This Distaste Began Thousands Of Years Ago
Anti-Jewish sentiments are the norm rather than the exception
historically. Yet our children are taught in school that
“anti-Semitism� began in Germany and that Jews were made a simple
scapegoat for economic and social problems whose causes lay
elsewhere. This is patently false and can be proven so, but it plays
well to those who only obtain their information from Jewish
gatekeepers. Truth be told, Jews are the most hated people on the
face of the earth and have been driven out of every country which
had the misfortune of taking them into its unsuspecting arms. In 586
BC they were expelled from Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar.
After their eventual return, Constantine finally issued an edict to
expel them again in 324. Jewish history is very much a history of
expulsion and enmity. Yet to feel sorry for the Jews is to be
foolhardy when one understands their machinations, their “nation
within a nation� self-concept, their usury, their treason and the
economic strangulations against non-Jews that preceded their forced
exits. Yet the benighted public seems innocent of these historical
realities. They have been beguiled by these same Jewish machinations
of old.
Run Out Of Every Civilized Country In The World
Since that time they have been run out of a variety of
“anti-Semitic� locales around the world, countries as diverse as
Syria, Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Libya, Poland and also countries in
Africa. They were expelled from Jerusalem in 70 AD on threat of
Their Bags Are Always Packed
It was 1885 when Roumelia had their fill of swindles and told
them to leave.
The Scourge Of Multiculturalism
Anti-Jewish sentiments are the antithesis of multiculturalism,
multiracialism, diversity and all that they entail. These
prettily-packaged poisons are ALL Jew creations, every one of them
finding their origins in the minds of those belonging to only one
tribal entity. That entity is rabidly anti-European and hates every
manifestation of our people, whether it be American, Canadian,
Croatian, German, Irish, Italian, French, Greek, Hungarian, Polish,
Scandinavian, Spanish etc.
This Country Was Founded By Europeans
They loathe the diversity of European mankind
and seek to bury this diversity behind the amorphous label of
“white�. This unending hatred has persisted for many centuries,
if not thousands of years. The mercuries, leads and aluminums
causing the atrophying and the collapsing of the body of all
European nations are Jewish and now bring us to the edge of
annihilation and existential oblivion.
These enervating agents must be chelated out of
us. Yet this will prove exceedingly difficult, for our numbers
have dwindled downward and those numbers remaining have been
cowed into tongue-holding avoidance patterns.
Why Pay For Ukrainian Jews To Come To America
Open non-European immigration, counterfeited currencies,
speech codes, fines and modern day gulags for dissenters
guarantees that Jewry stays ensconced at the top of the heap and
that the iron curtain of silence remains implacable and
inviolate. In this sense, a large portion of the power we once
took for granted has been wrested out of our hands, this
usurpation arriving in incremental wallops of carefully applied
power. Despite this reality, or perhaps because of it,
anti-Jewish sentiments not only need to be spoken, but uttered
without abashment or shame, for the only shame we should have is
that born of complicity, inactivity or the lingering ghost of
cowardice that falls like a dark shadow over the visage of our
people. To stand opposed to organized Jewry is identical to the
very rational and understandable opposition to disease or
criminality by sane moral actors. This opposition deserves no
explanation, and only a brainwashed or compromised soul would
demand one.
The Accepted Zionist News Media Is Questioned
Anti-Jewish sentiments are, more often that not, the innate or
subconscious sentiments of most learned or semi-learned people
Israel Is Seen As The Brutal Parasite
A solid majority of Americans (probably at least 60%) distrust
the Jewish-owned media, and at least 40% of Americans are growing
cold towards the Israeli state.
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