Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Price Of Oil Has Fallen From $150 To $45

Gold Went From $260 To $1,000

There Is A Message In These Charts
The price of oil dropping portends the coming of deflation, and gold rising says fiscal instability.

The US Dollar Is History
A Country's currency is simply an IOU. Because of the falling GDP (no income), and the enormous US Treasury debt, and unfunded liabilities of Medicare, SS, etc., the dollar has become worthless.
A country, like an individual, needs assets or collateral. America's collateral is a few national parks, and aging armed forces inventory, and some leased out gold in Fort Knox.

The Significance Of Oil Dropping
That spells deflation. Despite all the wars in the mideast, no one could care leass about oil.

Gold Is The Scary Part
Gold is an inflation hedge, so in a deflation it should go down. But, there is an other side to gold, and that is chaos. When Germany was collapsing in 1944, or Russia in 1993, it was gold that everyone wanted.



So Are We All In This Together?
Is all of America in the same boat? Not hardly, this isn't really a collapse, but rather a wealth transfer. In 1929 it was the Federal Reserve's credit squeeze that caused the Great Depression, and thereby created buying opportunity for Zionists.  From 1929 through 1936 they quietly bought up most of America's real estate and public corporations.
What you will see now is engineered run-ups and downturns. The stock market will run up 800 points on Tuesday, then it collapses a week later. Why, because the market-makers are maneuvering it for their gains.
Despite all the nonsense you heard about the suffering of Americans in 1929, it was a golden period for Zionists. They created the 1920 inflation wave, rode their stocks up, dumping them to the average fool along the way. With the cash from the pre-1929 stock sales, they bought America for pennies in the 1930s.

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