Jewish Rabbis molesting Children
Here are some
shocking information on how Jewish rabbis molest children.
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Re: Rabbis are Pedophiles

Case of Rabbi Elior Chen

Rabbi Elior Chen and his followers are suspected of severely abusing two children, aged 3 and 4, who were savagely and systematically beaten with hammers, knives and other instruments for months until the younger child lost consciousness last month.
Rabbi Jerry Brauner (AKA: Yechiel Brauner)

Convicted on the charges of Sexual Abuse - 1st Degree, and Sexual Abuse - 3rd: Subject Another Person to Sex Contact Without Consent. He was sentenced to 11 years probation, with the condition he must participate in a sex offender treatment program. Brauner has been on probation since 2002 for the sexual abuse of a 15-year-old boy.

Case of Rabbi Ephraim F. Shapiro
Accused of molesting several boys for over a fifty year period

Case of Shlomo Aviner
Rosh Yeshiva, Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva, Rabbi of Beit El, Israel Link
Case of Rabbi Lewis Brenner
Convicted of child molestation. The original charges included 14 counts of sodomy, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. He agreed to plead guilty to one count of sodomy in the third degree, a Class E felony, in exchange for a sentence of five years’ probation.
Case of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks

Accusations about sexual inappropriate behavior with children started surfacing in the 1980’s. Rabbi Bryks is currently a member of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens. The Vaad is a Rabbinical committee that makes important decisions within an orthodox community.
Case of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

Accused of several cases of child molestation, and sexual assault of young women
Case of Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg

Accused of abusing a 12-year-old girl. He later pleaded no contest to one count. Convicted of molesting children. The first complaints came in 1971. He was finally convicted in 1997.
Case of Rabbi Bernard Freilich

Acquitted of death threats to an alleged victim
Case of Rabbi Tzvi Flaum and Case of Cantor Joel Gordon
Convicted of having keeping a house of prostitution and involvement in a prostitution ring.
Case of Rabbi Israel Grunwald
Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. The charge against him were dropped after agreeing to perform 500 hours of community service and to seek counseling. Grunwald was the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas
Case of The State of Israel Vs. Sex Offender
Convicted of repeated rape and forced molestation of his graddaughter.

Accused of molesting a 15 year old on a 1995 plane flight from Australia to LA. Friedlander was the assistant to the chief rabbi of an Hungarian Hasidic congregation in Brooklyn, known as the Pupas
Case of the Rabbi at Hillel Torah, Chicago, IL
A teacher at the Chicago school was accused of child molestation. His name was not released. The school did everything correctly in attempting to keep the children safe once accusations were made.
Case of Rabbi Solomon Hafner
Accused of sexually abusing a developmentally disabled boy

Convicted and sentenced to 10 - 20 years in prison for sodomizing a nine-year-old psychiatric patient. Allegedly, he has assaulted a string of children from California to Israel to New York in the past twenty years. Alan J. Horowitz is an Orthodox rabbi, magna cum laude, M.D., Ph.D. A graduate of Duke University, and was a writer for NAMBLA North American Man/Boy Love Association.
Case of Rabbi Steven Jacobs and Case of Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement
Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses

Accused of child pornography on the internet

Had an affair with a married woman, who was murdered

Rabbi Yehuda Kolko
…continues chaperoning kids.
Case of Rabbi Robert Kirschner
Accused of sexually exploited or harassing three congregants and a synagogue employee
Case of Rabbi Ze’ev Kopolevitch
Convicted of molesting students at Rosh Yeshiva, Netiv Meir yeshiva high school

Case of Rabbi Baruch Lanner
Convicted - child molestation.

Case of Rabbi Jerrold Martin Levy Convicted of two counts of soliciting sex through the Internet and two counts of child pornography. He was sentenced to six years and sex in prison. He was caught in the “Candyman” year-long sting operation by the US government.

Case of Rabbi Pinchas Lew
Accused of exposed himself to a woman.

Case of Rabbi Richard Marcovitz
Convicted of indecent or lewd acts with a child, and sexual battery

Case of Rabbi Juda Mintz
Convicted - internet sting on child pornography

Accused of two counts of sex abuse with boys at a special education school in New York

Case of Cantor Howard Nevison
Accused of molesting his nephew.

Case of Rabbi Michael Ozair
Accused of sexual molestation of a then-14-year-old girl

Case of Rabbi Charles Shalman
Accused of sexual misconduct toward female congregational members

Case of Cantor Robert Shapiro
Accused of three counts of rape and four counts of indecent assault and battery to a mentally retarded woman
Case of Rabbi/Yeshiva Teacher Ze’ev Sultanovitch
Accused of sexually molesting a number of adult yeshiva students at the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva

Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses
Case of Rabbi Yaakov Weiner
Accused of molesting boy at Camp Mogen Avraham, New York

Case of Cantor Phillip Wittlin
Convicted of molesting two girls

Case of Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov
Convicted of sexual abuse and committing lewd acts against three boys

Case of Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman
Violated guidelines concerning “sexual ethics and sexual boundaries”

Case of Rabbi Fred Neulander
Convicted of Murdering his wife

Case of Rabbi Mordechai Gafni
WARNING: Marc Gafni Should Be Scene As A Danger to Women and Children. He is currently residing in Salt Lake City, UT

Montreal and Toronto Canada Accused of sexual abuse of a seventeen year old. Fired for sexual impropriety with congregants
Case of Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen
Accused of sexually harassing students at Bar-Ilan University
Case of Rabbi/Psychologist Mordecai Magencey
Lost his license to practice in the State of Missouri because of his sexual misconduct with his patients.

Rabbi Yona Metzger
Chief Rabbi Ashkenazi in Israel. Accused of sexually misconduct with four men.
Case of Cantor Stanley Rosenfeld
Convicted of molesting a 12-year-old boy he was tutoring.
Case of Rabbi Isadore Trachtman
Accused of cultic type practices and sexual offenses
Case of Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg - Boca Raton, Flordia
Pled guilty to one misdemeanor count of exposure of sexual organs in a washroom at a Palm Beach Mall
Case of Rabbi Melvin Teitelbaum
This case has been buried deep; it is virtually impossible to find any information on Teitelbaum on the Internet. All we have is this: Accused of three counts of sex crimes against two boys under the age of 14, and one count of assault with intent to commit rape against one boy’s mother. The charges were dropped for lack of evidence. Charges dismissed at the request of the District Attorney’s Office, which conceded it had insufficient evidence to prosecute. Teitelbaum then a filed a $10-million damage suit in Los Angeles Superior Court. In his suit that the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles, the Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles and the family that accused him conspired to have him arrested and charged. Later, confronted with evidence that placed Teitelbaum elsewhere at the time of the alleged incident, the siblings changed their story, a move the prosecutor said was “devastating” to their credibility.

Case of Teacher - Georges Schteinberg, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Accused of possession of child pornography. Charges dropped when Schteinberg fled the country.

Convicted and sentenced to one year in residential treatment and five years’ probation for molesting a 4-year-old boy in his care at summer camp. A six-year prison sentence was suspended.

Case of Tel Aviv Arts School, Tel Aviv, Israel Case of Mashgiach Kashrut Supervisor David Douglas Webber, Canada
Convicted and sentenced to six years for possessing child pornography and molesting seven boys over the past eight years.

Convicted of the kidnapping and aggravated murder of Tiffany Jennifer Papesh a 8-year-old girl. Flagner also claimed to have molested hundreds of girls during his life. While in prison, Flagner convert to Judaism by an Chasidic rabbi.
For the complete list of rabbi molesters go to
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Please also check out this web-site: Re: Rabbis are Pedophiles
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