Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hello Henry, I agree wholeheartedly
September 5, 2004
Hello Henry,

I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusion regarding the current struggle against Putin.

It all started when Putin visited the Islamic conference in Malaysia last year, where a retiring Mahathir Muhammmad went public about his conclusions of "Jews" ruling the world. The better word would have been globalists, but Mahathir was driven by rage against the economic embroilment unleashed by the IMF and the world bank on Malaysia.

When Putin returned from that conference, for the first time in Russia, there were government directed crackdowns on Illuminati strongholds. First went Rothschild operative Khodorovsky of Yukos Oil and a key pipeline player. Then there was a raid on the office of George Soros. Next, Putin had Russian warheads armed, in direct confrontation with the New World Order Plan for single American hegemony (to be phased out with the advent of One World Government).

Notice how the Globalist press downgraded Putin during his re-election. "Chechen" bombs went off in a subway but Putin was quick to hint that they were related to his re-election.

Though few will understand, this is the first time in the entire history of Russia (including the Tsars who were of Illuminati bloodlines) that a Russian leader has thrown himself into a struggle against the Illuminati. He will either be killed or face a coup soon....and he clearly knows the risks he has taken.

Till then, one can expect the Achilles heel of Russian politics; Chechnya to be re-exploited again and again.

Dr. Henry,
I have to disagree with Tim Rifat's conclusions. The underlying facts are: The ultimate elitist goal is a global government. There are very few players who are able to exert such global change. Nothing happens by chance. Presidents and Prime Ministers are also part of this plan (including Putin and Bush). Due to a growing exposure of this illuminist dream, they have no choice but to divert our attention by throwing false antogonisms at us.
Dr. Henry:
While I always enjoy your articles and insights, I must confess that I am at odds with the conclusions alluded to by Tim Rifat in your Sept. 3 piece "Rothschild Targets Putin and Bush-Cheney".
As Viktor Hodos documents, Putin has been very much influenced by the Jewish cult of the Chabad, an undeniable form of Freemasonry and global monotheism. As this link attest, the same Chabad-Lubavitch sect is quite familiar to the Bushes:

A revealing quote from the linked article:

Chabad-Lubavitch is now an international movement with headquarters in New York. The American Friends of Chabad Lubavitch in Washington, D.C. coordinates activities for Chabad on Capital Hill, lobbies for Chabad causes, and runs study groups and social programs geared towards congressional staffers.
In 1991, Chabad-Lubavitch in cooperation with President Bush established the observance of Education Day, USA "to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws."

As I am certain you are aware, the Noahide Laws are an attempt to place the entire world under a Zionist-controlled legal system centered in Israel and duplicating the Sanhedrin of Christ's day.
Bottom line, without engaging in endless dialectics: It's all still part and parcel of the same evil, globalist agenda. Even if different factions are currently at odds with each other, they will ultimately be brought under the same aegis of universalism meant to enslave rather than liberate mankind, the final fruition of Satan's kingdom here on earth.
While neither presidential candidate appears worthy of support (as is the case with most Illuminati-controlled elections), to say that George W. Bush has any more intention of resisting the dark forces that his family has served for centuries than his opponent Mr. Kerry is as absurd as to assume that Putin's rejection of the Rothschilds in favor of the Chabad demonstrates any real deviation from the gameplan outlined in "The Protocols".
Even if the Rothschild dynasty should crumble, there are any number of equally abhorrent entities ready to assume its place in the demonic master plan for conquest of the human race.
For those choosing to vote in the upcoming election, my advice would still be to vote on principle and conscience, rather than to heed Mr. Riat's questionable advice and support Bush/Cheney. My final opinion in the matter mirrors the caveat in your article:

It's possible he's on a mission to create support for Bush by pretending the Rothschilds are opposed to Bush.

As more people like yourself unravel more and more of the threads of this vast conspiracy, the cabalists involved will have no choice but to utilize continuous disinformation and diversionary campaigns as a counter-offensive. I suspect this is what we are observing here. It is most important to focus on the end game plan: Worldwide domination with Apocalyptic consequences. That hasn't changed.
Take care, and keep shining the light in dark places.


