Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Of Iranians, Arabs, and Barbarians
Guess which one YOU ARE, 'murka!
Also see my Iran labels for recent coverage.
"Iran admits vote flaws, but insists result is valid; Security forces step up threats over protests" by Michael Slackman, New York Times | June 23, 2009
CAIRO - Iran’s most powerful oversight council announced yesterday that the number of votes recorded in 50 cities exceeded the number of eligible voters there by 3 million, further tarnishing a presidential election that has set off the most sustained challenge to Iran’s leadership in 30 years.
Where were you in '04, MSM?
The government continued with a two-track approach in its showdown over the reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Even as the powerful Guardian Council acknowledged some irregularities in the June 12 poll, it insisted that the overall vote was valid.
Sounds like OUR SUPREME COURT in 2000 and our election officials in 2004, doesn't it, 'murka? Yes, the PRESS has exposed what s***-bags they really are.
At the same time, security forces stepped up their threats to treat protesters as criminals seeking to destabilize the country.
We'd call them TRAITORS!
A small group of as many as a thousand demonstrators at Haft-e-tir Square in central Tehran were quickly overwhelmed yesterday by baton-wielding riot police and tear gas shortly after the Revolutionary Guard issued an ominous warning on its website saying protesters would face “revolutionary confrontation.’’ Opposition leaders said the next move may be civil disobedience or a general strike.
Related: The Western Media and Iran
The legitimacy of the vote remains at the core of the dispute....
I'm really getting disgusted with the AmeriKan MSM -- and I'm not even watching the TV.
The acknowledgment of a broad discrepancy between the number of recorded votes and registered voters in some districts only fueled suspicions that the poll - and the Guardian Council’s continuing arbitration of it - was unfair.
UNLESS it is an AmeriKan or AmeriKan-sponsored election!
Then everything's cool!!!
And what the heck, why not PRINT MORE LIES, 'eh, you agebnda-pushing war-promtion piece of propaganda?
In specific terms, analysts who have scrutinized the election results available in Persian and English said that for Ahmadinejad to have won 63 percent to Mousavi’s 34 percent, he would have had to win over most people who four years ago supported the liberal reform candidate, Mehdi Karroubi, a former speaker of the Parliament who ran again this year. They said the president also would have had to garner the votes in that 2005 race that went to Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a bitter opponent of Ahmadinejad who backed Mousavi this time.
Actually, if you GO to the BLOGS and GO TO my LINKS you will see that the OUTCOME MIRRORED the POLLS, so....
The leadership of the Islamic Republic takes voting very seriously as a symbol of legitimacy and loyalty to the system. Voting always occurs on a day off, to maximize turnout.
As opposed to AmeriKa's crap elections.
"Obama toughens stance on Iran crackdown; Panel of clerics rejects claims of vote fraud" by The New York Times | June 24, 2009
In Tehran, the government continued to move aggressively yesterday to crush popular protests, setting up a special court for demonstrators, detaining hundreds of independent and opposition journalists and activists, and sending a force of police officers and militiamen onto the streets.
Pot, kettle, SHADDUP!!!!
The comprehensive crackdown left the center of Tehran eerily quiet, given the huge demonstrations and clashes of recent days. Arrests and intimidation left the opposition with no visible leadership.
Translation: The COUP was PUT DOWN -- for now.
Stepping up its assertion of victory, the government took the provocative step yesterday of announcing its intention to certify the election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and of having him sworn in as president by early August. The spokesman for the Guardian Council, a panel of clerics that oversees and certifies election results, flatly rejected all claims of electoral fraud.....
Wow, 2000 deja vu!
There were, however, growing signs of divisions within in the alliance united behind Ahmadinejad....
Don't you ove psyop disinformation, readers?
