Friday, December 24, 2010

Treasury OK'd US business with Iran"

While some of our worst enemies are Iran and North Korea, we also have lots of enemies right here in our own government. They should be charged with treason, found guilty and executed. The same should be done to those people in the companies that asked for the special licenses.Bush's War on Terror was a complete joke...on the American people.

I wouldn't be surprised if the guy that did wheelies on Bush's lawn yesterday wasn't Bin Lauden. He's probably been living in this country and getting tax breaks for the wealthy. He was so happy with the extension that he wanted to give Bush a good laugh?

When I think of all the propaganda the Republicans reaped off of the suffering from 911while all the time they were encouraging business to do trade with the Axis of Evil...with government subsidies... it makes me sick. Then this week the Republicans wouldn't help the 911 responders who are sick unless President Obama gave them more concessions for the rich?

What kind of craven people treat their own countrymen that way? They trade with terrorists and deny American heroes a decent death with dignity? When you think the conservative Republicans couldn't sink any lower, they show you a new way to do it.

Run, Sarah, run. You're blatant greed matches the rest in your party.Our government is so screwed up. I think the American people are this government's last priority. And, we pay the taxes to support this huge, inefficient government.Can we just change our name to "Anything for a Buck Land?" It seems that we have these staunch rules, morals, and principles right until there is a profit to be made...

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