Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pope Pius XII

Making the Final Solution Possible: The
Rothschilds & Their Banking Client Who Happened To Become Pope (What Are The Odds?)

By Clifford Shack

On the holiest of Jewish holidays, Yom Kippur, in the autumn of 1931, Guy de Rothschild walked
through the massive street gate at 19 Rue Laffitte, for the first time as an adult on adult business. The
day was chosen carefully, what others might perceive as the beginning of a banking career, to a
Rothschild it was entering into a priesthood. At twenty-two, Guy was assigned letters to write. One of
his correspondents was a Cardinal Pacelli, future Pope PiusXII, then in charge of Holy office
finances, and who kept a small account at MM. de Rothschild Freres.

In the book. Hitler's Pope, John Cornwall's chronicles the life of Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII.
Pacellli was arguably the most dangerous churchman in modern history. As Pontiff during World
War II, not only did he fail to speak out against Hitler's Final Solution, but he personally made the
Final Solution possible!

In the first decade of the twentieth century, Pacelli was a brilliant Vatican lawyer who helped shape a
new ideology of unprecedented papal power. As papal nuncio in Munich and Berlin in the 1920's, he
used cunning and moral blackmail to impose Rome's power on Germany. In 1933, he negotiated a
treaty with Hitler, the Reich Concordat, which ensured that the Nazis would rise unopposed by the
most powerful Catholic community in the world- sealing, by Hitler's own admission, the fate of the
Jews in Europe.

How could Eugenio Pacelli possibly have gotten away with such cunning, especially since we know
that he was in personal contact with the Rothschilds. Guy de Rothschild was his pen pal eight years
before he became Pope. But wait... if Pacelli was Hitler's Pope, and Hitler was a Rothschild... then he
was Rothschild's Pope!

How did Eugenio Pacelli become Rothschild's Pope?

Eugenio Pacelli was described routinely, during his pontificate and after his death, as a member of
the Black Nobility. The Black Nobility were a small group of aristocratic families of Rome who had
stood by the popes following the seizure of their dominions in the bitter struggle for the creation of
the nation-state of Italy... Pacelli's father and grandfather before him owed their distinction to
membership of the caste of lay Vatican lawyers in the service of the papacy.

Pacelli's immediate family association with the Holy See dates from 1819, when his grandfather.

Marcantonio Pacelli, arrived in the Eternal City to study canon law, or Church law, as a protoge of a
clerical uncle, Monsiignor Prospero Caterini. By 1834 Marcantonio had become an advocate in the
Tribunall of the Sacred Rota, an ecclesiastical court involved in such activities as marriage
annulments. While raising ten children (his second child being Eugenio's father, Filippo, born in
1837), Marcantonio became a key official in the service of Pius IX, popularly known as Pio Nono.

The quick tempered, charismatic, and epileptic Pio Nono (Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti), crowned
in 1846, was convinced, as had been his predecessors from time immemorial, that the papal territories
forming the midriff of the Italian peninsula ensured the independence of the successors to St. Peter. If
the Supreme Pontiff were a mere inhabitant of a "foreign" country, how could he claim to befree of
local influence? Three years after his coronation, it looked as if Pio Nono had ignominiously lost his
sovereignty over the Eternal City to a republican mob. On November 15, 1849, Count Pelligrino
Rossi, a lay government minister of the papal states, famous for his biting sarcasm, approached the
Palazzo della Cancellleria in Rome and greeted a sullen waiting crowd with a contemptuous smile.
As he was about to enter the building, a man leapt forward and stabbed him fatally in the neck. The
next day, the Pope's Quirinal summer palace above the city was sacked,, and Pio Nono, disguised in a
priest's simple cassock and a pair of large spectacles, fled to the seaside fortress of Gaeta within the
safety of the neighboring kingdom of Naples. He took with him Marcantonio Pacelli as his legal and
political adviser. From this fastness, Pio Nono hurled denunciations against the "outrageous treason
of democracy" and threatened prospective voters with excommunication. Only with the help of
French bayonets, and a loan from the Rothschild's, did Pio Nono contrive to return to the Vatican a
year later to resume a despised reign over the city of Rome and what was left of the papal territories.

From this we see that the Vatican owed it's existence to the Rothschild's from this point on.

Saint Eugenio

Canonization is the process of making someone into a saint and involves proving that a candidate has
lived in such a way that he or she is worthy of sainthood. It is currently practiced by the Roman
Catholic Church and its appendages, by the Eastern Orthodox Church, and by the Oriental Orthodox

Eugenio Pacelli is being considered for canonization. Indeed, in the first decade of the twentieth
century, Pacelli, the brilliant Vatican lawyer helped shape a new ideology of unprecedented papal
power. And as papal nuncio in Munich and Berlin in the 1920's, he used cunning and moral blackmail
to impose Rome's power on Germany. But was there something more going on between Pacelli and
Hitler's lawyers in 1933, when the Reich Concordat negotiations were going on? Did the Concordat
negotiations provide Pacelli with a cover to aid Hitler's lawyers with handling Germany's Jews. After
all the Vatican had centuries of "legal" experience and had cultivated an unsurpassed expertise in
dealing with Jews.

Did Pacelli and Vatican lawyers share this valuable legal knowledge with Hitler's legal eagles? They
had the knowledge. The Concordat negotiations provided them with a flawless cover. They had


The proof is in tlie pudding.

Tlie table below, found in Raul Hilberg's The Destruction of the European Jews compares the basic
anti-Jewish measures of the Catholic Church and the counterpart measures enacted by the Nazi

Is Pacelli worthy of sainthood? You decide.

