Large Pedophile Operation
Stuns Lithuanian People
Lithuanian Judge Shot Four
Times By Angry Father
Part Of A Zionist Pedophile
Judge Shot Three times In The
Groin And Once In The Head
A Judge Raped This Man's 3
Year-Old Daughter
The Good People Of
Lithuania Have Had Enough
The country has been controlled by
Bolshevik/Communist/Zionists since 1945. They have scavenged the
wealth, taken over the businesses, and controlled the universities,
judicial, police, etc,. Finally, one father stood up to these savages,
and he is now a national hero.
The Alleged Vigilante
Drasius Kedys is the prime
suspect in a double-murder case in Lithuania, and has been hailed a
hero for apparently taking revenge on those he believed had sexually
molesting his daughter.
Jonas Furmanavicius Was The
Mr. Furmanavicius was gunned down
in what police called a "hitman-style" execution, as he got out of
his car in Kaunas, Lithuania's second city.
Lietuvos Rytas, one of
Lithuania's leading newspapers, has claimed that Andrius Us, a
businessman and politician, whom Mr Keyds also accused of molesting
his daughter, is now facing paedophilia charges.
Ms Naruseviciene Took Part
In The Debauchery
A Ms. Naruseviciene was the
judge's relative and helped procure the children.
Other Ring Leaders
The police are searching
for three more influential politicians and businessmen who
took part in the sex orgies. There is a possibility they may
have fled to Israel.
Drasius Keyds Begged Police For
The father went to the police, but
they refused to arrest the Jewish Judge.
Lithuanians Consider The
Executions Justified
The groundswell of support for Mr.
Keyds has been interpreted as an indication of widespread
frustration over corruption in the country's legal system.
A 2008 survey revealed 49 percent of Lithuanians regard their courts
as corrupt. But the story, which has dominated the headlines in
Lithuania for days, has already had an impact. Demonstrators,
bearing posters calling Mr Keyds a "child protector", have also
taken to the streets of Kaunas, as well as the capitol city,
Lithuanian Jews Are Panicked
These Jews have run rampant since
the Soviets took over after World War Two. Now, the general populace
is taking their country back.
Fifty Years Of Zionist Terror
Lithuanians spent 50 years under
Communistcontrol. If the Lithuanians tried throwing out their
Zionist oppressors, then Soviet tanks rolled in.
Statues Of Stalin
Every town square in Lithuania has
a statue of Stalin.
Algimantis Valantinas Is The
Attorney General Of Lithuanian
Mr. Valantinas is of Jewish
extraction, and he promises to crack down on the pedophile rings,
but he will not stand for Anti-Semitism.7
Dalia Grybauskaitė Is The
President Of Lithuania
Dalia Grybauskaitė claims to be a
Lithuanian, but her roots are Ashkenazim. She was educated at
Georgetown, and is pro-Israeli.8
This Father Became
A National Hero
He went to the police, and they did
nothing, so he took justice in his own hands. Imagine if someone raped
your three year-old, you might be angry too.
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