This article, consisting mainly of briefly restated opinions of one Tim Rifat, is devoid of any support for those opinions, any reasoned argument, any fact or testimonial offered to confirm those opinions. But that paled to insignificance when I read his piece at the "remote viewing" link, a rather shocking piece of verbal flimflam with no substance whatsoever. If this man is anything more than a charlatan I'll eat your hat. Please be careful, Henry. The note at the bottom that you are not endorsing his views is not enough to protect you from damage to your reputation. It is enough that you express your own well thought out views.

Mel Fowler

Henry, you really are the disinformation agent i had long suspected you of being; though a lot of what you say in earlier articles about many things rings true, but on nodal points within them, diversionary.

So, so, umm, Jewish.

Michael Mazur

Dear Mr. Makow
I read this article with a great deal of interest. From my reading I too sense that the Lucefrian, Reptillian, Illuminatti Mafia of the Rothchilds is under siege from a number of scources. It would be wonderful if people in general became aware enough to shove these monsters back into the slime pits from whence they emerged, however, as you continue to write these crime families are a hydra headed problem. Their disputes become the average persons world wars with all of the associated death and destruction.
An example of this is that Viktor Hodos a Russian writer explains here that the Chabad a sect which Stalin expelled from the Ukraine in the 1930's is now back in Russia and has the ear of Mr. Putin. If true it would help to explain the titanic battle being waged in Russia of trying to wrest Russia's natural resources from the hands of the Rothchilds. From the wealth and power which Mr. Hodos indicates that the Chabad has, it would also indicate that the Rothchilds may have a much more difficult time assasinating Mr. Putin than Mr. Rifat thinks.
A couple of other anecdotal events which indicate Rothchild interests under seige is one, a little over a year ago Thailand paid off all of it's IMF loans early and told the IMF to get out of their country and stay out.
Next, is Argentina which the IMF refused to extend loans to and forced them into default. I had thought that they did that with the intention of making Argentina into a prototype for the all electronic money which the New World Order wishes to impose on the world. That is exactly how it appeared to be working until recently Argentina's central bank went out and bought 45 tons of gold.
When the IMF represenative told the Argentine Finance Minister that they should be setting aside money to repay their defaulted loans the Finance Minister told him that thay would not be setting aside any money to repay the defaulted loans. Which I thought was being awfully polite considoring that the money they loaned them was created out of thin air and not worth anything to begin with.
Henry, stripped of the smoke and mirrors about the Rothschilds, Tavistock, & co (all of which comes from the bogus 'Dr John Coleman, ex-MI6',anyway), your thesis is preposterous and your source 'Tim Rifat' is clearly a complete fraud. the idea that Bush and Cheney are going to save the world from a Rothschild conspiracy to destroy it is so idiotic as to pass comprehension. Like Barry Chamish, you are hoping that adopting a hysterical tone will infect your readers with irrationality, but outside of the lab, this sort of behaviorist tactic is pretty much of a non-starter. Recall that the point about the 'Muslim Brotherhood as provocateurs' thesis is that they provide a pretext for western military interventions, i.e., they are not a real threat. This is the underlying thesis of the entire theory about their origins, as found in Peter Goodgame and elsewhere, which you seem to have conveniently lost sight of. By the way, did you know that Chamish's guru Rabbi Antelman also invented a cure for AIDS (which was suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry, naturally).
Rowan Berkeley
Date: September 5th, 2004

