Sunday, February 24, 2013

Who's the Bully? Manitoba Forces Homosexuality on Children
December 5, 2012

School Bully, Nancy Allan

Manitoba Minister of Re Education &
Child Procurement

Social Engineering; Political & Religious Oppression 

Tuesday, Nancy Allan announced a coercive plan to persecute students who object to homosexuality, ensuring that school children are groomed for homosexual pedophiles. 

The "Anti Bullying Action Plan" will teach children how to report anyone who has reservations about homosexuality.  This has been extended beyond the school to include all venues, including the Internet and social media in particular.  There will be political commissars trained to take complaints and hunt down and intimidate offenders. (Source: CBC Information Radio Interview with Allan)

All school boards will be forced to adopt a "Human Diversity" Mission Statement which emphasizes "inclusiveness" i.e. approval for the "homosexual lifestyle."  It will insist that  "gay-straight alliances" be established in all Manitoba schools. These clubs are meeting places where straight children can be inverted and have their first gay sexual experience. These trysting places have been established in 31 Manitoba schools so far.

The Illuminati always have a good reason and the real reason. They talk about making schools "safe" and "friendly" for gays. The real reason is to encourage gay sexual experimentation. Manitoba schools are no longer "safe" places for the 98% of the school population that is heterosexual. Our political leaders demonstrate a subversive hatred for heterosexual society and its institutions. 

Manitoba's NDP government is a member of the Socialist International, a Communist (Illuminati Masonic) front. Fist and red rose are both Communist front symbols. The Illuminati have crossed the line. They have been caught red handed procuring children for pedophiles. They are gambling the public is too stupid and cowardly to recognize this and resist.  

Nancy Allan Email--

"We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order."  Protocols of the Elders of Zion (16)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

You know it's
an Illuminati psy-op when local, state and federal governments, corporations, celebrities and the mass media all start singing from the same songbook.

The "psy-op" is "bullying."  Supposedly it's an epidemic. The Obama  administration "estimates that bullying affects 13 million students, or about a third of those attending school."

One-third of all children attending school? Have you ever heard such nonsense in your life? 

Back in the 1950's I was bullied in the schoolyard at Fairfield school. I didn't go whinging on YouTube for government, public or celebrity assistance.

I hired a tough kid named Louis Knapp and he took care of the problem. It cost me some marbles.

Some kids ostracized me in later grades. So what? I shunned them. Personality conflicts and disagreements do not require legislation.  


But "Bullying" is not the real issue here. "Bullying" is a euphemism for something else, non-acceptance of homosexuality.  

Gay kids are being portrayed as a persecuted minority. Anyone who takes exception to the media and government drive to make us all experiment with homosexuality is being set up as a "bully" or "hater."

"Lady" Gag wants to make "bullying" a "hate crime."   Anyone who turns down a gay sexual overture will be suspected of "hate." Did you know most homosexuals prefer heterosexuals?  They don't like rejection.

Watch the report on ABC News Dec. 6 2011. It was about how satanist slut Lady Gag is going to the White House to discuss bullying. But it quickly emerges that bullying isn't the problem, resistance to homosexuality is.

mowry.jpegJonah Mowry's video is trotted out and Jonah is quoted as saying Gaga inspired him because of her "born that way" campaign.

Earth to Jonah. Very few homosexuals are "born that way." Most become that way because of family dysfunction (abusive or no father, overbearing mother) or sexual abuse by an older member of the same sex.

[ A reader Kevin (see comments) used to live in San Francisco and asked gay men questions like "Were you always attracted to men?" EVERY LAST GAY MALE HE SPOKE TO HAD BEEN either abused by his father or (more likely) step-father or raped by a person in authority; all while either young or teenaged children.]

This dysfunction is what the Illuminati perverts are trying to normalize. This is why they give shots against STD's to babies and children.

Don't have any illusions about the monsters who govern us. They are practicing satanists. They don't care about gays, women, children, or anyone but themselves. But they will adopt a pious pose to advance their pernicious agenda.

