Royals Ordered MI6 to Murder Princess Diana

An authoritative new book names the killers of Princess Diana, and shows who gave them the order to assassinate her.
This explosive, evidence-based book is the most shocking, revealing, yet factual work written on the 1997 Paris car crash that took the lives of Princess Diana and her lover Dodi Fayed.
In "Diana Inquest: Who Killed Princess Diana?" investigative writer John Morgan reveals that the assassination of Princess Diana was carried out by the British intelligence agency, MI6, on orders from senior members of the British royal family.
Morgan has spent six years investigating the evidence relating to the crash in the Alma Tunnel, and the subsequent cover-up by the British and French authorities. The Diana Inquest series of books are based on forensic analysis of the testimony heard during the 2007-08 inquest, and also on evidence from the British police investigation that was withheld from the inquest jury.
- Evidence which demonstrates that the top three MI6 officers in Paris were replaced by more senior officers in the days immediately prior to the Paris crash
- Evidence of MI6 involvement in assassination plots against two high-profile world leaders in the 18 month period leading up to the Diana assassination
- Evidence exposing Rosa Monckton – wife of former newspaper editor, Dominic Lawson – as an MI6 agent who spied on Princess Diana
- Evidence that the royal Way Ahead Group – chaired by the Queen – played a significant role in the assassination of Princess Diana
- Evidence revealing that British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, had prior knowledge of the assassination.
John Morgan says that "at the 2007-08 inquest into the deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed, the judge, Lord Justice Scott Baker, went to great lengths to prevent the jury from being able to piece together all the evidence that could have allowed them to understand the roles played by MI6 and the royal family in the deaths".
The author adds that the evidence he has uncovered in Who Killed Princess Diana? shows that "MI6 officers lied repeatedly under oath during their cross-examinations at the inquest. And the royal private secretaries – Robert Fellowes for the Queen and Miles Hunt-Davis for Prince Philip – also lied to cover up the role of the senior members of the royal family in the assassinations."
Morgan continues: "Given the many lies told by the MI6 officers, and the efforts by the royal private secretaries and Scott Baker to suppress and cover-up vital evidence, the jury really had no hope of understanding the role played by both the Secret Intelligence Service and the royal family in the 1997 assassination".
A leading UK QC, Michael Mansfield, who served throughout the six months of the London inquest, stated in 2010: "I have no doubt that the volumes written by John Morgan will come to be regarded as the "Magnum Opus' on the crash ... that resulted in the unlawful killing of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Al Fayed and the cover-up that followed."
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