Dear Mr. Makow,
A hundred years of heinous crimes all over the world committed -according to the official story- in the name of Islam by Arabs and Muslims. A hundred years of suppression, degrading and defaming of Arabs and Muslims. Who is behind it all? The British. If we to believe this theory we end up with two thoughts. 1- Islam, Muslims and Arabs are innocent of all accusations. 2- Only God is more intelligent than the British, the devil doesn't even come close. I wish they have used these vast financial and intellectual powers in something less bloody.
The world will not be a better place for us (Arabs and Muslims) not the least after the British organized and financed the recent barbaric attacks against Russian civilians. The attackers were not air-lifted to Beslan by helicopters which took-off from the MOON! The attackers did not harvest their weapons which GROW in the woods around Beslan!
"Divide and Conquer", one simple rule that allowed them to RULE the whole world. The British manufactured the Chechyn crises to destroy Chechnya and weaken Russia. Russian leaders simply swallowed the bait and the peoples of both nations paid the price. And regarding the announced identities of the attackers, it actually makes no difference, because it is easy for intelligence agencies to PROGRAM individuals to commit any sort of action, even commit suicide. I estimate that 90% of the so-called "suicide bombings" in Israel are in fact planned by Israeli intelligence authorities.
One puzzle for White Caucasians. The British are White Caucasians, why then they kill their White Caucasian brothers!
If it turns out that this theory is for real, Mr. Khodorkovsky will be now laughing hard in his prison cell after his friends in London just hit Mr. Putin hard below the belt, bringing the score even, 1-1. But unfortunately, Mr. Putin can do little militarily to stop such attacks, and going on to kill more innocent people will achieve 0% positive results. The only possible thing he can do to save the lives of Russian civilians of coming attacks is to release Mr. Khodorkovsky and give him back his money.
I want the readers -especially Russians- to know that my heart goes out for those little angels whose lives where spent needlessly, who were murdered just to send a message to Russian leaders. Unfortunately, they can't just say who are the real people behind such acts. You may believe the mainstream media, but God help us all, because we all are victims living on one big British colony called Earth.

- See more at:

Hello Henry, I agree wholeheartedly

September 5, 2004
Hello Henry,

I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusion regarding the current struggle against Putin.

It all started when Putin visited the Islamic conference in Malaysia last year, where a retiring Mahathir Muhammmad went public about his conclusions of "Jews" ruling the world. The better word would have been globalists, but Mahathir was driven by rage against the economic embroilment unleashed by the IMF and the world bank on Malaysia.

When Putin returned from that conference, for the first time in Russia, there were government directed crackdowns on Illuminati strongholds. First went Rothschild operative Khodorovsky of Yukos Oil and a key pipeline player. Then there was a raid on the office of George Soros. Next, Putin had Russian warheads armed, in direct confrontation with the New World Order Plan for single American hegemony (to be phased out with the advent of One World Government).

Notice how the Globalist press downgraded Putin during his re-election. "Chechen" bombs went off in a subway but Putin was quick to hint that they were related to his re-election.

Though few will understand, this is the first time in the entire history of Russia (including the Tsars who were of Illuminati bloodlines) that a Russian leader has thrown himself into a struggle against the Illuminati. He will either be killed or face a coup soon....and he clearly knows the risks he has taken.

Till then, one can expect the Achilles heel of Russian politics; Chechnya to be re-exploited again and again.

Dr. Henry,
I have to disagree with Tim Rifat's conclusions. The underlying facts are: The ultimate elitist goal is a global government. There are very few players who are able to exert such global change. Nothing happens by chance. Presidents and Prime Ministers are also part of this plan (including Putin and Bush). Due to a growing exposure of this illuminist dream, they have no choice but to divert our attention by throwing false antogonisms at us.
Dr. Henry:
While I always enjoy your articles and insights, I must confess that I am at odds with the conclusions alluded to by Tim Rifat in your Sept. 3 piece "Rothschild Targets Putin and Bush-Cheney".
As Viktor Hodos documents, Putin has been very much influenced by the Jewish cult of the Chabad, an undeniable form of Freemasonry and global monotheism. As this link attest, the same Chabad-Lubavitch sect is quite familiar to the Bushes:

A revealing quote from the linked article:

Chabad-Lubavitch is now an international movement with headquarters in New York. The American Friends of Chabad Lubavitch in Washington, D.C. coordinates activities for Chabad on Capital Hill, lobbies for Chabad causes, and runs study groups and social programs geared towards congressional staffers.
In 1991, Chabad-Lubavitch in cooperation with President Bush established the observance of Education Day, USA "to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws."