I believe homosexuality is a developmental disorder and gays should be treated like anyone else with a health challenge, with compassion and support. I do not encourage or condone hurtful behavior.

Read my article "It's OK to Say 'That's So Gay'" for the big picture.

Don't be fooled. "Bullying" is really about heterosexuals being coerced to have gay sex.  Bullying is the media and government perverts and traitors bullying you.


Note- Jonah Mowray admits his video was a hoax.   

Canada a "Disneyland for Pedophiles" says hockey star

Related -Makow -  "Is this Gay Behavior Sick?

First Comment by Judith Reisman Ph.D. author of Sexual Sabotage 

Recently Henry Makow published an article entitled, "Nancy Allan announced a coercive plan to persecute students who object to homosexuality, ensuring that school children are groomed for homosexual pedophiles."

This is a wholly accurate account of the state mandated pedophile/pederast grooming increasingly found worldwide. Only a worldwide institution could produce the same global sexual "party line." The campaign to sexualize all infants and children for use and abuse emerges as an "Anti Bullying Action Plan" in Manitoba. The program induces child sexual experimentation--the same encouraged by Havana-trained sexologists in Brazil, and similar pedo-advocates in Great Britain, the USA and worldwide under the closet umbrella of International Planned Parenthood.

Makow says, "Don't be fooled. "Bullying" is really about heterosexuals being coerced to have gay sex. Bullying is the media and government perverts and traitors bullying you." I'd add, these programs are entry level for the child sexual traffic--a financial growth industry. Picture perverts sitting around a conference table for the last 20 years planning how to, "get the kids away from the controls of parents and religion and they are wholly vulnerable. Let's call it anti bullying, hate crimes. Once we get pedo-grooming--we get global control."

Rediculous you say? Time is telling us it is so.

Visiting Professor of Law, Liberty University School of Law

Comments for "Who's the Bully? Manitoba Forces Homosexuality on Children"
D said (December 6, 2012):
Once again , great article but what do we do? people are so indoctrinated . They're pushing this Bullying crap in my work place , if you have a conversation with someone and they don't like your
position you can be written up even if someone overhears something in passing , it's getting really weird out there. This is not only gay it is retarded and gay ----I just sing to myself and talk about the weather . take care.

Al Thompson said (December 5, 2012):

One of the components of this farce is the idea that a person is "born that way." I don't believe that is true, and that homosexuality, along with
fornication is simply a bad choice of behavior.

Tony Blizzard said (December 5, 2012):
It's way past time for people to stand up for decency and reject this "hate" bullshit by loudly proclaiming that they do and always will hate what is evil and no one is going to be allowed to put a stop to this necessary-for-survival discrimination against evil.
If government has become so corrupt it cannot discern evil from good then it is high time to dissolve or change that government by refusal to recognize it as legitimate.
Everyone discriminates every last time he/she makes ANY KIND OF A DECISION. It is a pure bullshit misuse of the language to think anyone has the right to not allow people to discriminate, that is, decide as they see fit, so long as their discrimination does not result in ACTUAL and unavoidable harm to others.
Even if society at large doesn't like the use that person puts to discrimination. It's his business, no one else's. If he is wrong he will suffer the NATURAL consequences. There is no need whatsoever for government to interject itself into the picture other than through TRUE (criminal) harm, i.e., normal lawsuits in regular courts for discrimination outside the dictates of normal, proper law. Such laws will be predicated on fairness to all parties, not on officially proclaimed "hatred" as crime. That muck is simply a means to stop normal behavior for purposes of advancement of an agenda which no one of proper thinking desires.
Hate is an emotion, not an act. Only a harmful act can be criminal, whether or not hate is involved.
"Sticks and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me." Plain truth as old as mankind.
No worldly government amounts to God, including courts which are bound to make decisions by law, right or wrong.
A wrong law is negated by the mass of people refusing to obey it. This has been what works down through history.

