Please find parts of the
devilish talmud. If you have more of this book of Satan - quotes I don’t have
- please feel free to send them to me.Yebamoth 103b--Rabbi Johanan stated: "When the serpent copulated with Eve, he infused her with lust."
Haye Sarah 126a --Another Rabbi states: "Thus I have learnt, that when the serpent had intercourse with Eve he injected defilement into her."
Haye Sarah 126b--Another stated: "You rightly said that when the serpent had carnal intercourse with Eve he injected into her defilement."
Yevamot 103b--"According to the midrash, the snake seduced her to commit adultery with him. Thus a thrice repeated saying of Rabbi Yohanan has it that 'at the time that the snake had intercourse with Eve, he introduced filth into her..."
Ahare Moth 76b--One Rabbinic source stated: "Eve bore Cain from the filth of the serpent, and therefore from him were descended all the wicked generations, and from his side is the abode of spirits and demons."
Bereshith 36b--"For two beings had intercourse with Eve, and she conceived both and bore two children. Each followed one of the male parents, to this side and one to the other, and similarly their characters."
Shabbath 146a--"For when the serpent came upon Eve he injected lust into her."
Yevamot 103b--"...at the time that the snake had intercourse with Eve, he introduced filth into her.
Zohar I, 28b--"For they are the children of the ancient serpent which seduced Eve..."
Targum Pseudo-Jonathan--"Adam knew about his wife Eve that she had conceived by Sammael the angel of the Lord, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain."
Jewish Encyc.1904-Vol.9.p.70--"The chief functions fo Satan are, as already noted, those of temptation, accusation, and punishment. He was an active agent in the fall of man(Pirke R.El.Xii.) and was the father of Cain."
Jewish Encyc.1904-Vol.5,p.275-"Eve became pregnant, and bore Cain and Abel on the very day of (her creation and) expulsion from Eden (Gen.R.xii) Cain's real father was not Adam, but one of the demons..."
Pirqei de Rabbi Eliezer: "The serpent came into her and she became pregnant with Cain, as it says, "And the man knew his wife Eve."What did he know" That she was already pregnant.(by Satan.)
Targum of Jonathan--"And Adam was aware that Eve his wife had conceived from Sammael the angel, and she became pregnant and bare Cain, and he was like those on high, not like those below; and she said, 'I have acquired a man, the angel of the Lord."
Jerusalem Targum--"And Adam knew his wife, who had desired the Angel; and she conceived, and bare Cain; and she said, I have acquired a man, the Angel of the Lord. And she added to bear from her husband Adamhis twin, even Abel."
The Encycl.Britannica Vol.VIII-1910.p.122 (Jewish Interpretations of Scripture) "The birth of Cain is ascribed to a union of Satan with Eve."
Jewish Encycl.1905.Vol.XI p.69--"Satan was the seducer and paramour of Eve."
Legends of the Bible-Louis Ginsberg,p.54-"Satan, in the guise of the serpent, approached her and the fruit of their union was Cain, the ancestor of all impious generations that were rebellious toward God, and rose up against Him. Cain's descent from Satan, who is the angel Sammael, was revealed in his seraphic appearance. At his birth, the exclamation was wrung from Eve, 'I have gotten a man, through an angel of the Lord."
"Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin" (Babba Kama 113a) "The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert, and everybody (every Jew) who seizes it, has acquired it" (Talmud IV / 3 / 54b) "The Jew is allowed to exploit the mistake of a Non-Jew and to deceive him" (Talmud IV / 1 / 113b) "The Jew is allowed to practice usury on the Non-Jew" (Talmud IV / 2 / 70b)
Sanhedrin 78a: Allows a Jew to have intercourse with a dead body! Kallah, 1b, (18b): "Jesus was illegitimate and conceived during menstruation."
Scabbatg XIV: "Jesus is referred to as the son of a Roman soldier named Pantera and Mariam, a Prostitute." Sanhedrin, 103a: "This passage suggests that Christ corrupted His morals and dishonoured Himself." Sanhedrin, 107b: "This passage states that Christ seduced and destroyed Israel."
Hilkoth Melakhim: Suggests that Christians sin by worshipping Jesus Christ.
