Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Rachel Joy Scott
Killed Because She Was A Christian

Rachel In Her Grade School Pictures

Zionists Tore Down Her Cross On A Hill

The Killers, Harris And Klebold

Dylan Klebold Put A Gun To Her Temple

Horrors That Are Never Discussed
All you ever hear about Columbine, is how Jewish kids had to form the Trench Coat Mafia to protect themselves against the 'Jock bullies'. The media portrays Harris and Klebold as two tormented souls. Here is just a look into 80 seconds of their fifty minute-long rampage of death, and you will see who the real monsters are.


They Actually Hunted Certain Kids
The basement video tapes showed their hatred of blacks, athletes, and especially gentile girls. One such girl was Rachel Scott.

Klebold, The Mastermind
He came from a wealthy Jewish family, who thought they were superior.

The Slaughterhouse
This is the library where the two young Jewish terrorists killed two Christian girls.


The Killers Mocked Her
The Zionist monsters apparently killed the seventeen–year–old Rachel Scott because she had a Bible. They tormented her by shooting her in the leg, and taunted her by saying, "Go be with Him now", before killing her. 


Cassie Bernall
Next was a bright–eyed seventeen–year–old named Cassie Bernall. Klebold put a gun to her head and asked, "Do you believe in God?" She paused for a second, and then she answered, "Yes". She was scared, but she sounded strong," said her Bible–study friend Joshua Lapp, "like she knew what she was going to answer."

Staring at her, the gunman asked, "Why?" Before she could reply, he pulled the trigger and shot her through the temple, killing her instantly.

This Girl Was Shot Nine Times
They mocked the eighteen–year–old Valeen Schnurr for believing in Christ. When she tried to tell them that they would be able to stop killing if they too believed, they shot her nine times. She was left with permanent nerve damage from nine wounds.


All Because She Believed In God
The seventeen–year–old Kacey Ruegsegger survived after being shot in the face and shoulder for being a Christian believer.

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