Joe said (December 11, 2011):
Henry actually I put to the test the "bullying" rules after sitting in on a seminar explain the dynamics of bullying, and what I found out was that the school where I work doesn't really have a policy for the EMPLOYEESS who work in the schools.

As a result I used a "bullying" charge against a FEMALE employee who happens to be my own union representative but also the "teachers pet" of the School officials. I learned one thing, real bullying, using a position to harass and show disrespect for workmates and doing acts of "sabotage" or immature unprofessional, intimidating behavior, making oneself above the law or what we call an "untouchable" over a period of time, not just one act, doesn't work when you charge the "teachers pet" of the charge.

As a result I am supposed to be suspended without pay starting Dec 19, 2011 for five days.

Don't worry though I am also using their own rules to fight the charges against me.

"RETALIATION against a person who reports bullying, provides information during an investigation or witnesses or has reliable information about bullying shall be prohibited"

In other words, Bullying is really politics when you accuse the wrong person of the charge.......

Jason said (December 8, 2011):
Totally agree with the overall statement of the article but I think the “bullying” issue goes even beyond the homosexual tolerance agenda. It’s an agenda within agendas; an entire itinerary.
It has several agendas deep within the construct of limiting “bullying” in schools and society.
The overall summary of this overall agenda is to use the educational system to indoctrinate young adults to become acclimated to a coming politically correct society; this inherently having a domino effect in which breeds weaklings, both men and women alike.
Some of the other agendas also include undermining personal responsibility and the moral value of courtesy, respect, and manners for your peers. (I.e. a snitch rarely earns any respect)
Lastly, bullies or problem children are subject to be seized by Child Services; this implying the State owns the children and not their parents; this intertwining the agendas of breaking up family in cultural society; also a part in the Protocols.
The education system is an entity for spewing propaganda. It’s corrupted and it’s grooming children for a world of societal domination and oppression. It’s an indoctrination machine that drastically needs to be reformed before our children are so deluded; there will be no bringing them back.

A said (December 8, 2011):
Your last article about bullying is so true. My son and daughter are considered Homophobes and intolerant at school because they both said they don't agree with homosexuality
even though they clearly stated they had nothing against the person/people and would always be respectful and kind to everyone. One of my daughter's friends is gay and surprisingly he is the one who accepts Annie's right to her opinion.

MS said (December 8, 2011):
I was raised in dancing and music school, and knew several gay boys from kindergarten on up to when they were successful career men (one, an R.C. priest, one a well-known harpist who entertained many times at the White house, one a dancer who founded a world-famous ballet company. These people ware gay from a very early age. And then I knew more gay people when I grew up. I think they were born that way, probably from the testosterone imbalance you mentioned to Michelle. They were sick. And indeed all but the priest died of AIDS. It seems so unfair that boys who were born defective had to grow up and get clobbered by AIDS.
This is a disability which is NOT appreciated or coddled (well, except by the mistaken gay rights people who want to say gay is normal).
I am a person born with a genetic defect that I told you about, that made my life hell. I have spoken to several gay men, particularly my rector in another town,
telling him that his condition was an illness like mine. I can speak to these people because my genes made me weird too. I empathize greatly with them. I am not gay and had a wonderful heterosexual marriage, but I have had gay friends primarily because I was in the "arts". And I know they really tried. Two of them wanted to marry me. They really wanted to change. They really couldn't.
With tears,

Victoria said (December 7, 2011):
ust to address the issue of bullying - what has struck me is that, until we get rid of adults bullying other adults because of government sanction to do so (police, tax people, census, licensing etc. etc. etc.), we will never see the end of kids doing the same to one another. It's a pecking order and whoever is lowest man on the totem pole has the most damage inflicted on them. As with refusing to allow kids to play with guns, isn't it nice that we adults expect children to set the example of repudiating bullying and guns (drugs, extramarital sex etc. etc.) while we adults have a free pass to indulge ourselves?
To me, the whole problem is systemic. Until we take the power of coercion away from government and therefore, police, (except in extreme examples where someone is going to hurt someone else physically) we will continue to have issues that get increasingly bitter. Here's a clip from a man named Dean Clifford who, right in the first few minutes, very succinctly describes why so many of us are feeling under pressure in this day and age:

