Thursday, January 24, 2013

Church of Nativity: Who's Who In Staged Siege?
Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes

April 21, 2002 -- Don't believe everything you read about the siege at the Church of the Nativity.  Remember who owns the newspapers and
where their sympathies lie.

Read the article that appeared in the April 20 edition of the Zionist flagship publication the Washington Post, entitled "A Sanctuary Under
(I have attached a copy below.)

As you read, keep this adage in mind:  "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."  Those who design wars (action) expect opposition (reaction).  They plan to control both sides of the fight.

To do that, psychological warriors design media events to neutralize
opposition.  The psyops warriors design conflict dramas.  Actors
(undercover agents) are assigned to play parts on both sides, as
antagonists and protagonists.  The events are reported as "news," and
public opinion is manipulated in favor of one side or the other.   So
it was in Waco; so it is with the Church of the Nativity.


Christianity has been destroyed from within.  Now all that remains is
to destroy the Christian relics and monuments.   In 1999, the Jews,
under the cover of the "United States," attacked ancient centers of
Christendom (Serbia, and, in particular, Kosovo) and destroyed many
early Christian relics there.  Now the Jews attack on the Church of
the Nativity, the very core of Christian history.


The Jews know that Christianity is dead and the Christian religious
leaders worthless.  They  want to drive the point home.  Hence the
current lesson: Judaism is triumphant.  The Jews can do to whatever
they wish to the religious shrines of goyim and the goyim will roll

So the Pope utters pious inanities, wrings his hands, and murmurs
sweet nothings about unjust wars and genocide.   But really, it
should be one way or the other: The Pope should have 1) requested
that Palestinians to leave or,  2 ) requested that the Israelis honor
the sanctuary of the Church. 

Remember, the Vatican is a state.  It has what has been called the
smallest and most colorful army in the world -- the Swiss Guard.

The Pope could have sent the Swiss Guard to defend the Church of the
Nativity.  A symbolic move, to be sure -- but after all, the Church
of the Nativity was the birthplace of Christ, and the Pope claims to
be the Vicar of Christ.  The Pope did not need tanks.  He has Christ,
yes?  He just needed gall.

Meanwhile, on what is Catholic attention focused?  Catholic attention
right now is focused on priests rear-ending altar boys -- even as the
birth place of Jesus is being defiled and destroyed.   What perfect
timing.  What strategy.


Do you imagine this siege is not a staged event?  The defilement of
the Church of the Nativity is an important Jewish supremacy target,
and the Israelis would carefully calculate their strategy.

Saturday's Washington Post article points out that there is limited
food and water inside the Church of the Nativity.  Of course the
Israelis must have known from the start -- just as anyone with a
grain of common sense would know.

Given that, all the Israelis have had to do is wait it out and
capture the "Palestinian gunmen" without killing anybody and without
destroying any portion of the building.  But waiting does not make a
media event.  That's not the way to manufacture "news" to shape
public opinion.

What the Jewish supremacists want is fireworks and an extended drama
so lessons can be taught and public opinion molded.  That was the
plan in Waco, too.

The Post also tells us the Israelis have sent in water to "some" the
Christian clergy -- water fortified with 40 minerals and vitamins.
Wonder why the Israelis would do that?  After all, the article makes
it clear that the clergy are sharing their food and water with the
"Palestinian gunmen."  Sending water will only prolong the siege; but
that, of course, is part of Israel's plan.

"How kind the Israelis are acting towards the Christians -- sending
in water," say the dumb goyim.

The Mt. Carmel Center was richly populated with government agents
living under cover,  pretending to be Davidians, long before the raid
of February 28, 1993.  And Special Operations commandos were amply
represented on the other side, playing the part of "law enforcement
officers" on the day of the raid.  [Footnote 1]  Rest assured that
there are Israeli undercover agents on both sides of the Church of
the Nativity drama, some posing as "Palestinian gunmen," some as


Washington Post:
"The decision by the Palestinians to seek refuge there was part of
calculated strategy, planned days in advance . . . 'It was planned
this way,' said the Rev. Majdi Siryani, a Roman Catholic priest . .
.'They knew the Israelis would not storm the holy site.  They'd be
insane to do it.'"

I'd say the good Father Siryani is a fool or a knave.  The
refuge-seeking gambit was part of a calculated strategy, all right --
but the chances are overwhelming that it was an Israeli strategy.
How could Siryani know anything about the Israelis and not understand
their treachery and hatred for Christianity?