As I am certain you are aware, the Noahide Laws are an attempt to place the entire world under a Zionist-controlled legal system centered in Israel and duplicating the Sanhedrin of Christ's day.
Bottom line, without engaging in endless dialectics: It's all still part and parcel of the same evil, globalist agenda. Even if different factions are currently at odds with each other, they will ultimately be brought under the same aegis of universalism meant to enslave rather than liberate mankind, the final fruition of Satan's kingdom here on earth.
While neither presidential candidate appears worthy of support (as is the case with most Illuminati-controlled elections), to say that George W. Bush has any more intention of resisting the dark forces that his family has served for centuries than his opponent Mr. Kerry is as absurd as to assume that Putin's rejection of the Rothschilds in favor of the Chabad demonstrates any real deviation from the gameplan outlined in "The Protocols".
Even if the Rothschild dynasty should crumble, there are any number of equally abhorrent entities ready to assume its place in the demonic master plan for conquest of the human race.
For those choosing to vote in the upcoming election, my advice would still be to vote on principle and conscience, rather than to heed Mr. Riat's questionable advice and support Bush/Cheney. My final opinion in the matter mirrors the caveat in your article:

It's possible he's on a mission to create support for Bush by pretending the Rothschilds are opposed to Bush.

As more people like yourself unravel more and more of the threads of this vast conspiracy, the cabalists involved will have no choice but to utilize continuous disinformation and diversionary campaigns as a counter-offensive. I suspect this is what we are observing here. It is most important to focus on the end game plan: Worldwide domination with Apocalyptic consequences. That hasn't changed.
Take care, and keep shining the light in dark places.


This article, consisting mainly of briefly restated opinions of one Tim Rifat, is devoid of any support for those opinions, any reasoned argument, any fact or testimonial offered to confirm those opinions. But that paled to insignificance when I read his piece at the "remote viewing" link, a rather shocking piece of verbal flimflam with no substance whatsoever. If this man is anything more than a charlatan I'll eat your hat. Please be careful, Henry. The note at the bottom that you are not endorsing his views is not enough to protect you from damage to your reputation. It is enough that you express your own well thought out views.

Mel Fowler

Henry, you really are the disinformation agent i had long suspected you of being; though a lot of what you say in earlier articles about many things rings true, but on nodal points within them, diversionary.

So, so, umm, Jewish.

Michael Mazur

Dear Mr. Makow
I read this article with a great deal of interest. From my reading I too sense that the Lucefrian, Reptillian, Illuminatti Mafia of the Rothchilds is under siege from a number of scources. It would be wonderful if people in general became aware enough to shove these monsters back into the slime pits from whence they emerged, however, as you continue to write these crime families are a hydra headed problem. Their disputes become the average persons world wars with all of the associated death and destruction.
An example of this is that Viktor Hodos a Russian writer explains here that the Chabad a sect which Stalin expelled from the Ukraine in the 1930's is now back in Russia and has the ear of Mr. Putin. If true it would help to explain the titanic battle being waged in Russia of trying to wrest Russia's natural resources from the hands of the Rothchilds. From the wealth and power which Mr. Hodos indicates that the Chabad has, it would also indicate that the Rothchilds may have a much more difficult time assasinating Mr. Putin than Mr. Rifat thinks.
A couple of other anecdotal events which indicate Rothchild interests under seige is one, a little over a year ago Thailand paid off all of it's IMF loans early and told the IMF to get out of their country and stay out.
Next, is Argentina which the IMF refused to extend loans to and forced them into default. I had thought that they did that with the intention of making Argentina into a prototype for the all electronic money which the New World Order wishes to impose on the world. That is exactly how it appeared to be working until recently Argentina's central bank went out and bought 45 tons of gold.
When the IMF represenative told the Argentine Finance Minister that they should be setting aside money to repay their defaulted loans the Finance Minister told him that thay would not be setting aside any money to repay the defaulted loans. Which I thought was being awfully polite considoring that the money they loaned them was created out of thin air and not worth anything to begin with.
Henry, stripped of the smoke and mirrors about the Rothschilds, Tavistock, & co (all of which comes from the bogus 'Dr John Coleman, ex-MI6',anyway), your thesis is preposterous and your source 'Tim Rifat' is clearly a complete fraud. the idea that Bush and Cheney are going to save the world from a Rothschild conspiracy to destroy it is so idiotic as to pass comprehension. Like Barry Chamish, you are hoping that adopting a hysterical tone will infect your readers with irrationality, but outside of the lab, this sort of behaviorist tactic is pretty much of a non-starter. Recall that the point about the 'Muslim Brotherhood as provocateurs' thesis is that they provide a pretext for western military interventions, i.e., they are not a real threat. This is the underlying thesis of the entire theory about their origins, as found in Peter Goodgame and elsewhere, which you seem to have conveniently lost sight of. By the way, did you know that Chamish's guru Rabbi Antelman also invented a cure for AIDS (which was suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry, naturally).
Rowan Berkeley
Date: September 5th, 2004