Scott said (December 7, 2011):
Your current piece on bullying is VERY timely! Just last week, a decision came down from the school board (near Buffalo) on Jamey Rodemeyer. Law enforcement was involved with the investigation (just like you said). Lady GaGa was all over this one, too (again, like you said). It turns out that the students, who tormented Jamey, were only found to have called him "faggot" and shoved him in the halls at school. Keep in mind that some of these were girls. This is no different than what took place generations before. What is different is the social media. Nobody can condone verbal and online comments telling him to kill himself. The end result is that these students will receive about a week's suspension. Pressure was on for treating them as adults with criminal action.

When this first happened, the outcry was swift and emotional with online venting and candlelight vigils. It's not quite the same, a while later. Part of it is the cool down period, and maybe some are realizing that there was probably more to the story than how it was presented when it occurred.

Let me add before closing, that with the gay rights issue, there's always a trigger event, a lightning rod or sympathetic figure. In '69, there was the Stonewall riot, which wasn't really discussed much until decades later. In the late 70's, Anita Bryant was removed from the public spotlight for relatively tame comments against the lifestyle. In the 80's, there was young Ryan White, who wasn't even homosexual (he was a hemophiliac). He became the "face of AIDS," because parents were fearful at the school he attended (not like the media ever did the best job at educated people about the facts).
Then, there was Matthew Sheppard beating death. That crystallized the "hate crime" push, even though witnesses stated that it was a drug deal gone bad. Meantime, there were the massive efforts to pass gay marriage through in western countries. Any casual observer knew that the demands wouldn't end there. Now, it's bullying. James Rodemeyer and the kid in the video, which you posted, are going to help galvanize this next phase. The common thread throughout the last several decades has always been accusations of "intolerance," "homophobia" and "bigotry" to attempt to silence any opposition to the agenda.

Tony B said (December 7, 2011):
The school where I work has "anti bullying signs" all over the place but they are obviously aimed at what is said, not what is done. Beside the homo agenda, partly because boys beating up other boys is now almost non-existent in school. (Actually there are now more real fights between girls - which are simply broken up - usually no consequences.)
But for boys it's almost a damned federal case when there is a school yard fight. Cops all over the damned place. Immediate suspensions from school, if not worse. The real school vocal bullying is some (usually woman) teacher calling a kid out of class and coming down on him like the proverbial shrew. (Actually, the parents should feel blessed with their kid out of those mind control hell holes.)
Back to real bullying in my youth, where punches were thrown. In almost every case of a big kid beating up on a small, defenseless kid there would soon be an even bigger kid beating the crap out of the bully and leaving him with a statement like "How does it feel?" That was the end of it. Authorities not consulted or wanted involved. Justice done and righteousness restored. Common sense. Not weird governmental bull shit.
I knew a kid who was about the smallest boy around. Anytime a new kid came to the area he had to fight that kid or he was "chickenshit." The boy almost always got his ass whipped but you had to prove yourself to him and then you were his buddy. Today that would be labeled "bullying."
There were even cases where a little kid had had enough and he suddenly turned on his tormentor and took him apart. This resulted in lots of smiles, nothing else, even from the school authorities.
Anyone who whines about being bullied when no one has hit him needs his ass kicked in my book. Girls too. They're natural born back-biters anyway and want to kill another girl one minute but the next minute the two are hugging buddies. Crazy to get into the middle of that kind of juvenile social sorting out.

Jim said (December 7, 2011):
Born that way? Probably more correct phrase would be chemically engineered that way.

