Tsunami Wipes Out Tel Aviv
Tsunami Slams Israel And 6,000,000 Are Dead

Israelis Mourn Their Relatives

Israeli Children Take To The Roof-Tops

Israelis Are Praying By The Thousands

Panic Sets In

Esther Lost Her Entire Family Of 4,000

Mass Pray Vigils For Missing Israelis

This may be an 'Aquacaust' (A water holocaust). It is estimated that 6,000,000 will die.

Rabbi Shitelstein says "We have already buried two million dead Jews, so the death toll will easily be 6,000,000".

How much more can the Jewish people take?

Many Israelis are straining at the seams.

Mel Fromstein Was A Hero
When the wave hit, it left a Tel Aviv orphanage 40 feet underwater. Mel Fromstein, a local hero, who led the 'Escape from Sobibor', was a French partisan, was Gen. Patton's bodyguard, and was the first American on Normandy Beach, jumped into action. He heard the screams of the children and made fifty dives, saving 100 kids.

Tel Aviv survivors testified that crocodiles roamed the streets and ate the bodies. Herds of killer whales, sharks, man-eating sea turtles ate the victims that washed out to sea.

An 'Aquacaust' (Water Holocaust) Where Killer Whales Eat Innocent Jews
Will You Donate To Help Find The Missing 6 Million Jews?

Poll Results:
Yes - Put me down for $5,000 13% Total Votes: 45
No - Holocausts, Mengele, Anne Frank, etc, and now an 'Aquacaust'. You are full of sh*t, this is another Zio-Hoax! 87% Total Votes: 298
343 votes total
Notable Comments From PollCode:
From Bibi Nutty-yahu on February 28, 2010 at 9:37 pm.
If you look closely, you can see Elie Wiesel surfing the wave.
From Mammon Grabbinsky on February 28, 2010 at 6:22 am.
But you forgot the evil Germans in this story. Actually, this tsunami was caused by Hitler's own submarine off the coast of Chile.
From Gilda organ-theftski on February 28, 2010 at 5:03 am.
My grandparents escaped from 3 tidal waves and were brought up by stingrays, they don't speak much english but they say they want $5m for their sufferink.
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