Roman Polanski, Charles Manson, Judge Rittenband and
wide spread corruption in American Courts - October 2009
wide spread corruption in American Courts - October 2009
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Photos of Charles Manson appearing in Judge Rittenband’s court October 13, 1970 from the new movie “Inside the MANSON Gang” Did he put a curse on the Judge? The Manson book is coming! |
On the recent release of the
original 1973 MANSON film on Limited Edition DVDs, the by-line reads:
The HORRIFYING and SHOCKING story that never ends!! But that is
certainly an understatement. With Roman Polanski's recent arrest in
Switzerland, quite possibly a whole new chapter relating to the Tate /
LaBianca massacre, will now be played out, One might question, how was
the murder of Mr. Polanski's wife and child related to his statutory
rape case, eight years later? Are certain people affected by a Manson
curse? What similarities in the lives of Charles Manson and Roman
Polanski have had an influence on each of their destinies? And why does
it all have relevance to today?
First, to not consider that
the early childhoods of both public figures had a profound effect on
their adult directions, is just plain ignorant. While the young Charles
Manson was nothing more than a throw-away child, bounced from American
foster homes to so-called institutions for wayward boys, the young
Polanski suffered at the hands of perhaps the most evil empire to ever
have existed. Both of their early lives and later crimes must be studied
in the proper context, in order for any intelligent discussion on the
subject to even begin.
But already, battle lines
are being drawn, mob mentality is setting in, and most everyone is
taking one side or the other, so what is the real issue here? Just as
in the Manson Murders case, the Prosecution paints a bleak picture of a
depraved defendant. This is to ensure that the public will despise
Polanski, even if he is released without serving further prison time.
Contrary to popular belief, the practice of law is not about serving
justice, but about winning at all costs. Shouldn't we be concerned
about why Mr. Polanski fled the US?
While we now know that a
specific Prosecutor lied in a documentary film, in order to affect the
public's perception of certain aspects of the Polanski case, we may
never realize the full effect of the judicial fraud put upon the once
reputable legal system. That officers of the court, including a
somewhat mentally challenged judge have rocked many people’s faith and
belief in American justice, is perhaps the cruelest kind of rape. After
all, the equitable and fair administration of justice is all that we
the people have, that separates us from an uncivilized world.
Without question, Roman
Polanski received a celebrity sweetheart plea deal and for Judge
Rittenband to agree to it, well that's the advantage of having a high
profile attorney on your side. But apparently, Polanski was not
informed that while in the Judges' good graces, nothing more than doing
only penance is acceptable. Instead, he was caught by a photographer
at an Oktoberfest celebration and the photo found it's way into a
newspaper. As far as the Court was concerned, he should have been
making a movie and not enjoying any free time.
So a disturbed Los Angeles
Prosecutor, who apparently took a special interest in Polanski's
personal life, handed the newspaper, with Polanski's picture in it, to
the bailiff in Rittenband's courtroom. He said, "Here, give this to the
judge", knowing the picture would rub the judge the wrong way. Of
course, that should have been the end of it, a childlike game between
officers of the court, but when the judge saw the photo of Polanski out
on the town, he blew it. Directly to a reporter from The Outlook he
commented, "Screw the deal, he's going to state prison". Polanski's
attorney found out and Polanski skipped the country. Of course, no
honorable jurist would have reacted in such a disgraceful manner, but
instead, would have called Polanski's attorney to appear before him in
open court and then he would have questioned the attorney regarding the
subject issue.
So now we have a very
serious situation, where even the President of the United States should
step in, as a lawyer, and demand that judicial reform, like healthcare
reform be enacted immediately. Be assured, the Polanski matter is not
an isolated situation. Judge Rittenband was 72 years old at the time of
his dealings with Polanski and most likely dementia was already
affecting his thinking. After Roman Polanski fled the states, the judge
is known to have commented that he would stay on the bench until Roman
was apprehended and that's personal, not related to the business of
justice. As for Los Angeles Prosecution's, unethical conduct, how can
any person now think that they can get a fair trial or equitable relief
in any American courtroom?
There's no doubt but that
Rittenband was a brilliant jurist in his younger days, but when his
position of public trust became his personal weapon, the administration
of justice was not only prejudiced, but sabotaged. Make no mistake,
the entire system of American justice is slowing becoming exposed for
its cracked foundation and crumbling structure. Actually, it can no
longer be rightfully considered a system, but a game of cards where the
dealers all have agendas of their own. You can ask any lawyer who
practices in any courthouse in America and he can name the judges in
his district who really shouldn't be wearing a black robe. Obviously,
our founding fathers had no idea that old age can produce a demented
mind. When US President Ronald Reagan, while still holding office
developed dementia, absolutely nobody had any idea as to what to do.
Thank God, things turned out okay.
In the new MANSON book you
will discover much dishonesty and unethical game playing amongst the
legal players in the Manson murders case, to the extent certain
witnesses lied. Susan Atkins could have easily received a new trial.
Unfortunately for her, a new trial could have put her back on death
row. Now Mr. Polanski finds himself in a similar catch 22. To start
anew, he would face multiple felony counts, instead of one lesser
charge of having intercourse with a minor.
Should Polanski only have to
serve out the remainder of his original 90 day evaluation sentence as
that was the "deal" Judge Rittenband agreed upon? But then we the
people will not get to see and judge for ourselves the full extent of
America's judicial breakdown, as evidenced in the Polanski case?
There is no question that
what Roman Polanski did to a thirteen year old girl is reprehensible.
And what the Manson Gang did to Mr. Polanski's family defies most all
forms of reason, but what two officers of the court, a Prosecutor and
the Judge did to destroy the very credibility of the justice system
should be considered treasonous.
So why don't we try to learn
and understand how horrendous childhood experiences directly affect
later life in certain people? No doubt, Judge Rittenband had some dark
secrets in his closet and the prosecutor who ignited the whole Polanski
legal fiasco, shouldn't he at least be subjected to a 90 day
psychiatric evaluation. Otherwise, we are only left to understand that
their actions were simply evil and the product of some sort of devil's
Of course, if the
Prosecution even senses that putting Polanski on trial will also cause
its dirty laundry to be hung out in public, a "deal" will be made. The
Federal Court gave Bernie Madoff a quick deal, in order to keep him
quiet, thus, it's very likely Polanski will come out just fine. So
then, you'll have to read the MANSON book, in order to understand more
about how judicial gangsters are taking over American's legal system.
This Time it affects YOU
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