Who Were The Real Aggressors?
There is common understanding that the 2nd World War
was a defensive war against an expansionist militaristic Germany
threatening her neighbours’ borders. England and France are
portrayed as the underdog nations. The facts, even from an informed
British view, are clearly at odds with this perception of those
tragic events.
Germany Is A Small State
As Adolf Hitler pointed out, "The assertion that Germany affected
to conquer the world was ridiculous. The British Empire embraced 40
million square kilometres, Russia 19 million square kilometres,
America 9.5 million square kilometres, whereas Germany embraced less
than 600,000 square kilometres. It is quite clear who it is desires
to conquer the world." (1)
Germany Had A Peaceful Foreign Policy
Far from being belligerent National Socialist Germany went to
great lengths to promote peaceful co-existence with her neighbours.
In fact it was remarkably successful in developing a foreign policy
which embraced all races and creeds. It was her mastery in doing so
that threatened the existence of the League of Nations and
ultimately led to the Jewish Dance of Death on Christian Europe’s
sacred soil.
League Of Nations
This forerunner to the United Nations was an American-Jewish
cabal which arrogantly presumed to impose their code of conduct on
the free world. (The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the
Jewish plan to control the world). Similarly inspired trade
agreements dictated international trade to which most nations were
then bending the knee.
Germany's Trade Agreements
National Socialist Germany’s fairer approach to peaceful
co-existence, with the introduction of a mutually beneficial
interest-free trading system, evolved to threaten the
American-Jewish control of world affairs. "The real reason for
America to go to war against Germany was Hitler's disruption of a
working world economy [NWO]." (Hitler's Table Talks, Ullstein
Publishers, Frankfurt 1989, p. 21
Hitler Had A Blueprint For A Prosperous Trade Routes For Europe
The German people’s choice of leader said; "Our economic relations
with this country (Yugoslavia) are undergoing constant development
and expansion, just as in the case of the friendly countries of
Bulgaria, Greece, Rumania and Turkey. The essential reason for this
is to be found in the natural conditions, which make it possible for
these countries and Germany to complement each other’s economic
systems. Germany is happy today in the possession of peaceful
frontiers in the West, South and North."
Britain, France, And Poland, Were the War Mongers
The Fuhrer added: "Our relations with the Western and northern
States, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden,
Finland and the Baltic States, become all the more satisfactory with
the increasing tendency in these countries to turn away from certain
articles of the Covenant of the League of Nations, which involve
danger of war."
The League Of Nations Did Nothing
The German Leader was referring to the League of Nations
selectivity when addressing matters of international dispute. Just
as the United Nations Organization today impudently ignores Israeli,
British and American aggression, its forerunner disregarded the
anti-German sabre-rattling of Poland and Czechoslovakia and turned a
blind eye to Soviet Russia’s (and Britain’s) territorial ambitions.
Norway's Leader Wants A United Front Against Communism
Norway’s perceptive nationalist leader Vidkun Quisling further
enraged New York’s ‘world government’ string-pullers when he
observed. "A Nordic union between Scandinavia and Great Britain,
with the adherence of Finland and Holland, and in which Germany and
eventually the British Dominions and America might later on be
absorbed, would take away the sting of any communist combination and
secure European civilization and peace for the foreseeable future."
Europe Unites Against World Jewry
When war was finally forced upon Germany there ensued a struggle in
which the central European State of National Socialist Germany did
not stand alone. Italian Leader Benito Mussolini had already seen
the advantages of peaceful co-existence with her prosperous
neighbour and had coined the term Axis when he formed alliance with
Germany in 1936. The people of Austria would soon vote
overwhelmingly to become part of greater Germany, as had the Saar
region on January 13, 1935.
Roosevelt Pushed Japan Into War
Japan reacted strongly to the ‘American’ cabal’s impudent demand
that they subscribe to trading conditions on ‘American’ terms. But
realising that she alone could not stand up to the British and
American drive for the economic colonisation of the Pacific Rim she
was the third to join the defensive Axis.
