Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Sunday, June 14, 2009
Obama Fooled the Muslims
As seen through the Zionist filter of AmeriKa's jewspapers:

"A nuanced overture to culture skeptical of US intent; Muslims see signs of hope in his address" by Brian Murphy, Associated Press | June 5, 2009

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - "As the Holy Koran tells us, 'Be conscious of God and speak always the truth,' " Obama said. "That is what I will try to do today, to speak the truth as best I can."

9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11!


Whether political stagecraft or sincerity, his gestures resonated strongly among many Muslims who often contend that their traditions and culture have become overshadowed by Islamic radicals....

Like "Al-CIA-Duh?"

It's not clear whether Obama's address will have a lasting glow. A Jordanian jeweler, Ibrahim Hreish, described its effect as a drug that will eventually wear off....

Yeah, it takes about TWO MONTHS in total, trust me!!!!


"In Cairo, residents receptive to Obama; Speech backed Palestinian state, support for Israel" by Howard Schneider, Washington Post | June 5, 2009

CAIRO - Obama was blunt about the United States' "unbreakable bonds" with Israel, that statement was quickly followed with others about Palestinian "suffering" since Israel's founding in 1948 and the need to curb Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and establish a Palestinian state.

How you gonna get a state out of this?
Israel's Slow-Motion Genocide in Occupied Palestine

Actually, I'll tell you how: Memory Hole: Future Vision of Israel

Acknowledging the negative stereotypes of Islam that took root in America after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Obama at the same time said Muslim nations needed to fix their own exaggerated views of the United States as a country bent on dominating them....

Yeah, but he DIDN'T LECTURE THEM!! Pfffft!

As for the Muslims "exaggerations," see:


Clean Break

Obama the Neo-Con

You know what exaggerations are in AmeriKa?


The details of Obama's speech were almost less important than the official buildup and symbolism around it.

Translation: Doesn't this PLATE of TURDS SMELL GOOD, Muslims!?

Yup, EVERYTHING is about IMAGE with AmeriKa -- and THAT is OUR PROBLEM!!!

PEOPLE are NOT FOOLED -- especially when they are on the RECEIVING END!!

This SHIT is for Amurkn consumption, not you, Muslim!!!!!

After years in which the United States was linked here almost exclusively to violence in Muslim countries and support for Israel, suddenly the state broadcasting service was beaming uplifting scenes of the American and Egyptian flags flying side by side, and Obama's smiling face superimposed over graphics of the Pyramids and local landmarks. A small icon - the Egyptian and American flags woven together in a yin and yang - was kept on the screen throughout the morning.

Look at the American jewsmedia now touting the free press of state-controlled Egypt!


Related: Americans Can Learn From Egyptians

Of course, not everyone was fooled (and what better chance that to add to enemy-creation):

"Muslims still 'hate America,' Iran says" by Thomas Erdbrink and William Branigin, Washington Post | June 5, 2009

TEHRAN - Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also denounced Israel as a "cancerous tumor in the heart" of the Islamic world, and he accused the US military of "bombing innocent civilians" in Afghanistan. "What is the difference between this killing and killing by terrorists?" he asked....

Short answer: None, save that WE are ALSO BEHIND the "terrorists!"

And YOU know what we do with CANCER, right, readers?

Posted by Rocker at 8:33 AM
Labels: Egypt, Iran, Islam, Middle East, Obama
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