Saturday, April 6, 2013

Soros Funds 9/11 Truth & 'Independent' Journalism

Soros Funds 9/11 Truth &  'Independent' Journalism (Feb 20, 2009) WMR has learned from well-placed sources that international hedge fund mogul and financier of "progressive" causes George Soros has been, for a number of years, infiltrating 9/11 "truth" organizations, groups advocating election reform, and so-called "independent journalism" enterprises in order to hijack agendas and, eventually, cause the groups to collapse from within or be absorbed into larger organizations servile to Soros and his agenda.

By far, the largest group Soros and his allies has infiltrated and taken over is the Democratic Party of the United States. It now totally adheres to a corporatist line and has purged from its leadership Dr. Howard Dean and replaced him with Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, a Democratic Leadership Council adherent.

The Soros faction and its allies has also seen to it that Bill Richardson, Caroline Kennedy, and others who represent the "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" have been shut out of the Obama administration.

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