Firstly we cannot be sure that we have the full version as it was originally intended.
1415 the Church of Rome took an extraordinary step to destroy all
knowledge of two second century Jewish books that it said contained the
true name of Jesus Christ.
The Antipope Benedict XIII firstly
singled out for condemnation a secret Latin treatise called "Mar Yesu"
and then issued instructions to destroy all copies of the book of Elxai.
The Rabbinic fraternity once held the destroyed manuscripts with great
reverence for they were comprehensive original records reporting the
life of Rabbi Jesus. Later, Pope Alexander VI ordered all copies
of the Talmud destroyed, with the Spanish Grand Inquisitor Tomas de
Torquemada (1420-98) responsible for the elimination of 6,000 volumes at
Salamanca alone. Solomon Romano (1554) also burnt many
thousands of Hebrew scrolls and, in 1559, every Hebrew book in the city
of Prague was confiscated. The mass destruction of Jewish books included
hundreds of copies of the Old Testament and caused the irretrievable
loss of many original handwritten documents. The oldest text of
the Old Testament that survived, before the discovery of the Dead Sea
Scrolls" was said to be the Bodleian Codex (Oxford), which was dated to
circa 1100 AD.
In an attempt by the church to remove damaging
Rabbinic information about Jesus Christ from the face of the earth, the
Inquisition burnt 12,000 volumes of the Talmud. In 1607,
forty-seven men (some records say fifty four) took two years and nine
months to re-write the Bible and make it ready for press. It was, by the
order of King James, issued with a set of personal 'rules' the
translators were to follow.
Upon its completion in 1609, it was
handed over to the King James for his final approval. However, "It was
self evident that James was not competent to check their work and edit
it, so he passed the manuscripts onto the greatest genius of all time...
Sir Francis Bacon" The first English language manuscripts of
the Bible remained in Bacon's possession for nearly a year. During that
time ... "he hammered the various styles of the translators into the
unity, rhythm, and music of Shakespearean prose, wrote the prefaces and
created the whole scheme of the Authorized Version.
At the
completion of the editing, King James ordered a 'dedication to the King'
to be drawn up and included in the opening pages. He also wanted the
phrase 'Appointed to be read in the churches' to appear on the title
page. The King James Bible is considered by many today to be the
'original' Bible and therefore 'genuine' and all later revisions simply
counterfeits forged by 'higher critics'. Others think the King James
Bible is 'authentic' and 'authorized' and presents the original words of
the authors as translated into English from the 'original' Greek texts.
However, as Tony points out, the 'original' Greek text was not
written until around the mid fourth century and was a revised edition of
writings compiled decades earlier in Aramaic and Hebrew. Those earlier
documents no longer exist and the Bibles we have today are five
linguistic removes from the first bibles written. What was written in
the 'original originals' is quite unknown. It is important to remember
that the words 'authorized' and 'original', as applied to the Bible do
not mean 'genuine', 'authentic' or 'true'. By the early third
century, it became well noted that a problem was occurring . politics!
In 251AD, the number of Presbyter's (roving orator or priest) writings
had increased dramatically and bitter arguments raged between opposing
factions about their conflicting stories.
According to Presbyter
Albius Theodoret (circa 255), there were "more than two hundred"
variant gospels in use in his time. In 313, groups of Presbyters and
Biscops (Bishops) violently clashed over the variations in their
writings and "altar was set against altar" in competing for an audience
and territory. When Emperor Constantine conquered the East in
324, he sent his Spanish religious advisor, Osius of Cordoba, to
Alexandria with letters to several Biscops exhorting them to make peace
among their own.
