Thursday, January 31, 2013

Iraq Will Eventually Cost Two Trillion Dollars
New embassy, ten new bases, means we will be there for the next twenty years

Bush's Is Building A New $ 2.5 Billion Dollar Embassy
He has funded the building of ten new bases

Baghdad's Green Zone To Be Completely Secure
Bush plans to turn that into an American/Israeli outpost

The Mosul/Haifa Pipeline Is To Be Rebuilt To 400% More Capacity
H-1, H-2, H-3 are all US bases


American Kids Are Dying For Israel's New Pipeline

Iraq was never a threat to anyone. In 1982 Israel fomented the Iraq/Iran war, and Iraq was in shambles. Then in 1991, Kuwait started cross drilling wells into Iraq, and Bush Sr gave Saddam the OK for his Kuwait confrontation. Five days into it, Bush Sr declared Saddam a world threat, and decimated his entire army.
Fast forward to 2003 and Bush Jr., and his neocons, tell Americans that Saddam is arming for a nuclear strike, and we must strike first.

Iraqi Petroleum Company
Exxon, Shell, BP, and Iraq
Mosul-Haifa Pipeline history

In 1920 the Iraqi Petroleum Company was created and in 1931 they built two 12" pipelines, one to Haifa, the other to Tripoli, Lebanon, which started pumping in 1935. In 1938 the IPC started building two 16" parallel lines, which were halted during WW2.
In 1946 the additional Kirkuk-Tripoli was completed, but the Kirkuk-Hafi stopped at the Jordanian border, because of the Jewish invasion.
In 1952 the IPC built another 30" parallel line to Tripoli. During the 1967 war the Jews bombed the lines. In 1982 the line was closed because of Syria -Iraq tensions, was reopened.
In the late 1990's the USA shut down the line because Syria provided Saddam support.

We Are Told: - "Saddam Is A Madman"
Bush told us Saddam was a madman, who executed his own people, and his bombers were armed with nukes. We heard rumors, through Israel, of 5,000 Kurds gassed.


Bush To The Rescue
Iraq is now a shooting gallery, where 'Foreign Fighters' (Israeli Operatives), roam free killing both Shiite, and Sunni. Special groups have targeted marine atrocities to further inflame the situation, and a civil war is inevitable.
To Top Off The Insanity
The Bush crowd let 30,000 mercenaries, who perform shadowy tasks,  run free. They account to no one, and kill whoever they are told.

The American Dead

The latest body count is 2413 dead, and 17,670 maimed.


The Real Costs Of Israel


Why Build Permanent Bases?
Now U.S. engineers are constructing 14 "enduring bases," long-term encampments for the thousands of American troops expected to serve in Iraq for at least two years.
Bush's Baghdad embassy estimates are $2.5 billion, but rest assured it will eventually cost $6 billion.

Bush Sees More Enemies
It seems George wants to pre-empt an imaginary Iranian strike.
Our dynamic news analysts tell us this is no different than heading off Hitler, and stopping the elimination WW2, and the death of 6,000,000 Jews.


Where Are We Headed?

Israel wants the US to decimate Iraq, so they can come in, install their puppets, and pump the oil to Israel. We will build the pipeline, and supply the security, and troops will be there for at least ten years.
Now Israel wants us to invade Iran, to eliminate all their enemies, but nothing short of a nuclear False Flag on a American city will convince the US populace. Iran will be brutal because they have army, navy, air force, plenty of missiles, and control the Straights of Hormuz.


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