They started using BPA plastics in the 1930's (I believe) to line the cans of canned foods. This man made chemical mimics the female hormone estrogen. Add to that 60+ years of birth control pills, 30+ years of having our meats injected with chemicals
mimicking the female hormone estrogen to make them weigh more at the market, also estrogen hormones to control menopause, and almost all food products today being
packaged in plastic wrappers or containers. This turns women into more aggressive beings while turning men into something less then men. Understanding the whys to the out come is the only way we can begin to correct what has been done to mankind.

We all know it is the Illuminati's agenda to go against everything which is natural to men women and the earth.

Derek said (December 7, 2011):
Well that's just sad and pathetic. Bullying is a staple of the playground. I can recall making good friends as a child after exchanging fists in the school yard.

Srw said (December 7, 2011):
Who in their right moral mind would ever care about what Lady Gag Gag has to say. Her music and images are in themselves a hate crime against all my aesthetic sensibilities ... and I have to look at her satanically inspired, "in-your-face" images pasted all over the Internet. Isn't that bullying?

Gabriel said (December 7, 2011):
The swiss government (ours) has only recently initiated
a campaign where primary school toddlers (of selected "testing
ground" cantons) are now receiving sex education at age 7-8;
complete with little dolls that are able to copulate! part of the
itinerary is learning (and being shown!) that "massaging" your
sexual organs is "fun".
of course, our little ones now also learn that being gay is just as
good as being straight - it`s nothing but a "career choice".
only small groups of conservatives and/or christian fundamentalists are protesting at the sex education program; they are without exception portrayed as backwards in the media...
when criticized, local (cantonal) governments are arguing that
it is precisely this new form of sex education that will counteract
child sex predators; as little children will be "enabled to know and
control their bodies and their own impulses".
however, will my knowing that what uncle john and his colleagues are doing to me is called "gang rape" and that they are employing a method known as "anal penetration" help me to cope more positively with the experience? will it be easier to describe the experience to my child therapist later on?
I seriously doubt that our school authorities believe that - or that, in fact, that is their true motivation.

Michelle said (December 7, 2011):
Homosexuality is not caused by some outward dysfunction. my son is gay and he was never abused by anyone. We are loving parents and that is just the way it is. No big deal.
Some boy become gay because of an imbalance of testosterone in the gestation period. They are a small minority.

Gus said (December 7, 2011):
Well, I can accept the 1/3 figure, as I was bullied in school and knew a lot of other people who were to. Also, bullying can lead the person who was bullied to do the same to someone else. It did in my case, but only once and I felt terrible about it after words.
The thing is, while the bullying was unpleasant for me, I had a strong family to go home to, parents who cared and talked to me about it. They didn't encourage me to meet violence with violence, but rather to feel sorry for the person who obviously felt a need to dominate others
because of insecurities and/or problems in their own life. Mostly though, my older brother saw to it that I was not bullied, as he was an athletic type and quite popular in school. He never bullied anyone, as far as I am aware.
Again though, this was all because we had a strong family, with a mother and father who loved us enough to teach us their values. This was where my guilt came from in the one instance where I bullied someone else as a reaction to my own experience of being bullied. So it doesn't surprise me that there would be even more kids feeling insecure and having poor parenting these days, especially with all the single parent households (mostly single mothers, since fathers have virtually no rights anymore).
Anyway, I agree with most of the rest of what you write here. I think gays are becoming more prevalent because of the combination of single parent (or more often these days, two same sex parents) households and the encouragement of such behavior by schools and media. However, I personally have no issue with those who choose this lifestyle, only with the efforts to push it on others (I also don't believe that the values of Christianity allow for condemning homosexuality, though certainly for condemning a promiscuous lifestyle, whether gay or

Jeff said (December 7, 2011):
I just finished watching the Jonah "Bully" video on youtube, which had well over six million views when I started it, and fifty-two new views and comments before I finished watching the whole thing. Here's what struck me, if I may:
It certainly is emotional and effective, and seems to be pulling a lot of heartstrings. But what I was left with is the impression that only gay men have feelings, and only they deserve sympathy. Like you, and many others, I was bullied. I was small, I was different, and my family moved around enough to where as soon as I was adjusted, I'd have to start all over again in another hostile public school environment. Nobody felt sorry for me.
My experiences since then with gays in working and living situations since then have taught me this: they are aggressive. What you said about them preferring the challenge of a heterosexual is absolutely true, and no matter how delicately their advances are rejected, they become insufferable. We've heard the expression, "hell hath no fury be that of a woman scorned," but in true dramatic fashion, they take it to a new extreme.