Father Siryani must have been too busy saying his prayers to notice
that the Jews who ran the US bombed Serbia, a land filled with
ancient Christian relics, during Holy Week in 1999. 


Let's look at the words in the Post again:

"The decision by the Palestinians to seek refuge there was part of
calculated strategy, planned days in advance . . . 'It was planned
this way,' said the Rev. Majdi Siryani, a Roman Catholic priest . .
.  'They knew the Israelis would not storm the holy site.  They'd be
insane to do it.'"

What these words convey is that the blame for the damage or
destruction of the Church of the Nativity ultimately rests on Muslim
shoulders, and the Israelis have been acting with restraint.  If you
believe that, you've been neutralized:  you are casualty of the
Israeli disinformation campaign.

"Let's you and him fight," is the strategy of this War of Jewish
Supremacy.  "Let the goyim fight each other and knock each other
out."  That was the tactic used on September 11 when USrael pulled
off a spectacular media event, blamed it on the Muslims, and sent the
dumb American goyim off to bomb Afghanistan.

When you read the Post article below, notice there are "negotiations"
between the Israelis and the Palestinians, just as there were
"negotiations" between the FBI and David Koresh in Waco.  Ultimately
it will be shown that the "Palestinians" acted unreasonably in the
face of reasonable Israeli offers, just as David Koresh was said to
have acted unreasonably.

Right now The Washington Post is saying that many of the nice
Christians support the Palestinian cause.  Do you wonder why the
Post, a Zionist flagship newspaper, is telling us this news?

We may find that some of those Christians who sympathize with the
Palestinians today change their minds tomorrow.  We, the consumers of
this media event, will be expected to change our minds, too.  That's
the purpose of media events.


For witness to Israel's barbarity, see:


Footnote 1.   See:
Trojan Horses and Branch Davidians
and "the Soldiers: How Many, and Who?"
Note: The man who directed the Waco Holocaust is now USrael's Terror Czar:


A Sanctuary Under Siege
By Craig Whitlock
Washington Post, April 20, 2001.  Pg. A1.

BETHLEHEM, West Bank -- Inside the Church of the Nativity, priests
were singing vespers and meditating. Incense filled the air. All
doors and gates to the outside were sealed, in a vain effort to
insulate the holy shrine from a battle raging between Palestinian
fighters and the Israeli army.

  The prayers that evening, April 2, were interrupted by a gunshot
coming from the Franciscan monastery, adjacent to the church's
ancient basilica. A bullet blew apart a lock to a century-old side
door, enabling a handful of Palestinian gunmen to walk in. Over the
next two hours, dozens more followed, about 200 in all, until the
sanctuary was filled with Palestinians, black paint streaked across
many of their faces.

  The sudden appearance of a small army of guerrilla fighters in one
of the holiest sites in Christianity did not, however, come as a
complete surprise to most of the clergy members inside. Many of them
had been expecting the visit. They welcomed the Palestinians, asked
them to please shoulder their weapons and offered them tea.

  "We finished our prayers, then went over to find out what was going
on," said Father Parthenius, a Greek Orthodox priest who is still
inside the church. "We spoke to them. They were very tired, nervous
and scared. They wanted something sweet, so we made some tea."

  Since that moment, the Palestinians have remained inside, surrounded
by Israeli troops, snipers and  surveillance equipment that tracks
their movements. The standoff has sparked near-daily gunfights, two
blazes in the attached monasteries and frequent bloodshed, prompting
an international outcry over the treatment of a place that has
attracted pilgrims for almost 1,700 years.

  Although each side has accused the other of desecrating the church
and acting out of desperation, the standoff at the Church of the
Nativity did not happen by accident. The decision by the Palestinians
to seek refuge there was part of a calculated strategy, planned days
in advance, to map out an escape route from their street battles with
the advancing Israeli army, according to interviews with more than a
dozen Palestinian officials and church leaders in Bethlehem and

  "It was planned this way," said the Rev. Majdi Siryani, a Roman
Catholic priest in Bethlehem who speaks daily with the monks and
priests inside the Church of the Nativity and counts several of the
armed Palestinian as his parishioners. "Everybody knew that if there
was trouble, they would go to the church. They knew the Israelis
would not storm the holy site. They'd be insane to do it."