Dear Mr. Makow,
A hundred years of heinous crimes all over the world committed -according to the official story- in the name of Islam by Arabs and Muslims. A hundred years of suppression, degrading and defaming of Arabs and Muslims. Who is behind it all? The British. If we to believe this theory we end up with two thoughts. 1- Islam, Muslims and Arabs are innocent of all accusations. 2- Only God is more intelligent than the British, the devil doesn't even come close. I wish they have used these vast financial and intellectual powers in something less bloody.
The world will not be a better place for us (Arabs and Muslims) not the least after the British organized and financed the recent barbaric attacks against Russian civilians. The attackers were not air-lifted to Beslan by helicopters which took-off from the MOON! The attackers did not harvest their weapons which GROW in the woods around Beslan!
"Divide and Conquer", one simple rule that allowed them to RULE the whole world. The British manufactured the Chechyn crises to destroy Chechnya and weaken Russia. Russian leaders simply swallowed the bait and the peoples of both nations paid the price. And regarding the announced identities of the attackers, it actually makes no difference, because it is easy for intelligence agencies to PROGRAM individuals to commit any sort of action, even commit suicide. I estimate that 90% of the so-called "suicide bombings" in Israel are in fact planned by Israeli intelligence authorities.
One puzzle for White Caucasians. The British are White Caucasians, why then they kill their White Caucasian brothers!
If it turns out that this theory is for real, Mr. Khodorkovsky will be now laughing hard in his prison cell after his friends in London just hit Mr. Putin hard below the belt, bringing the score even, 1-1. But unfortunately, Mr. Putin can do little militarily to stop such attacks, and going on to kill more innocent people will achieve 0% positive results. The only possible thing he can do to save the lives of Russian civilians of coming attacks is to release Mr. Khodorkovsky and give him back his money.
I want the readers -especially Russians- to know that my heart goes out for those little angels whose lives where spent needlessly, who were murdered just to send a message to Russian leaders. Unfortunately, they can't just say who are the real people behind such acts. You may believe the mainstream media, but God help us all, because we all are victims living on one big British colony called Earth.

- See more at:

Hello Henry, I agree wholeheartedly

September 5, 2004
Hello Henry,

I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusion regarding the current struggle against Putin.

It all started when Putin visited the Islamic conference in Malaysia last year, where a retiring Mahathir Muhammmad went public about his conclusions of "Jews" ruling the world. The better word would have been globalists, but Mahathir was driven by rage against the economic embroilment unleashed by the IMF and the world bank on Malaysia.

When Putin returned from that conference, for the first time in Russia, there were government directed crackdowns on Illuminati strongholds. First went Rothschild operative Khodorovsky of Yukos Oil and a key pipeline player. Then there was a raid on the office of George Soros. Next, Putin had Russian warheads armed, in direct confrontation with the New World Order Plan for single American hegemony (to be phased out with the advent of One World Government).

Notice how the Globalist press downgraded Putin during his re-election. "Chechen" bombs went off in a subway but Putin was quick to hint that they were related to his re-election.

Though few will understand, this is the first time in the entire history of Russia (including the Tsars who were of Illuminati bloodlines) that a Russian leader has thrown himself into a struggle against the Illuminati. He will either be killed or face a coup soon....and he clearly knows the risks he has taken.

Till then, one can expect the Achilles heel of Russian politics; Chechnya to be re-exploited again and again.