This was an open secret in the United States: "The memorandum which
Senator Hall, with the approval of President Roosevelt, handed to
Japan on 26th November, 1941, amounted to the maximum terms of an
American policy for the whole Orient." (
Two Sides Of The Jewish Coin
Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, each of which were threatened by the
Communist menace to the East of their borders quickly sought refuge
within the defensive Axis. They too were painfully aware that they
had been caught between a rock and a hard place, or what Hitler had
so succinctly described as "Capitalism and Bolshevism as being the
two sides of the same international Jewish coin."
Roosevelt And The Zionists
"Neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a
ground for war, if Washington had not continually pressed for it,"
said US Ambassador U.S. William C.Bullitt. (5)
As the struggle reached titanic proportions it became a war to the
finish. The two sides of ‘the Jewish coin’ maneuvered its Gentile
mercenary armies against the expanding coalition of free-trade
National Socialist alliance nations.
The Hidden Generals Wear Skullcaps
Perceiving that the ‘hidden generals of the West’ wore skullcaps
(yarmulkes) William Joyce the charismatic Irish-American National
Socialist mockingly described the Jewish national anthem as being
the hymn, ‘Onward Christian Soldiers!’
Christians United Against France, England, and America
Forming a defensive ring around Europe and making pre-emptive strikes
against their British, French and American tormentors, later to be
joined by Soviet Russia (the other side of the Jewish coin), men and
women of all nationalities rushed to Christian-Europe’s defense.
"There can be no doubt that he (Hitler) broadened the war in 1941 only
on preventive grounds." announced the renowned British historian,
Professor A.J.P Taylor.
Such was their determination to protect Europe, volunteers of many
European nations rushed to join National Socialist Germany’s Waffen SS
divisions. By 1944, when Christian Europe’s fate stood in the balance,
of the 910,000 men and women under Waffen SS arms, less than half were
German born nationals. 310,000 were men of German descent but born
outside Germany. Almost a quarter, 200,000 were non-German volunteers
from many nations including Great Britain. (6)
British SS Defend Hitler's Berlin
(Anthony Byers of Effingham in Surrey described an incident in defeated
Berlin: "As a National Serviceman in Berlin, I met a Russian officer who
was impressed by the fighting spirit of eight misguided (sic) British
soldiers. They held up an entire Russian Regiment for almost two days
until they ran out of ammunition. Only two survived to surrender and
were promptly shot by the understandably irritated Russians who had lost
almost 100 men and three tanks.
The Russian officer said that had SS Unterscharfuhrer Cornfield, and a
soldier he named as Pleed, been fighting the Germans they would have
deserved the Victoria Cross." He added: "I hope you British invented a
good story for their families, for a brave soldier is still a brave
soldier even when a traitor to their country."
The Free World Joined The Waffen SS
Europe’s Waffen SS Divisions included men and women from the four
corners of the world including Muslim and Indian units. In the Eastern
war zones Hungarian and Yugoslavian troops helped to stem Stalin’s Red
Army hordes. Rumanians in Waffen SS uniform and those of their own
national regiments fought side by side with their European cousins in
Tens of thousands of Italian volunteers formed a wall of steel defiance
against the armies of '‘the other side of the Jewish coin'. On June 27th
1941 the Spanish Falange Party made their formal request for volunteers
to come to Christian Europe’s aid. From the capital city of Madrid alone
came forward 4,000 volunteers. In all 40,000 Spaniards came forward to
don the 4,000 permitted Waffen SS uniforms.
The Dutch Waffen SS
Of their sacrifice Adolf Hitler said: "One cannot imagine more fearless
fellows. They scarcely take cover. They flaunt death. I know in any case
that our men are always glad to have Spaniards as neighbours in this
sector." (The Russian Front). (7).