Canonical Law

Nazi Measures

Prohibition of intermarriage and of
sexual intercourse between
Christians and Jews, Synod of
Elvira, 306

Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor,
September 15, 1935 (RGBII, 1146.)

Jews and Christians not permitted to
eat together. Synod of Elvira, 306

Jews barred from dining cars (Transport Minister to Interior
Minister, December 30, 1939, Document NG-3995.)

•Jews not allowed to hold public
office. Synod, of Clermont, 535

Law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil
Service, April 7, 1933 (RGBI I, 175.)

•Jews not allowed to employ
Christian servants or possess
Christian slaves, 3d Synod of
Orleans, 538

Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor,
September 15, 1935 (RGBII, 1146.)

Jews not permitted to show
themselves in the streets during
Passion Week, 3d Synod of Orleans,


Decree authorizing local authorities to bar Jews from the
streets on certain days (i.e., Nazi holidays), December 3,
1938 (RGBI I, 1676.)

•Burning of the Talmud and other
books, 12th Synod of Toledo, 681

Book burnings in Nazi Germany

Christians not permitted to
patronize Jewish doctors, Trulanic
Synod, 692

•Decree of July 25, 1938 (RGBI I, 969.)

Christians not permitted to live in
Jewish homes. Synod of Narbonne,

•Directive by Goring providing for concentration of Jews in
houses, December 28, 1938 (Borman to Rosenberg, January
17, 1939, PS-69.)

•Jews obliged to pay taxes for
support of the Church to the same
extent as Christians, Synod of
Gerona, 1078

The "Sozialausgleichsabgabe" which provided that Jews pay
a special income tax in lieu of donations for Party purposes
imposed on Nazis, December 24,1940 (RGBI I, 1666.)

Prohibition of Sunday work. Synod
ofSzaboles, 1092

Jews not permitted to be plaintiffs,
or witnesses against Christians in
the Courts, 3d Lateran Council,
1179, Canon 26

•Proposal by the Party Chancellery that Jews not be permitted
to institute civil suits, September 9, 1942 (Bormann to Justice
Ministry, September 9, 1942, NG-151.)

Jews not permitted to withhold
inheritance from descendants who
had accepted Christianity,3d
Lateran Council, 1179, Canon 26

Decree empowering the Justice Ministry to void wills
offending the "sound judgment of the people," July 31, 1938
(RGBl 1,937.)

The marking of Jewish clothes with
a badge, 4th Lateran Council, 1215,
Canon 68 ( Copied from the
legislation by Caliph Omar II [634-
44], who had decreed that
Christians wear blue belts and Jews,
yellow belts.)

Decree of September 1,1941 (RGBl 1,547.)

Construction of new synogogues
prohibited. Council of Oxford, 1222

Destruction of synagogues in entire Reich, November 10,
1938 (Heydrichto Goring, November 11, 1938, PS-3058.)

Christians not permitted to attend
Jewish ceremonies. Synod of
Vienna, 1267

Friendly relations with Jews prohibited, October 24, 1941
(Gestapo directive, L-15.)

Jews not permitted to dispute with
simple Christian people about the
tenets of the Catholic religion.
Synod of Vienna, 1267

Compulsory ghettos. Synod of
Breslau, 1267

Order by Heydrich, September 21, 1939 (PS3363.)

Christians not permitted to sell or
rent real estate to Jews, Synod of
Ofen, 1279

Decree providing for compulsory sale of Jewish real estate,
December 3, 1938 (RGBl I, 1709.)

Adoption by a Christian of the
Jewish reUgion or return by a
baptized Jew to the Jewish rehgion
defined as a heresy. Synod of
Mainz, 1310

Adoption by a Christian of the Jewish religion places him in
jeopardy of being treated as a Jew, Decision by
Oberlandesgericht Konigsberg, 4th Zivilsenat, June 26, 1942
(Die Judenfrage [Vertrauliche Bellage] , November 1, 1942,
pp. 82-83.)

Sale or transfer of Church articles to
Jews prohibited. Synod of Lavour,

Jews not permitted to act as agents
in the conclusion of contracts
between Christians, especially .
marriage contracts. Council of
Basel, 1434, Sessio XIX

Decree of July 6, 1938, providing for Uquidation of Jewish
real estate agencies, brokerage agencies, and marriage
agencies catering to non-Jews (RGBl I, 823.)

Jews not permitted to obtain
academic degrees, Council of Basel,
1434, Sessio XIX

Law against Overcrowding of German Schools and
Universities, April 25, 1933 (RGBI I, 225.)

Pacelli presides over the signing of the Reich Concordat at the Vatican on July 20,1933. German

Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen is sitting on his right. Did this group secretly formulate the Nazi

anti- Jewish measures that were foisted upon Germany's Jews months later?

Hitler in July 1933. That month he declared that his negotiations with Pacelli had created "an aura of

trust.. .in the developing struggle against international Jewry" Of course both Pacelli and Hitler, both

associated with the Rothschilds, were agents directly involved with promoting the agenda of the

Sabbatean-Frankist Illuminati.

Eugene Pacelli on his coronation day, Marcli 12, 1939, on the eve of World War II.

Pacelli, as Pope Pius XII, broadcasts to the world with Giovanni Montini, the future Pope Paul VI, at
his left shoulder. His 1942 Christmas Eve broadcast trivialized and denied the Nazi Final Solution.

This updated article was inspired by a request that I had received to give my opinion of a book
written by an orthodox rabbi which praises Eugenio Pacelli's treatment of the Jews during World

War II.

Orthodox Rabbi declares Pacelli a "Righteous Gentile"

Related link:

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