Hilkoth Maakhaloth: "Christians are idolaters."
Orachrach Chaiim (20, 2): "Christians disguise themselves as Jews in order to kill them."
Abhodah Zorah (15b): Suggests that Christians have sexual relations with animals.
Babha Kama (113b): "The name of God not profaned, if a Jew lies to a Christian."
Tract Mechilla: "Almighty God studies the Talmud standing, because He has such respect for that book."
Sanhedrin (59a) & Abohodan Zarah 8-6: "Every goy (non-Jew) who studies the Talmud and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die."
Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: "A Jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim asks if our books contain anything against them."
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "A Jew may rob a goy (non-Jew) that is, he may cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him."
Simeon Haddaesen fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."
Midrasch Talpioth 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."
Nadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat."
Josiah 60, 6, Rabbi Abarbanel to Daniel 7, 13: "As soon as the King Messiah will declare himself, and He will destroy Rome and make a wilderness of it. Thorns and weeds will grow in the Pope's palace. The He will start a merciless war on non-Jews and will overpower them. He will slay them in masses, kill their kings and lay waste the whole Roman land. He will say to the Jews: 'I am the King Messiah for whom you have been waiting. Take the silver and gold from the goyim."
Chaggigah, (15b): "A Jew is considered to be good in the eyes of God, in spite of any sins he may commit."
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples (This is what the Jews use for justification to steal the land of the Palestinians). An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to mortality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general."
Tosefta, Abhodah Zarah VIII, 5: "How to interpret the word 'robbery.' A goy (non-Jew) is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy." The following vow is said in unison on the last day (Yom Kippur) of Rosh Hashanah:
Schulchan Aruch Edit, I, 136: "All vows, oaths, promises, engagements, and swearing, which, beginning this very day of reconciliation till the next...we intend to vow, promise, swear, and bind ourselves to fulfill, we repent of beforehand; let them be illegalized, acquitted, annihilated, abolished, valueless, unimportant. Our vows shall be no vows, and our oaths no oaths at all."
Schulchan, Aruch Orach Chaim 539: "At the time of the Cholhamoed the transaction of any kind of business is forbidden. But it is permitted to cheat a goy (non-Jew), because cheating of goy at any time pleases the Lord."
Schulchan, Aruch Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "It is permitted to 'Kill a Jewish Denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces."
Livore David 37: "If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death."
Abhodah Zarah 26b Tosephoth: "A Jew who kills a Christian commits no sin, but offers an acceptable sacrifice to God."
Tosefta, Erubin VIII, 1: "On the house of the goy (non-Jew) one looks as on the fold of cattle."
Sanhedrin 67a: Jesus referred to as the son of Pandira, a soldier. Mother a prostitute.
Kallah 1b. (18b): Christ illegitimate and conceived during menstruation. Mother a Prostitute. Sanhedrin 67a: Jesus was hanged on the eve of Passover.
Toldath Jeschu: The Birth of Christ related in most shameful expressions.
Abhodah Zarah II: Referred to as the son of Pandira, a Roman soldier, a Prostitute Mother.
Schabbath XIV: Again referred to as the son of Pandira the Roman soldier.
Sanhedrin 43a: On the eve of Passover they hanged Jesus.
Schabbath 104b: Christ called a fool and no one pays attention to fools.
Toldoth Jeschu: Says Judas and Jesus engaged in a quarrel with human excrement. Sanhedrin 103a: Suggested corrupts his morals and dishonours self. Sanhedrin 107b: Seduced, corrupted and destroyed Israel.
Zohar III (282): Died like a beast and buried in animal's dung heap.
Hilkoth Melakhim: Attempt to prove Christians err in worship of Jesus.
Abhodah Zarah 21a: Reference to worship of Jesus in homes unwanted.
Orach Chaiim 113: Avoid appearance of paying respect to Jesus.
Iore Dea 150, 2: Do not appear to pay respect to Jesus by accident.
Abhodah Zarah (6a): False teaching to worship on the first day of Sabbath.
Kerithuth (6b p. 78): Jews called men, Christians are not called men.
Makkoth (7b): Innocent of murder if intent was to kill Christian.