But the mission failed and Constantine,
probably at the suggestions of Osius, then issued a decree commanding
all Presbyters and their subordinates "be mounted on asses, mules and
horses belonging to the public and travel to the city of Nicaea" in the
Roman province of Bithymia, the country of Asia. The Presbyters were
instructed by the Emperor to bring with them the manuscripts from which
they orated to the rabble (that's us!) "wrapped and bound in leather". Constantine
saw in this developing system of belief the opportunity to make a
combined state religion and protect it by law. The first general church
council was thus convened and the year was 325. On 21 June, the
day of the Summer Solstice, (and under those cult conditions) a total of
2048 "presbyters, deacons, sub-deacons, acolytes and exorcists"
gathered at Nicaea to decide what Christianity really was, what it would
be, what writings were to be used and who was to be it's God. Ancient
church evidence established that a new 'god' was to be approved by the
Roman Emperor and an earlier attempt (circa 210) to deify either Judas
Khrestus or his twin brother Rabbi Jesus (or somebody else) had been
'declined'. Therefore, as late as 325, the Christian religion did not
have an official god. After a long and bitter debate, a vote was
finally taken and it was with a majority show of hands that Judas
Khrestus and Rabbi Jesus both became God (161 votes for and 157 votes
The Emperor effectively joined elements of the two
individual life stories of the twin brothers into a singular creation.
The doctrine of the Celtic / British church of the west was
democratically attached to the Presbyters stories of the east. A
deification ceremony was then performed 'Apotheosis'. Thus the deified
ones were then called 'saviours' and looked upon as gods. Temples,
altars, and images with attributes of divinity were then erected and
public holidays proclaimed on their birthdays. Following the
original example set by the deification of Caesar, their funerals were
dramatized as the scene of their resurrection and immortality. All these
godly attributes passed as a legal right to Emperor Constantine's new
deity, Jesus Christ. The Emperor then instructed Bishop Eusebius
to compile a uniform collection of new writings "bound together as one"
using the stories from the large collection of Presbyters as his
reference source. Eusebius was to arrange for the production of "fifty
sumptuous copies ... to be written on parchment in a legible manner, and
in a convenient portable form, by professional scribes thoroughly
accomplished in the art". This was the first mention of finished copies
of a Christian 'New Testament' in the history of mankind. As one
can imagine, to condense the real life of the Jesus Christ, the Church
and His teachings with supporting evidence into a short article is very
difficult. It is therefore wise for those who wish to have supportable
evidence to read and study Tony Bushby's epic work, The Bible Fraud,
along with it's detailed blood lines (family trees) and over 869
references. (see However, attempting to
summarize what Tony has written..... in 325 AD, the first Christian
council was called at Nicaea to bring the stories of twin brothers,
Jesus 'the Rabbi' and Judas Khrestus into one deity that we now know as
Jesus Christ.
Tony says they were not born of virgin birth but
to Nabatean Arab Mariamne Herod (now known as the Virgin Mary) and
fathered by Tiberius ben Panthera, a Roman Centurion. The brothers were
raised in the Essene community and became Khrists of their faith.
Jesus later was initiated in Egypt at the highest of levels similar to
the 33rd degree of Freemasonry of which many Prime ministers and
Presidents around the world today are members. He then later married
three wives, one of whom we know as a Mary Magdalene, a Druidic
Princess, stole the Torah from the temple and moved to Lud, now London. Tony
believes the reason Jesus stole the Torah was that he said it contained
"a very special secret", which he was going to reveal that secret to
the world. He was stoned to death and the Torah taken from him before he
could. The elder brother, Judas Khrestus, with his "Khrestian"
followers conspired to take the throne of Rome, his royal birthright,
and was captured, tried, and was sentenced to be crucified.
"Khrestians" and the Essenic army, the Nazarenes, would today be likened
to terrorists. At the trial, Judas exercised his royal birthright to
have a replacement in Simon of Cyrene (Luke 23:41) and then was sold as a
slave to live out his days as a carpenter in India. Rabbi Jesus
spent a considerable amount of time at the Palace of the British in
Rome and sometime around 48 AD, he left for Egypt to pursue his greatest
esoteric goal.
The spiritual knowledge from his secret
education in the Essene and Druid movements was soon to be elevated to
the highest level possible - initiation into the innermost rite of the
Egyptian temples. It was probable that Rabbi Jesus' earlier
initiation into both the Essene and Druid schools played a major part in
his acceptance into the Egyptian school.