You know, let's hear from a true on-the-ground source: An Iranian Speaks From Tehran
I love the Zionist press trying to drive wedges in between Muslims with their false-flag terrorism and their psyop disinfo (other than the toady Arab leaders they pay off like the Saudis who supply the patsies)
Consider this: The MOSQUES STOOD for CENTURIES before we got there and the people INTERMARRIED!!!! Another reason I DON'T BUY Muslim-hating, war-promoting, Zionist AmeriKan MSM lies!!!!
"Arab countries watch Iran from afar" by Jeffrey Fleishman, Los Angeles Times | June 17, 2009
CAIRO - Footage of burning cars, masked boys, and bloodied protesters in Iran is playing across the Middle East, captivating Arab countries where repressive regimes for years have been arresting political bloggers and cyberspace dissidents.
You know, OUR GUYS!!!
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and other Sunni nations have tense relations with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Shi’ite-led theocracy ruling Iran. But they do not want protests in Tehran to inspire similar democratic fervor in their countries - especially the merging of Facebook and Twitter with a potent opposition leader like Iran’s presidential challenger, Mir-Hossein Mousavi.
So far, that has yet to happen. Egyptian activists, for example, over the past year have called for rallies and strikes on the Internet’s social networks, but they have no galvanizing personality and are not organized enough to pose a threat to a police state controlled by President Hosni Mubarak.
Makes you wonder about any movement when it becomes to big.
Gets coopted by COINTELPRO types, doesn't it?
“I don’t think similar events could even take place in Egypt or other Arab countries,’’ said the editor of the Cairo independent Al Dustour, Ibrahim Issa, who has been arrested a number of times for criticizing the Mubarak government. “We hope and we always keep faith that what’s happening in Iran could push Arabs to try to do the same against their oppressive regimes. But reality tells us that this is not applicable. We are comparing 30 years of what I can call Iranian democracy to 30 years of Egyptian tyranny.’’
You know, OUR ALLY and RECIPIENT of BILLIONS a YEAR, America!
Of course, you didn't need that money for anything.
Good thing it is being used to make people hate you, huh?
The Middle East is witnessing Iran slip into a guerrilla-style Internet and Twitter game of strategies and slogans pecked out by protesters attempting to outflank a government that has largely crimped communication outlets, leaving the nation breathless on snippets of text and stealthily uploaded pictures.
ISRAEL, GAZA, where were ya?
It is a battle on the streets and across the airways, in a realm where technology is both churning out and smothering polarizing messages and images. Iranian authorities have blocked opposition websites, jammed satellite TV channels, and cut off text messaging. Still, word is trickling beyond the censors, linking, however sparsely, protesters from Tehran to those elsewhere in the country.
Iran is offering an intriguing glimpse into how years of disillusionment can leap from cafes and university campuses to a national revolt in which dueling political voices and agendas square off with banners, rhetoric, and allegations of election fraud. It is a mix of political activism, democratic expression, and shorthand typed in tight grids of letters and numbers onto screens large and small.
With some CIA PRODDING amongst other things!
Activists and bloggers watching developments in Iran from afar say the protests show the promise and limits of technology in orchestrating the kind of social unrest seen in Tehran.
Gee, and WHO would want to FOMENT UNREST, 'eh?
There is also the sentiment that Iranian activists rising up against an anti-Western regime can enjoy more international support than their counterparts in Arab countries where anti-democratic governments are close US allies.
Yeah, save the HARSH TRUTH for the END of the PIECE, you obfuscating piece of.....
“A cyber war and its bloggers [can’t] carry out a revolution or overthrow a certain regime on its own,’’ said Wael Abbas, a blogger and human-rights activist in Egypt. “Full revolution has to come from the masses in the streets.’’
Now GET MOVING, 'murka!!!!
Not this way.
"Obama toughens stance on Iran crackdown; Panel of clerics rejects claims of vote fraud" by The New York Times | June 24, 2009
WASHINGTON - President Obama hardened his tone toward Iran yesterday, condemning the government for its crackdown against election protesters and accusing Iran’s leaders of fabricating charges against the United States.
I'm tired of this liar already!
