This was originally part of the letter NORWAY ENDS SEARCH FOR MOSSAD KILLER. I spilted up that letter to make it easier for the readers.
Before and during WWII Joseph Patrick Kennedy was known for his anti-Jewish beliefs. He was against FDR's lust for war, a lust FDR even as a crypto-Jew could not hide or stop.
The anti-Jewish behaviour of JPK has led - in my opinion - to all the inexplicable "accidents" the Kennedys have had over the last 50 years. We know that the only person who could have told who paid him to attempt to assassinate JFK was killed by a Jew, Jack Ruby (Jacob Rubinstein). Further, we know that only the Mossad could have killed the President of the USA without being exposed. JFK had before this death issued new dollar-notes. They were issued by the state, USA, not by the fedaeral Bank, FED. These bank-notes would have taken away the power of the Jewish FED if JFK had been allowed to live. U give you the two notes here.

The note issued by JFK has red numbers and sign, the on with green number and sign is the FED not.
If you read the Washington Post of July 19, 1999 you would have seen that this Jewish newspaper refuses any criticism of the Kennedy family. This made me think that the Jews might even be behind this latest inexplicable accident to another Kennedy.
Heil of sael
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