Dr. Henry,
I have to disagree with Tim Rifat's conclusions. The underlying facts are: The ultimate elitist goal is a global government. There are very few players who are able to exert such global change. Nothing happens by chance. Presidents and Prime Ministers are also part of this plan (including Putin and Bush). Due to a growing exposure of this illuminist dream, they have no choice but to divert our attention by throwing false antogonisms at us.
Dr. Henry:
While I always enjoy your articles and insights, I must confess that I am at odds with the conclusions alluded to by Tim Rifat in your Sept. 3 piece "Rothschild Targets Putin and Bush-Cheney".
As Viktor Hodos documents, Putin has been very much influenced by the Jewish cult of the Chabad, an undeniable form of Freemasonry and global monotheism. As this link attest, the same Chabad-Lubavitch sect is quite familiar to the Bushes:

A revealing quote from the linked article:

Chabad-Lubavitch is now an international movement with headquarters in New York. The American Friends of Chabad Lubavitch in Washington, D.C. coordinates activities for Chabad on Capital Hill, lobbies for Chabad causes, and runs study groups and social programs geared towards congressional staffers.
In 1991, Chabad-Lubavitch in cooperation with President Bush established the observance of Education Day, USA "to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws."

As I am certain you are aware, the Noahide Laws are an attempt to place the entire world under a Zionist-controlled legal system centered in Israel and duplicating the Sanhedrin of Christ's day.
Bottom line, without engaging in endless dialectics: It's all still part and parcel of the same evil, globalist agenda. Even if different factions are currently at odds with each other, they will ultimately be brought under the same aegis of universalism meant to enslave rather than liberate mankind, the final fruition of Satan's kingdom here on earth.
While neither presidential candidate appears worthy of support (as is the case with most Illuminati-controlled elections), to say that George W. Bush has any more intention of resisting the dark forces that his family has served for centuries than his opponent Mr. Kerry is as absurd as to assume that Putin's rejection of the Rothschilds in favor of the Chabad demonstrates any real deviation from the gameplan outlined in "The Protocols".
Even if the Rothschild dynasty should crumble, there are any number of equally abhorrent entities ready to assume its place in the demonic master plan for conquest of the human race.
For those choosing to vote in the upcoming election, my advice would still be to vote on principle and conscience, rather than to heed Mr. Riat's questionable advice and support Bush/Cheney. My final opinion in the matter mirrors the caveat in your article:

It's possible he's on a mission to create support for Bush by pretending the Rothschilds are opposed to Bush.

As more people like yourself unravel more and more of the threads of this vast conspiracy, the cabalists involved will have no choice but to utilize continuous disinformation and diversionary campaigns as a counter-offensive. I suspect this is what we are observing here. It is most important to focus on the end game plan: Worldwide domination with Apocalyptic consequences. That hasn't changed.
Take care, and keep shining the light in dark places.


This article, consisting mainly of briefly restated opinions of one Tim Rifat, is devoid of any support for those opinions, any reasoned argument, any fact or testimonial offered to confirm those opinions. But that paled to insignificance when I read his piece at the "remote viewing" link, a rather shocking piece of verbal flimflam with no substance whatsoever. If this man is anything more than a charlatan I'll eat your hat. Please be careful, Henry. The note at the bottom that you are not endorsing his views is not enough to protect you from damage to your reputation. It is enough that you express your own well thought out views.

Mel Fowler

Henry, you really are the disinformation agent i had long suspected you of being; though a lot of what you say in earlier articles about many things rings true, but on nodal points within them, diversionary.

So, so, umm, Jewish.

