Saturday, April 6, 2013

Occupy Wall Street Supports MoveOn.Org Scam
Occupy Wall Street Supports MoveOn.Org Scam (October 5, 2011) Fears expressed by some that the 'Occupy Wall Stree'’ movement is being hijacked by the Democratic Party establishment have intensified after the official OWS website announced that it "stands in solidarity" with, a lobbying group for the Wall Street-backed Obama administration.

The front page of the proudly announces that numerous union groups will be present in New York today to join demonstrators in marches taking place this afternoon.

"Together we will protest this great injustice. We stand in solidarity with the honest workers," states the website, as well as listing numerous other organizations.

What is is a lobbying organization that routinely backs Democratic candidates. The group aggressively supported Barack Obama’s 2008 election campaign and is now "Perhaps the lead lobby organization for his policies...apart from Obama’s own Organizing for America," reports Source Watch.

When MoveOn organized an online donation drive for Obama which raised $320,000, the Obama campaign responded in kind with the legally dubious action of paying MoveOn $18,000 in “credit card processing fees”.

The group also received a $5 million dollar donation from George Soros, who is a keen supporter.

Back in 2007, many leftists spoke of their betrayal by after the group advocated Nancy Pelosi’s funding bill that actually prolonged the war in Iraq and prevented the troops being brought home.

“Join us on Wednesday to create a huge show of support for anti-Wall Street actions nationwide. Together, we’ll add hundreds of thousands of voices expressing our solidarity with the protests at Occupy Wall Street and across the country targeting the bankers who wrecked our economy,” states’s website.

Yes – the very same bankers – Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup prime amongst them – who financed the Obama campaign, the same campaign vehemently supported by

Why does Occupy Wall Street’s support for represent a problem? Because is little more than a lobbying front for the Obama administration, which itself is a creature of Wall Street.

Another group that OWS website expresses its “solidarity” with, AFL-CIO, has also announced that it will likely back Wall Street puppet Obama in 2012.

The OWS website also stands in solidarity with SEIU (Service Employees International Union), a group that spent $28 million dollars supporting Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, making it the “organization that spent the most to help Barack Obama get elected president.”

Why is the website that has positioned itself as the central hub for Occupy Wall Street activists announcing its support for groups which are little more than Barack Obama lobbying fronts? Wall Street spent millions financing Obama’s path to the White House and are supporting him to an even greater extent in 2012.

Why is a website that claims to represent anti-Wall Street demonstrators siding with groups that have aggressively supported the Wall Street-backed Obama administration?

Some have argued that it is not fair to cite postings on as representative of the movement’s character or goals.

However, this is not a forum posting by an individual, it is prominently displayed on the front page of the website claiming it represents OWS.

Either the Occupy Wall Street website represents an accurate reflection of the sentiments of the protesters, that is supportive of the Wall Street-financed Obama administration and its lobbying front groups such as, or the message has been hijacked by these very groups.

Either way it represents a threat to the promise made by other OWS activists to remain non-partisan.

Who is running this website and why are they ‘standing in solidarity’ with organizations like that have aggressively supported the Wall-Street backed Obama administration?

I am going to submit this question to the forum users on the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ website and write a follow up piece on their response. That way we can move a lot closer to understanding whether what is posing as the official website for this “leaderless” group is really representative of the OWS demonstrators or not.

*** Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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