Sohar (II 64b): Christian birth rate must be diminished materially. {Now you know why the Jews are always pushing for abortions}.
Schabbath (116a) Tos: Gospels called volumes of iniquity, heretical books.
Schabbath (116a): Talmudists agree that the books of Christians are to be burned.
Chullin (91b): Jews possess dignity even an angel cannot share.
Hilkoth Akum (V. 12): Quote Scriptures Forbid mentioning the Christian God.
Choschen Ham (226 1): Jew may keep lost property of Christian found by Jew.
Babba Kama (113b): It is permitted to deceive Christians; Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian; Name of God not profaned when lying to Christians.
Kallah (1b p. 18): Jew may perjure himself with a clear conscience.
Schabbouth Hag. (d): Jews may swear falsely with subterfuge wording.
Zohar (1 160a): Jews must always try to deceive Christians.
Choschen Ham (425 5): Jews are not to prevent the death of a Christian.
Hilkkoth Akum (x,1): Do not save Christians in danger of death, instructed to let die.
Abhodah Zarah (25b)T: Even the best of the Goyim (Christians) should be killed.
Sepher or Israel (177b): If Jew kills a Christian he commits no sin.
Zohar (11 43a): Extermination of Christians necessary.
Hilkhpth Akum (x,1): Make no agreements and show no mercy to Christians.
Hilkhoth Maakhaloth: Christians are idolaters.
Iore Dea (198, 48): Female Jews contaminated when meeting Christians.
Makkoth (7b): Innocent of murder if intent was to kill a Christian.
Orach Chaiim (225, 10): Christians and animals grouped for comparisons.
Zohar II (64b): Christians likened to cows and asses.
Kethuboth (110b): Psalmist compares Christians to beasts.

Kelhubath (11a-11b): "When a grown-up man has had intercourse with a little girl...It means this: WHEN A GROWN UP MAN HAS INTERCOURSE WITH A LITTLE GIRL IT IS NOTHING, FOR WHEN THE GIRL IS LESS THAN THIS THREE YEARS OLD IT IS AS IF ONE PUTS THE FINGER INTO THE EYE tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the Little Girl Three Years Old." (Why are you surprised Jews are Satan's Children? Could you expect less?)
Sanhedrin (74b) Tos: Sexual intercourse with Christian same as intercourse with beast.
Iore Dea (337, 1): Replace dead Christians like you would a lost cow or ass.
Chullin (91b): Jews possess dignity even an angel cannot share.
Sanhedrin (58b): To strike a Jew is the same as slapping the face of God.
Zohar (1, 25b): Those Jews who do good to Christians never rise when dead.
Iore Dea (148, 12H): Jews are to hide their hatred for Christians.
Babha Bathra (54b): Christian property belongs to the first Jew claiming it.
Babha Kama (113b): It is permitted for a Jew to deceive Christians.
Iore Dea (157, 2) H: Jew may deceive Christians.
Babha Kama (113a): Jew may lie and perjure himself to condemn a Christian. See also Kallah (1b, p. 18)
Babha Kama (113b): The name of God is not profaned when Jew lies to Christians.
Kallah (1b, p. 18): Jew may perjure himself when lying about Christians. See also Babha Kama (113a)
Schabbouth Hag (6d): Jews may swear falsely by the use of subterfuge wording.
Zohar (1, 160a): Jews must always try to deceive Christians.
Choschen Ham (425, 5): Do not prevent a Christians death.
Iore Dea (158, 1): Christians who are Not Jews' enemies Must also die. Sanhedrin (59a): Christians who study the Jews' "Laws" {Talmud} to be put to death.
Hilkhoth Akum (X,2): Baptized Jews are to be put to death.
Zohar (1, 25a): Christians are to be destroyed when no danger of discovery.
Sepher or Israel (177b): If a Jew kills a Christian he commits no sin. He has done God a service.
Ialkut Simoni (245c): A Jew shedding the blood of a Christian is offering a Sacrifice to God.
Zohar (II, 43a): Extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice to God.
Zohar (L, 38b, 39a): A Jew to receive a high place in heaven if he kills a Christian.
Hilkhoth Akum (X,1): Jews are to show no mercy to a Christian.
Yebhanmoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden.
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