The Druids could claim
a very early origin and the essence of their wisdom was also that of
the Essenes. In the case of the Essenes, it is possible to show that
their movement was specifically established to preserve secret
information, for they knew and used the sacred writing of the Initiates.
The full meaning of the point being made by Bushby is that in
the case of all Secret Schools, the inner and ultimate Mystery was
revealed only to a High Initiate. Those who were initiated into
the Ancient mysteries took a solemn oath never to reveal what had passed
within the sacred walls. Every year only a comparatively few Egyptian
initiations were conducted, and the number of persons who knew their
secrets was never at any time large.
The initiations always took
place with the onset of darkness and the candidate was entranced for
periods of varying length, depending upon the level of the degree for
which he had entered. The first initiatory step involved a
forty-day procedure that basically involved purification, not only in
physical form, but dissolving all tendencies to evil thoughts, purifying
the mind as well. It appears that he would have fasted, alternatively
on vegetables, juices and very special herbal concoctions. The
New Testament recorded that this happened to Rabbi Jesus who "was led
into the desert.... and he fasted forty days and forty nights" (Matt.
4:1-2). This trial period involved more than just fasting.
During the forty days and nights' ordeal, Tony says the candidate was
required to study astronomical charts to supplement his skills in
astronomy and memorize charts of the heavens. They were also given a
particular ritual from which to memorize certain passwords, secret signs
and handclasps, skills that are still practiced to this day in
Freemasonry. These initiations were not limited to Egypt. The
ancient civilizations inherited these Mysteries from a remote antiquity
and they constituted part of a primitive revelation from the gods to the
human race. Almost every people of pre-Christian times possessed its
institution and tradition of the mysteries.
The Romans, the
Druids of Britain, the Greeks, the Cretans, the Syrians, the Hindus, the
Persians, the Maya and the American Indians, among others, had
corresponding temples and rites with a system of graduated illuminations
for the initiates. The modern world knows little of these ancient rites yet they were conducted in a huge variety of buildings the world over. The
'Towers' that are found throughout the East in Asia were directly
connected with the Mystery-initiations. The candidates for initiation
were placed in them for three days and three nights, whenever there was
no temple with a subterranean crypt close at hand. In this
aspect of the initiatory procedure, Tony points out a direct Gospel
parallel with Rabbi Jesus saying, "After three days I shall rise again",
for he knew the finishing process he was to undertake would take three
days being a symbol of the period of time required to complete a
condition of development. The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts speak
of an initiate as 'twice-born', and he was permitted to add to his name
the words 'he who has renewed his life', so that on some ancient
tomb-inscriptions archaeologists still discover these phases descriptive
of the spiritual status of the deceased person. So little did
the later Gospel writers understand the initiatory process that they
never perceived they were developing a story that included a Rabbi's
(and Arch Druid of Britain) experience in an Egyptian Mystery School. St
Austin (c. 380) asserted that it was generally known in church circles
that Rabbi Jesus had been initiated in Egypt, and that "he wrote books
concerning magic". In the Gospel of Nicodemus, the Jews brought the same
accusation before Pontius Pilate, "Did we not tell you he was a
Celsus (c. 178) spoke of the same charge. In the
Clementine Recognitions, the accusation was brought against Rabbi Jesus
that he did not perform any miracles but practiced magic and carried
about with him the figure of a seated skeleton. Jewish tradition
invariably asserted that Rabbi Jesus learned 'magic' in Egypt. Bushby
says the kernel of this persistent accusation may perhaps be reduced to
the simple historical element that Rabbi Jesus went to Egypt and
returned with far wider and more enlightened views than those of his
former religious associates. Now, I'm sure that many of you are
having trouble grasping some of the ideas presented in this article and I
congratulate you on taking the effort to read this far.
We all
need to demand our local Church, the Church scholars, theologians and
media make an open examination of the evidence compiled in Tony Bushby's
"The Bible Fraud."
It may rattle some core beliefs but what is
more important to you . the truth or what sits comfortably because it's
what you've known all you life? I leave you with a quote from one of the conspirators
"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us." Pope Leo X (1513-1521) Article first published in New Dawn Magazine No 71, March 2002
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