Sentry said (December 7, 2011):
I once had a consulting job for a customer, which turned out to be a pair of customers. After getting their property inspection work done, and while obtaining payment for my work, something stood out. Here were two men, with one apparently in charge of the checkbook, and the other bickering about how the first was taking care of it. That proved to me right there, what I suspected from other things. They were homosexuals.
Here's my point: I saw before me, two men, both effeminate in
appearance and physical and speech mannerisms, but one observably the 'man' of the couple, and the other observably the 'woman' of the couple.
And right there I had a watershed moment of realization:
homosexuality is a 'masterpiece' of mockery by Satan, requiring a
tremendous amount of work. The enemy had to take two males, twist them around in their upbringing, life experience, and minds, until both were homosexual. Quite a feat, for sure, to do that to two men.
This one overriding purpose is to mock God, and mock his first human institution, marriage, the core of family and civilization and the way God wanted Adam and Eve and their descendants to bring children into the world and raise them up.
After that I began noticing it in all 'gay' couples. In recent years
as 'gays' and 'lesbians' have conquered churches and states, and
homosexual 'marriage' is their big goal, you can see it in every
'couple' on news video of their rights events and 'marriage' or
'civil' ceremonies.

Marcio (Brazil) said (December 7, 2011):
Now, "hate crimes" are the ones people will be punished for if they dare say anything that our modern dictators are not willing to hear (the same guys who defend "diversity", are against censorship and that claim to favor "freedom of opinion and speech" - of course, as long as you do not disagree with theirs). Normal people must shut up or else they will be sued and criminally prosecuted to the fullest extent of law.
I was also a victim of bullying. Some classmates kept threatening to beat me up for nothing (I looked like a nerd and I refused to be follow their leader). I had to pull out some knives (2 plus some extra ones - even a very sharp shaving razor - in case they could take them from me - and make them run away like a barbarian whem they attempted to surround me. It was an "either kill or get killed" business for me, who had been raised in semi-feudal values, typical of centuries ago). Funny now, but scary when I was only 13. Thanks God there was no state intrusion (although I had asked school officials for help - in vain). At that time, there were no cry babies screaming against prejudice.
I understand "prejudice" or "discrimination" are just some kind of normal moral disapproval of attitudes that are below moral standards of a society - of course, as long as such "prejudice" or "discrimination" are not expressed in terms of violence but just some kind of ostracism. Had we been "prejudiced" enough, there would not have been so many single mothers, dopes, criminals, homosexuals, youth rebellion and other social deviations.

Marcos said (December 7, 2011):
In Brazil, there is a push to approve PLC 122, a law that will put in
jail anyone who disapproves gay behavior, even religiously and
philosophically. It is censorship of thought. The major TV station
just started a campaign for it.
Here most gays (very few) are killed by other gays, especially in
fights in paid sexual encounters. There is total tolerance of gays in society.
However, when gays rape children, the press never prints the word gay or homosexual. The gay militants want pedophilia.
They spent millions on a Gay quasi-porno DVD to be given to 8 year-olds in public schools, teaching them to be gay. Only heavy public outcry halted the project. If PLC 122 passes, these things will not be able to be prevented.

Dan said (December 7, 2011):
This just in......
Jonah Mowry "APPARENTLY" LIED about his "Whats goin on.." video

Andrew said (December 7, 2011):
I was watching American Dad tonight and it painted anyone that disagrees with homosexuality as a backwards, racist, and moronic redneck. I've also taken the stance that I'm against homosexuals and their lifestyle before in discussions with peers. The reaction is stunning. You just sit their and get insulted. It's truly unbelievable how badly people have been brainwashed. It's like progressives just turn off their brains and try to shout down arguments without using any logic at all. People go from being rational to completely irrational.

