Sunday, February 24, 2013

July 31, 2004

Dear Jeff [Rense],
Now that America is gripped in its 'elections' charade, let me remind you that we Zionist Jews are controlling - and always controlled the USA. Soon, you will be voting for one of our two 'candidates':
I assume that you already read The Protocols of The Elders of Zion.
It took us just 50 years to get the total control over the USA we have now. You Americans were 'sleeping' while we worked hard to complete every part of the Protocols - and at the same time convinced you that the Protocols are a 'forgery'. Guess again. Read them and you will find a virtual blueprint for what has been and continues to be done to America and the West.
To give you an idea how meticulous we are, I am enclosing a paragraph (1946!), from the book 'The World's Trouble Makers' by Bruce H. Brown (page 14):
Morris A. Levy
Secretary of the World League of Liberal Jews
Western Branch, Los Angeles, California
on 24-10-1946 wrote a letter containing the following:
"... the only true path to follow to gain real peace and honest government is through Judaism, and the Jewish people can and will lead the people to lasting peace. The promise of Jehovah for the Jewish people to rule the world, and for Jews to hold high places in World Government, has arrived...
We, of the Jewish faith, have tried for centuries to teach the Gentiles a Christ never existed, and that the story of the Virgin and of Christ is, and always has been, a fictitious lie.
" In the near future, when the Jewish people take over the rule of the United States, legally under God Jehovah, we will create a new educational system proving that Jehovah is the only One to follow, and proving that the Christ story is a fake. We shall arrange a plan for Christian clergymen to enter a field of useful endeavour; they will have a choice of profession or a business; Christianity will be abolished. The Jewish people now control the money system as well as the economic system... The Jews shall see that a Jewish President is elected..."
It's too late, America, do you remember the 'frog in the boiling water'?.
We also convinced you that Mahatir Muhammad is 'incorrect'.
We now rule America, we now rule the world.
Ruth Katz
Zionist and proud of it
- See more at:

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