Friday, December 24, 2010

As much as they want to have you believe it, our government no longer works on behalf of all Americans.We used to sell a LOT of stuff to Iran...guns, artillary, warplanes and other @#$%. And the CIA puppet, the Shah, sold us The CIA murdered the freely elected president of Iran to put the Shah in power. No wonder they hate us. But even so, most Iranian love the American people and American life style, they just hate the CIA and the Republicans who lie to America about what they did.Jayne, you're right on the money. What's legal for big business is not legal for others. The Feds keep it that way. The big guys with government connections get to do pretty much as they want with policies created in their favor designed to cut the rest of us out. You can bet John Kerry and his wife are making money on it not to mention the Rockefeller family and all the rest of that elitist one world government crowd. We need to find out the names of the people profiting on this and boycott their products. We also need to boycott those companies that send the jobs to China, India, etc. They want us to be loyal customers but they refuse to be loyal to us Americans. Stop doing business with them. It's cutting our own throats.Bush the traitor president

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