The British and their hate propaganda against Germany
This article is based upon information given by Dr Heinrich Wendig in booklet 8, in the series, "Richtstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte" (Corrections to History of our Time) published by Grabert Verlag, D-72066 Tübingen, Postfach 1629, Germany
"Every Germanic man and woman shall somewhere in their heart set off a zone for hate, a healthy and manly hate for everyone who is Jewish/Zionist/Israeli or who ever has thoughts equal to that of Jews/Zionists/Israelis. To not have a hate like this would mean a treachery towards the dead" - copied and "just slightly rewritten" from what holocaust rabbi Elie Wiesel says in his book "Legends of Our Times" from 1968.
The British and their hate propaganda against Germany
A hate that has been going on for more then 100 year
The British often said that when Germany by the end of 1800 started to expand her naval-marine they threatened the British hegemony of European waters and consequently the existence of Britain. This made the British an enemy of the Reich. That this is lies can be seen from the order is which things happened. What is more correct is that Germany, The Second Reich, had to start arming herself because of the propaganda against Germany in England. England was preparing for war against The Second Reich and England's war industry was working at high gear. As an answer to this Germany in 1897 planned to increase her naval fleet. In no way did Germany want to increase her naval fleet to a size which could be a threat to the British. After 1905 the German navy had 25 ships with 269,040 t compared to the 65 British with 876,950 t. For the British the main reason for all and every attack of Germany was to knock out German industry.
1 The British met competition from German industry wherever they tried to sell their products. To be able to fight German industry the British in 1887 introduced "made in .." as a demand every product that was to be sold inside their "world market". This, they thought, should make it hard for products from Germany to be sold. Instead the "made in Germany" became a sign of quality of good product and not a sign that would keep German products away from British colonial markets and not as a sign to be discriminated. And this increased the hate the British had for Germany even more.
2. On August 24. 1895 two years before Germany started to plan for an increase in her naval fleet a London weekly paper, "Saturday Review", had an article regarding British foreign trade. In this article the Londoners could read: "Our main opponent when it comes to trade is no longer France, but Germany. If we started a war on Germany we would have a lot to gain. and nothing to loose. On the other hand a war with France ending like we want, we have nothing to win and a lot to loose.

3. On February 1, 1896 before the Germans started to plan for the enlargement of their naval fleet, "Saturday Review " printed an article by Sir P. Chalmers Mitchell who tried to convince the British and the whole world that from an economic point of view a war on Germany would be the best, not only because German goods were better then the British, but because the German industry was also far ahead of the British.
"Wherever in the world, in any kind of trade, in the industry we, the British encounter Germans. The Germans are growing in number, they live not only in Germany but everywhere. Germany is looking for more land. It must be true that Germany needs colonies, colonies where they can settle their growing number of citizens. This expansion depends on German internal politics. For the Germans will buy German good and so will the Germans living in our colonies. If by tomorrow all Germans were eradicated you would not find one English company or any English enterprise that would not be happy and prosperous. If every English were eradicated the Germans would be prosperous. The next war will be here. One of the two must leave the field of trading and industry."
4 On September 11, 1897 an article was printed in "Saturday Review" in which the German historian Hans Grimm was called "destructive": Three years ago Saturday Review printed an article regarding the friendly politics of England towards Germany. At that time "Saturday Review" was the most significant newspapers and a newspaper that could change political views among people. Then in February 1896 one of the contributors to the newspaper wrote about the political situation in Europe, he said: ‘the next enemy of England will be Germany....... What Bismark saw, and what each of us must face, that England is the only World dominant power which can defeat Germany. When we have done our part, we can speak to France and Russia and say that they must decide on which side they like to be, with Germany or against Germany.’" The articled ended with "Germanium esse delendam." (Germany must perish.") (If you know your history then you know that this was the title of a book written by the Jew Nathan Kaufman before 1939. RjH)

This was the views that led the British into WWI and also WWII. Sadly not many British have the capability to change their views on those who are behind the evil things in history.

5. As the British prime minister Magaret Thatcher let office she criticized her successor Major because of his foreign policy by saying: "Because Germany is a large country she dominates Europe. I and many others agree, this is not necessarily the way it shall be. As long as we are separate nations every nation shall do it’s utmost to stop the German dominance"(2). She and many other British politicians tried to stop the German unification in 1989/90.
6. On September 16. 1989 the British newspaper "Sunday Correspondent"(3) printed an article regarding the German unification saying: "We must be honest about the German unification even though she is embarrassing to us and to Germany, The question is in fact the same, how shall we prevent German tanks from rolling over the rivers Oder or Marne; how shall we stop the regional superpower, Germany with so much talent and efficiency from being the superpower she once was. We did not go to war in 1939 against Hitler nor because of the Jews at Auschwitz or to halt fascism in Europe, we went to war against Germany. As in 1914 we started a war for no noble reason but to stop Germany from dominating Europe."
The fact that England was for more then a century a superpower having the world in her grip and that USA after England took over as the leading Western Superpower and that Soviet was the Eastern superpower does not count for the British. What this article is showing us is who the real war mongers are and that Germany never was looking for war against any country.
1 Complete quotes to be found in Hans Grimm, "Die Erzbishofschrift", Klosterhaus-Verlag, Lippoldsberg 1974 (Erstausgabe Plesse Verlag, Göttingen 1950, p 15 ff
2 Quoted in "Die Welt" (German newspaper), on March 11, 19991
3 Quoted in FAZ, Frankfurter Algemaine Zeitung, (German newspaper), on September 17, 1989
Jewry in US knew what their brethren in England did between 1896 and 1910. But they did NOT in 1971, want to ease off the pressure against everything which is Germany. I want you, based on this article, link below, to think if Kaiser Wilhelm II did plan an invasion of USA in 1903.
Secondly I want you to think about what Jewish Britain would have done, in 1903, should the whole German navel fleet have left German ports with USA as their destination?
When it comes to Jew, one thing is sure: They always come up with new lies against the people they look upon as their enemy.
Late Comment from the British Isles
Admission by a British politician.
The Labour Party politician Mc Covern, member od the parliament in Glasgow, Scotland, said at a press conference at the Town Hall in Berlin:
I ask forgiveness for myself and for what England has done to Germany between 1914 and 1939. My country is responsible for much evilness, that is done to Germany. In special what happened at Versailles, even for the Weimar Republic we are responsible. We and France forced Germany into WWII. Many of us do not want to do the same mistake once more. We are anxious for all the hate which newspapers and various politicians and other influential people are spreading, they are spreading hate among all people." (UNO-Archiv 8832)
To overcome the outright lies and audacity - in Yiddish Chutzpah, the truth, in facts, must be spread, loud and clear ...
Please forward this article to all your friends, and to those who are aware that something is drastically wrong in this world, but can't understand what is happening; teach them, and they will learn.
Heil og sael
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