  For now, the siege remains a stalemate. Palestinian and Israeli
officials have scheduled talks on ending the crisis on four different
occasions, but each meeting was canceled, each side blaming the
other. Israel has said the gunmen can either agree to a trial in a
military court or accept permanent exile to another country. The
Palestinians have rejected the offer.

  It is not the first time that Palestinians have sought sanctuary in
the Church of the Nativity. During the Arab-Israeli wars of 1948 and
1967, scores of Bethlehem residents fled their homes for the confines
of the church. Unlike the Palestinians currently in the church,
however, those refugees were unarmed.

  Palestinians here said the church was selected as a refuge because
they believed the Israeli troops would not attack it.

  "The Jews will think one time or two times before going into a
mosque," said the Rev. Maroun Lahham, director of a Roman Catholic
seminary in Beit Jala, a village near Bethlehem. "But they will think
10 times before going into a church. It is a political decision for
them." Notably, no Palestinian gunmen tried to hide in the large
mosque directly across Manger Square when Israeli troops invaded

  The Rev. Michael McGarry, director of the Tantur Ecumenical
Institute for Christian Studies, located between Bethlehem and
Jerusalem, said the religious orders that oversee the Church of the
Nativity have a long tradition of sheltering people who are fleeing
danger, regardless of their guilt or innocence.

  "For the church, it's a very important honor and matter of dignity
to allow people to seek refuge there and not turn them over in the
face of a hostile situation," he said.

  Many clergy members in Bethlehem openly support the Palestinian
cause. Several priests and monks inside the church are Arabs; others
have spent their careers ministering to Palestinian Christians.
Although official church positions vary, the Latin patriarch of
Jerusalem, who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church in the
region, is a longtime ally of the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.
Israel has rejected Palestinian attempts to have the prelate serve as
a mediator.

  On the same day that the Palestinians entered the Church of the
Nativity, the Latin patriarchate in Jerusalem sent specific
instructions to its churches in the West Bank urging them to embrace
people seeking protection from the Israeli military offensive, church
leaders said.

  "I think the priests did expect this to happen," Lahham said. "Maybe
they didn't expect all these guns and so many people, but I'm sure
they expected people would come to the church seeking refuge."

  Forty-four priests, friars, monks and nuns remain inside the church,
according to a survey of officials from the Greek Orthodox, Armenian
and Roman Catholic churches -- the three religious orders that serve
as custodians of the site. Franciscan Catholics account for
three-fourths of the total.

  Israeli military officials have described the clerics as hostages
unable to speak ill of their captors, but those contacted by
telephone inside the church strongly disputed that characterization.

  "No, no, no," said the Rev. Amjad Sabbara, a parish priest in the
Roman Catholic compound. "We are not hostages. We share everything we
have with these people, and pray that they will be able to leave
peacefully and go back to their homes."

  Sabbara said the Franciscan monks and friars have provided the
Palestinians with the bulk of their food supplies, which amount to a
single bowl of rice soup each day shared by two people. Nuns have
tended to the wounded. Franciscan leaders also oversaw the
construction of two coffins -- made of wooden shipping crates -- to
hold the remains of two Palestinians shot to death by Israeli
snipers. The coffins are kept in a cave underneath the main basilica,
priests said.

  Some of the clergy members are wary about the presence of gunmen in
the church. The five Armenian monks and priests have isolated
themselves in their monastery and have sealed the door that connects
their quarters to the basilica, where most of the Palestinians
remain. The Armenians have accepted some small food deliveries from
the Israelis, but said they are reluctant to share it with the
Palestinians; the supplies are slim.

  "We are treating them as guests, although you might call them
unwanted guests," said Bishop Aris Shirvanian, director of external
affairs for the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem. "So far they have
been respectful to all, but you can imagine what might happen when
they reach the point of starvation and desperately look for food or
water. They may become violent inside the compound. This is a serious

  The six Greek Orthodox priests have offered the bottom two floors of
their monastery to the Palestinians and have handed over five sacks
of rice, but have drawn the line at providing any more food from the
limited stocks, Father Parthenius said.

  He said the Greek priests have enough spaghetti, beans and rice to
last them another 10 days, plus plenty of wine.