The Dutch Waffen SS regiments numbering 50,000 volunteers fought with
heroic determination along the ramparts of Europe with their equally
determined Belgian comrades who had provided 40,000 volunteers.
Hitler Had The Biggest Volunteer Army In The World
From France came 20,000 volunteers to form among others the famed
Waffen SS Charlemagne Division, famous for its spirited defence of
the German capital when under the Red Army siege. In addition can be
numbered the three Finnish Waffen SS divisions whom were regarded as
the finest troops on earth. To these brave defenders of Europe can
be added the Waffen SS divisions, regiments and units made up of
Lithuanian, Estonian and Latvian volunteers. Divisions were also
raised in Denmark.
Fighting alongside them were units made up of Ukrainians, White
Russians, Georgians, Armenians, Tartars, Siberians, Kalmucks and
others. In fact National Socialist Germany has the honour of having
attracted the biggest volunteer army in the history of mankind.
Russia's Nightingale SS Division
This came about when the Nightingale Divisions made up of troops
drawn from the collapsing Soviet Union joined forces with the Axis
nations to turn their guns on Churchill and Roosevelt’s allies,
their hated Jewish-Soviet oppressors. It is estimated that the Nightingale Division numbered
in excess of 1,000,000 men and women which more than equaled in size the
entire strength of the Waffen SS. These and their families were
slaughtered by British and Red Army units after the war’s end.
Europe's Rebellion Squashed
Alas it was an uneven struggle as the combined armies, air and naval
armadas of three empires, in alliance with the powers of darkness
pulling the strings of international finance, were brought to bear on
rebellious Europe. The hegemony of American/Soviet/British co-operation
was imposed upon defeated and exhausted Europe.
Judaism's Revenge
The real bloodletting was to begin as across Europe the victorious
mercenary armies of Judah sought revenge. The walls went up, the
shackles were ratcheted tighter, the firing squads formed up and before
the volleys anyone, civilian or otherwise who had or might rebel against
the old order of servitude to Mammon.
Across Soviet and Western Europe the slaughter continued apace. Those
alone spared were those who uncompromisingly conceded to slavery,
intellectual and moral.
The Fifth Columnists Of Judaism
The fifth columnists of Judaism who could be relied upon to suppress
freedom alone were granted privilege and positions of influence. So it
is even today.
Germany was to suffer the most. Five million servicemen and women,
civilians too, were abducted to the Soviet Union’s gulag archipelago. A
further four million, mostly civilians, were slaughtered by the Red Army
during its terrifying surge across Germany’s northern borders. An
estimated additional 5,000,000 in what was left of Germany were starved
and otherwise maltreated to death after the war’s end.
Germany Was Completely Outnumbered
The German nation notwithstanding such gallant and generous support from
its neighbours had been fought to a standstill by the British, Soviet
and American empires, which in total amounted to 116 times its own
national territory.
Every European, every Christian, every person who longs for the true
independence of all nations on earth, should stand in homage to those
who fought and died against the three-headed hydra of Satan.
Will Europe rise against the Protocols (of the Learned Elders of Zion)
again? How delicious the irony to reflect that those protesting today in
Genoa, are struggling in the same tentacles as their European
predecessors. How greater the ironies if among them are the sons and
daughters of those who once formed Jewry’s armies that so recently
stifled the great European renaissance of the Twentieth Century.
1- Hitler's Communication to Sir. Nevile Henderson, 25th August 1939.
2- Speech to the Reichstag 30th January 1939
3- Vidkun Quisling, ‘Russia and Us’, 1930
4- Professor Charles Beard. ‘President Roosevelt and the Coming of the
War’,1941. Yale University Press, April 1948.
5- U.S. Ambassador William C.Bullitt. ‘The Nameless War’, Capt. A.H.M
Ramsay, M.P.
6- Wenn alle Bruder Schweigen, Munich-Verlag, GmbH . Osnabruck
7- Adolf Hitler, January 1st 1942
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