Richard said (December 7, 2011):
The 'bullying' op is just another inversion of reality.
I was in high school in the early 1970's. In seventh, tenth, and twelfth grades 3 different homosexual teachers attempted to 'seduce' me. The first two, I didn't understand that they were mentally ill till they made physical contact. Talk about 'socially awkward'. The modus operandi of these pitiful middle aged men was months of pretending to be mentors, leading up to a pathetic groping once after all that they'd gotten me someplace private. In each case my natural reaction was to push them away saying "get the fuck off me you faggot". Keep in mind I was 13, 15, and 17 years old and these were homosexual predators in their 40's on the public school payroll.
My impression from all the homosexuals I ever knew about is that it's no different than heterosexual compulsive sex addiction to the extreme of men who stalk women and sexually harass them.
In the 70's homosexuals were already 'out of the closet', with the weight of the 'sexual revolution' of the drug subculture behind them. I didn't figure out till years later that the reason those homosexual teachers could get away with stalking and harassing minor male students is the school system where I lived, (both states) were controlled by Freemasons. Every school principal was a 32nd degree Mason, often a Shriner to boot. I recall every teacher's car in the parking lot displaying their masonic flash on the rear, so that the cops would know their lodge and rank, whether Blue Lodge or Shriner or Eastern Star.
I didn't understand it then - but I realized later the talks that principals in two states had with me holding me in contempt, informing me that they would 'make a man' of me. Now I believe they'd seen in my private record that I rejected both homosexual seduction and one offer to recruit me into DeMolay (the Freemason's organization for teenage males. Bill Clinton was a member of that.).
The way homosexual 'seduction' worked in these cases was the teacher pays unwarranted compliments to the student, exaggerating their talents, and tells them they can help them get scholarships for college or other perks. It starts with arranging one-on-one 'field trips' after school or on weekends. At that point the teacher would invite himself to visit the parent or guardian of the student. I'm sure one reason these Freemason homosexual teachers targeted me is because I was an only child under the care of an elderly female relative - a 'widow's son' as the Mason's say.
Between 1969 and 1971 I knew of five boys at my school who became homosexuals, and every one of them were 'turned' by literature teacher who was nicknamed "sexy Rexy". "Rexy" got busted for turning a State Trooper's son into an effeminate queen. His house was raided, the newspapers reported the cops found a pound of pot and a stash of homosexual pornography. I never knew this creep, but I knew three of the boys involved with him. I watched them all 'go gay' during 9th grade. Nobody bullied them. On the contrary, the way I remember it homosexuals were the predators.
I suggest that when we hear reports of homosexuals that have been threatened by students, it's a reaction to those homosexuals stalking students that want nothing to do with them.

Kevin said (December 7, 2011):
You say: "Very few homosexuals are 'born that way'."
In the late '80s I spend a couple of years in San Francisco. As a normal male, I never had any inclination to have relations with another male. But I was curious as to why other men seemed to appreciate a man's body over that of a woman's. On occasion I'd have a drink in a 'gay' bar. Not the kind where gay porn is on every TV screen dance/trance music is pumped thru the room, but just the normal kind of bars where typical people go to drink (whether or not the same or similar establishments still exist in SF, or anywhere else, is unknown to me). And I would ask these men questions: "What was your first sexual experience? What was your father like? Were you always attracted to men?" Would I be believed when I write this that, to a man, EVERY LAST GAY MALE I SPOKE TO HAD BEEN either abused by his father or (more likely) step-father or raped by a person in authority; all while either young or teenaged children?
Today if I were 20 or 21 years old I'd never have the guts to go ask such questions. I'd likely be accused of HATE and arrested. But I still appreciate those men for their honesty. Because of it, I've always been able to see thru the BS fostered upon the public by the Gay Rights pushers.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
- See more at:

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