  The Church of the Nativity was originally built in 326 A.D. on the
orders of the Roman Emperor Constantine, after his mother made a
pilgrimage to the area. Local Christians first identified the site as
the birthplace of Jesus in the 2nd century.

  The church was razed but rebuilt 200 years later by the Emperor
Justinian. It was also extensively remodeled by the Crusaders from
Europe and designed to repel invaders. The stone structure strongly
resembles a fortress, with thick walls, a handful of small
iron-grated windows and a tiny front door, only 4 feet 2 inches high.

  The interior of the basilica is decorated with ancient mosaics and
supported by rows of red limestone columns. Most of the Palestinians
sleep on the stone floor, where there are no pews or other furniture.
People inside the church said there is a shortage of blankets, so the
men sleep in shifts. Candles illuminate the basilica during the day
because so little natural light penetrates the building.

  Underneath the main floor is the Grotto of the Nativity, where Jesus
is said to have been born. Priests and monks have held daily services
here for centuries, but recently have had to sidestep about a dozen
wounded Palestinians who have turned the spot into a makeshift
medical ward, priests said.

  The Greek Orthodox and Franciscans venture into the basilica and
grotto daily, where they keep candles and incense burning, but spend
most of their time in the monasteries and convents that serve as
wings to the church.

  Like the basilica, those buildings are constructed like fortresses
and equipped in the same spirit. There are old cisterns that collect
rainwater, and a large well underneath the Greek Orthodox monastery.
Although Palestinian leaders said the gunmen were running out of
water days ago, priests said a sizable reservoir remained. In recent
days, the Israeli army has also delivered bottled water -- fortified
with 40 minerals and vitamins -- to some of the clergy, church
leaders said.

  Perhaps the most pressing shortage is a lack of cigarettes. Father
Parthenius said almost all the Palestinians are smokers and are
growing increasingly irritable from nicotine withdrawal. Some have
resorted to smoking oregano and other spices. "They're having to go
cold turkey, and it bothers them a lot," he said.

  Estimates vary on the number of Palestinians inside the church.
Israeli military officials said there are between 200 and 240, but
even they aren't sure. Nor is it known exactly how many are armed.

  The Israelis have said that most of the Palestinians are innocent of
crimes and that only 30 to 40 are wanted for specific crimes. They
have identified 10 of the Palestinians by name as suspected
terrorists, including two men wanted for the slaying of Avi Boaz, a
U.S. citizen and longtime resident of Israel who was dragged from his
car and killed in the West Bank in January.

  Gunfire erupts daily in the vicinity of the church, with each side
blaming the other for starting the fights. But the Israelis have
refrained from an all-out assault on the church, saying they want to
avoid damaging the holy site.

  Col. Marcel Aviv, the commander of the Israeli forces in Bethlehem,
said the military would be patient but would not withdraw until the
Palestinians surrender.

  "They think if they go inside these holy places, we won't do
anything and we'll eventually go away," he said. "But they're wrong.
We'll wait here until we get them."

  In the meantime, the Israelis blare grinding noises and other
unpleasant sounds from loudspeakers set up on Manger Square. They
also broadcast messages informing the Palestinians that their
families might face harm if they don't give up.

  But there have been few signs that the Palestinians are losing their
stomach for resistance. Jihad Abdul Rahman, a 16-year-old Palestinian
who escaped from the church this week, said the conditions inside
were dire but predicted the fugitives would hold out for many more
days, if necessary.

  "They are really in a horrible situation," he said in an interview
at his home in a refugee camp south of Bethlehem. "Prison would be a
more merciful place for them. But they were all saying they would
rather die than surrender to the Israelis. They don't trust them."
Carol A. Valentine
President, Public Action, Inc.
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911 Lies exposed at

*  Church Of The Nativity And Waco Paradigm
*  Flight Of The Bumble Planes
*  Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets
     Parts 1 & 2, "Inside Job" and 'Dumb Blondes"
*  Operation 911:  NO SUICIDE PILOTS
*  Tom Clancy Speaks About 9-11
*  Mike Rivero, Israeli Spies, and 9-11 Diversions
*  Show And Tell, Mike Rivero
*  The Taliban Home Video
*  Osamarina bin Laden
*  911 Terror:  Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics
* Operation Northwoods:  The Counterfeit
*  Osama bin Surplus
*  Osama bin CIA Agent
*  Press Uses Actors In War On Islam
* Slyly Justifying War on Islam

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