Michael Mazur

Dear Mr. Makow
I read this article with a great deal of interest. From my reading I too sense that the Lucefrian, Reptillian, Illuminatti Mafia of the Rothchilds is under siege from a number of scources. It would be wonderful if people in general became aware enough to shove these monsters back into the slime pits from whence they emerged, however, as you continue to write these crime families are a hydra headed problem. Their disputes become the average persons world wars with all of the associated death and destruction.
An example of this is that Viktor Hodos a Russian writer explains here that the Chabad a sect which Stalin expelled from the Ukraine in the 1930's is now back in Russia and has the ear of Mr. Putin. If true it would help to explain the titanic battle being waged in Russia of trying to wrest Russia's natural resources from the hands of the Rothchilds. From the wealth and power which Mr. Hodos indicates that the Chabad has, it would also indicate that the Rothchilds may have a much more difficult time assasinating Mr. Putin than Mr. Rifat thinks.
A couple of other anecdotal events which indicate Rothchild interests under seige is one, a little over a year ago Thailand paid off all of it's IMF loans early and told the IMF to get out of their country and stay out.
Next, is Argentina which the IMF refused to extend loans to and forced them into default. I had thought that they did that with the intention of making Argentina into a prototype for the all electronic money which the New World Order wishes to impose on the world. That is exactly how it appeared to be working until recently Argentina's central bank went out and bought 45 tons of gold.
When the IMF represenative told the Argentine Finance Minister that they should be setting aside money to repay their defaulted loans the Finance Minister told him that thay would not be setting aside any money to repay the defaulted loans. Which I thought was being awfully polite considoring that the money they loaned them was created out of thin air and not worth anything to begin with.
Henry, stripped of the smoke and mirrors about the Rothschilds, Tavistock, & co (all of which comes from the bogus 'Dr John Coleman, ex-MI6',anyway), your thesis is preposterous and your source 'Tim Rifat' is clearly a complete fraud. the idea that Bush and Cheney are going to save the world from a Rothschild conspiracy to destroy it is so idiotic as to pass comprehension. Like Barry Chamish, you are hoping that adopting a hysterical tone will infect your readers with irrationality, but outside of the lab, this sort of behaviorist tactic is pretty much of a non-starter. Recall that the point about the 'Muslim Brotherhood as provocateurs' thesis is that they provide a pretext for western military interventions, i.e., they are not a real threat. This is the underlying thesis of the entire theory about their origins, as found in Peter Goodgame and elsewhere, which you seem to have conveniently lost sight of. By the way, did you know that Chamish's guru Rabbi Antelman also invented a cure for AIDS (which was suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry, naturally).
Rowan Berkeley
Date: September 5th, 2004

Dear Mr. Makow,
A hundred years of heinous crimes all over the world committed -according to the official story- in the name of Islam by Arabs and Muslims. A hundred years of suppression, degrading and defaming of Arabs and Muslims. Who is behind it all? The British. If we to believe this theory we end up with two thoughts. 1- Islam, Muslims and Arabs are innocent of all accusations. 2- Only God is more intelligent than the British, the devil doesn't even come close. I wish they have used these vast financial and intellectual powers in something less bloody.
The world will not be a better place for us (Arabs and Muslims) not the least after the British organized and financed the recent barbaric attacks against Russian civilians. The attackers were not air-lifted to Beslan by helicopters which took-off from the MOON! The attackers did not harvest their weapons which GROW in the woods around Beslan!
"Divide and Conquer", one simple rule that allowed them to RULE the whole world. The British manufactured the Chechyn crises to destroy Chechnya and weaken Russia. Russian leaders simply swallowed the bait and the peoples of both nations paid the price. And regarding the announced identities of the attackers, it actually makes no difference, because it is easy for intelligence agencies to PROGRAM individuals to commit any sort of action, even commit suicide. I estimate that 90% of the so-called "suicide bombings" in Israel are in fact planned by Israeli intelligence authorities.
One puzzle for White Caucasians. The British are White Caucasians, why then they kill their White Caucasian brothers!
If it turns out that this theory is for real, Mr. Khodorkovsky will be now laughing hard in his prison cell after his friends in London just hit Mr. Putin hard below the belt, bringing the score even, 1-1. But unfortunately, Mr. Putin can do little militarily to stop such attacks, and going on to kill more innocent people will achieve 0% positive results. The only possible thing he can do to save the lives of Russian civilians of coming attacks is to release Mr. Khodorkovsky and give him back his money.
I want the readers -especially Russians- to know that my heart goes out for those little angels whose lives where spent needlessly, who were murdered just to send a message to Russian leaders. Unfortunately, they can't just say who are the real people behind such acts. You may believe the mainstream media, but God help us all, because we all are victims living on one big British colony called Earth.

- See more at:

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