In his strongest comments since the crisis erupted 10 days ago, Obama used unambiguous language to assail the Iranian government during a news conference at the White House, calling himself “appalled and outraged by the threats, beatings, and imprisonments of the past few days.’’
Yeah, THANKS for the ESCALATION, 'bamer!!
And THIS from a man who is HIDING TORTURE PHOTOS and TAPES and CONTINUING the SECRET TORTURE CHAMBERS of his predecessor!
In Washington, Obama praised what he called the courage and dignity of the demonstrators, especially the women who have been marching, and said that he had watched the “heartbreaking’’ video of a 26-year-old Iranian woman whose last seconds of life were captured by video camera after she was shot on a Tehran street.
Related: The Shooting America is Silent About
Tells you all you need to know about AmeriKa's jewmedia AND Obama!!
“While this loss is raw and extraordinarily painful,’’ he said, “we also know this: Those who stand up for justice are always on the right side of history.’’
THANK YOU, sir!! Now if only YOU and YOUR GOVERNMENT would put that into practice!
Yet Obama has limited tools for bringing pressure to bear on the Iranian government.
After the news conference, administration officials said there was little they could do to influence the outcome of the confrontation between the government and the protesters.
Translation: the COUP FAILED!
But the agenda-pushers GOT what they wanted!
And more so now than even a few days ago, they said, the prospects for any dialogue with Iran over its nuclear program appear all but dead for the immediate future. Obama has been under pressure, especially from conservatives, to align the United States more forcefully with the protesters. Yesterday, he dismissed suggestions that he had changed his tone toward Iran in response to critical comments from Senator John McCain of Arizona and other Republicans.
In sometimes testy exchanges with reporters, Obama defended himself, contending that even the moderate tone he had struck previously had been twisted by Iran’s government to suggest that the protests had been engineered by the United States.
You like the s*** political fooleys and lies, 'murka -- with a little truth thrown in?
“They’ve got some of the comments that I’ve made being mistranslated in Iran, suggesting that I’m telling rioters to go out and riot some more,’’ Obama said, referring to accounts that the White House said surfaced late last week and over the weekend.
“There are reports suggesting that the CIA is behind all this. All of which is patently false. But it gives you a sense of the narrative that the Iranian government would love to play into.’’
He makes me sick. Meet George W. Bush II.
On the diplomatic front yesterday, Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain announced that his country had expelled two Iranian diplomats, a response to Tehran’s expulsion of two British diplomats on Monday.
Just ratcheting up the march to war.
Of course, you won't see THIS REPORT in the agenda-pushing, war-promoting American media: British Embassy Helping Demonstrators In Tehran
But you will see this:
"No more waiting for 'barbarians'" by H.D.S. Greenway | June 2, 2009
So it is with Iranians today.
For generations America, the "Great Satan," has been at the gates, overthrowing Mohammed Mossadegh in the '50s, serving the Shah through the '70s, shooting down a civilian airliner and backing Saddam Hussein in his war against Iran, President Bush's "Axis of Evil," and on and on go the grievances, convincing Iranians that their ancient civilization risks destruction at the hands of the United States.
It BOTHERS ME that the PRESS KNOWS the TRUTH but they let it slide in a ONE-DAY OP!!!! Omissions, obfuscations, distortions, tired of 'em!
But now President Obama is saying there need not be barbarians any longer. And Iranians are asking what's going to happen to them without barbarians? The idea that the hostility of the "Great Satan" America might no longer be is of itself unsettling. For Iranians, the constant of American hostility has been "a kind of solution."
This makes me sik when you consider it REALLY APPLIES to ISRAEL!
Of course, the "Great Satan" has its own lists of grievances: diplomats taken hostage for 444 days, the destruction of military barracks in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, the Hamas-Hezbollah connection, and, of course, the specter of an Iranian nuclear weapon. Americans, too, have their barbarians.
So how do these two sides get down to serious and productive negotiations after 30 years of demonizing each other? What happens when the "Great Satan" sits down with "Axis of Evil"?
From what I read above, NOT NOW, cui bono?
Expect mixed signals from Iran, and long, drawn-out negotiations - difficult for Americans not known for their patience.
Looking back now, this article seems like total crap, doesn't it?
Why I SELDOM POSTS Boston Globe ops.
Israel wants a timetable, and threatens its own attack on Iran. Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu wants to use the Iranian bomb issue to postpone any serious negotiations toward a two-state solution with the Palestinians.
Yeah, but there is NO MEDIA HYPE about ISRAEL'S BELLIGERENCE!!
Case closed!
Obama wants to keep the possible use of force on the table because diplomacy not backed by the prospect of force can be ineffectual.
Unless it is the "enemy!" Then he must DISARM!!!
Some CHANGE from the last guy, huh?
In Iran's case, however, it would be better to take force and regime-change off the table.
TOO LATE! So this was a pile of op pooh, huh?
Everyone knows that US power is always waiting in the wings. America has plenty of leverage without threatening Iran.
You are SEEING IT in ACTION the last week or so!
It’s all right here. You don’t need any more than this.
As for Iran, it needs to keep its nuclear program on the negotiating table if there is to be any progress. American-Iranian timing has long been out of sync.
And CUI BONO, 'eh?
When Iran made a tentative overture toward changing the entire relationship, the Bush administration was not willing to talk to evil. When America made approaches, the Iranians drew back.
Question: WHY should they TRUST US, the Zionist tool of Israel -- especially after the DIRTY HISTORY of CIA INVOLVEMENT in THEIR COUNTRY!?
Neither side was willing to contemplate that the barbarians could ever not be there.
It is ONLY ONE SIDE, sorry!
Yet for both there is great incentive for a better relationship - not the least being stability in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Except for that PEBBLE of ISRAEL in the AmeriKan shoe!
The example of Roxana Saberi, the American-Iranian journalist who was first given an eight-year prison sentence, and then released, exemplifies the confusion in Tehran over how to respond to Obama's advances. There will be other examples of confusion as factions within Iran work through their response to a change in the American approach.
Related: U.S. Reporter Spied on Iran For USrael
USraeli Spy to Hide Underground After Release by Iran
Haven't heard a word from the spy, have you?
Wouldn't they WANT her EXPERTISE -- especially NOW with the WALL-to-WALL coverage?
The key issue for the United States is Iran's nuclear weapons option, which Iran is unlikely to let go of entirely. I believe the best the United States can hope for is the "last wire" solution whereby the Iranians have everything they need but do not take the last step to make a bomb.
Yeah, even though they AIN'T MAKING ONE!!
Hey, what is ONE MORE LIE, 'eh?
And EVEN IF THEY WERE, WHO COULD BLAME THEM (other than Israeli psychopaths) given what HAPPENED to Saddam NEXT DOOR?
Iranians know that building a bomb could start a Middle East arms race. Iran knows that Israel has more than enough nuclear deterrence, and could be provoked into an attack.
Now, WHY would the Iranians "provoke" them? They are NOT STOO-PID!!
If ANYONE wishes to PROVOKE PEOPLE, I would look at ISRAEL:
June 8, 1967: A Day That Will Live in Infamy
Btw, how did ISRAEL get the BOMB?
In the end, however, it would be better to live with an Iranian bomb, using containment and deterrence as we did with the Soviet Union, than to go to war with all its consequences, foreseen and unforeseen.
Since the unrelenting hostility of the Bush administration failed in all its objectives toward Iran, it is time for both sides to cease looking at barbarians as "a kind of solution."
I'll let someone else comment on this:
"Iran is not the problem, you are and we know it and you know and all the bullshit spin in the world doesn’t change the way it is.
Posted by Rocker at 10:03 AM
Labels: Egypt, Iran, Israel, MSM, Neo-Con Plan, Prop
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